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tián jìng
  • quiet;peaceful;tranquil;calm
恬静 [tián jìng]
  • [quiet;calm;tranquil] 恬适安静

恬静[tián jìng]
  1. 我盼着在家过个恬静的夜晚。

    I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home .

  2. 他们确实很欣赏威尔士乡间的安宁和恬静。

    They really appreciated the peace and quiet of rural wales .

  3. 她过着恬静的乡村生活。

    She led a tranquil life in the country .

  4. 小屋看来恬静宜人。

    The cottage sounds idyllic .

  5. 那个地方恬静宜人。

    The place was tranquil and appealing .

  6. 位于恬静宜人之处的一幢小村舍深深吸引了她。

    She was deeply attracted by a small cottage in an idyllic spot .

  7. 她是一个恬静的姑娘。

    She is a handsome girl .

  8. 牧师十分欣赏他那苍翠的环境所具有的幽雅恬静,与世隔绝的气氛

    The chaplain relished the privacy and isolation of his verdant surroundings .

  9. 我们在家里过了一个恬静的夜晚。

    We spent a sedate evening at home .

  10. 这个恬静的花园适于冥想。

    This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation .

  11. 对他来说,生活中的人情和乐趣并没有吸引力——生活中的恬静的享受也没有魅力。

    The humanities and amenities of life had no attraction for him -- its peaceful enjoyments no charm .

  12. 来这个海滩度假的还有另外几个人(卢夫斯·塞维尔、阿比·丽等人饰演)。但是这对夫妇不能理解这么恬静美丽的景点为什么人不多。

    They 're joined by several other holiday-makers ( Rufus Sewell , Abbey Lee ) , but they still can 't understand why such an idyllic12 beauty spot isn 't more popular .

  13. 接下来几周恬静宁馨的日子犹如暴风雨过后的艳阳天。

    Like sunshine after storm were the peaceful weeks which followed .

  14. 我也被她安眠中的无限恬静所感染。

    I partook of the infinte calm in winch she lay .

  15. 在金色的夕阳的照耀下,一切都显得那么安详、恬静。

    Everything looked calm and peaceful in the golden evening light .

  16. 鸟儿和蝴蝶轻飞曼舞,村民们生活恬静安然。

    Birdsand butterflies scattered while villagers carried on with their days .

  17. 你的声音就像恬静的旋律。

    Your voice is like a peaceful melody to my ears .

  18. “那是一个美妙的黄昏,既恬静又自在。”

    " It is a beauteous evening , calm and free . "

  19. 她是那么小,有着婴儿般丰满的身体、天真和恬静。

    She was so little , so baby-plump and innocent and sweet .

  20. 这两幅闲适恬静的郊野景致,几乎每天都可以看到。

    Two idyllic rural scenes , seen nearly every day .

  21. 不过现在这儿一切都这样安宁、恬静。

    But now everything here is so peaceful and tranquil .

  22. 我祈求和平,也梦想恬静

    I prayed for peace , and dreamed of restful ease

  23. 这景色充满着田园味,幽雅恬静,秀美如画。

    The scene was rural and picturesque , very peaceful .

  24. 这里非常恬静,只是间或传来海鸥的叫声。

    Except for an occasional seagull it was a very quiet place .

  25. 郊区这地方多麽恬静。

    It 's so peaceful out here in the country .

  26. 他们那种质朴而寓有恬静的泰然自若的神气,好象具有一种苏格拉底的智慧。

    their calm self-collectedness of simplicity seems as Socratic wisdom .

  27. 金字塔与眼睛图案旨在显露恬静意味;

    Pyramids and eye prints were meant to suggest serenity .

  28. 其画面中所透出的幽雅、恬静,无不与东方人之审美特性相契相合。

    The elegance and quietness of his paintings is compatible to Oriental aesthetics .

  29. 我喜欢恬静、轻柔的音乐。

    I prefer music that is quiet and gentle .

  30. 节食、恬静、乐观是最好的医生。

    The Best physicians are Dr. Diet , Dr. Quiet and Dr. Optimistic .