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  1. 结果:HBsAg阳性率为581%,HBsAg阳性组的HBV标志物模式有6种,并以小三阳和大三阳模式为主。

    Results : The HBsAg positive rate was 5.81 percent and there were six HBVM modes in t he carrying HBsAg students that were chiefly HBsAb positive or HBsAg positive .

  2. 结果大三阳标本中前S1阳性率为85.2%,HBV-DNA阳性率为90.3%;

    Results : In HBsAb , HBeAg and HBcAb positive samples , positive rate of pre-S1 was 85.2 % , HBV-DNA was 90.3 % .

  3. 对大三阳孕妇的阻断效果最好,新生儿抗HBs阳转率从33.3%上升到71.4%。

    Best effect was seen in all three HBV marks positive pregnant women , and their neonatal anti-HBS positive transformation increased from 33.3 % to 71.4 % .

  4. 结果:在大三阳组中,前S1蛋白、前S2蛋白及HBV-DNA检出阳性率分别为69.5%、42.9%和86.7%;

    Results : Pre-S1 protein , Pre-S2 protein and HBV-DNA positive rates of sample with positive HBsAg , HBeAg , HBcAb markers were 69.5 % , 42.9 % and 86.7 % respectively ;

  5. 结论婴母静脉血HBV大三阳是乙型肝炎病毒通过母婴垂直传播在胎儿心脏组织中表达的高危因素。

    Conclusion It is a high risk factor for the cardiac tissue of the dead fetus infected by HBcAg by maternal fetal transmission that HBV M ( HBcAg + HBeAg + HBcAb ) is positive expression in the blood of the parturients before delivery .

  6. 分析HBsAg阳性工人乙肝两对半结果构成,乙肝小三阳和大三阳占较大的比例,分别为39.63%和33.26%。

    Analysing form of hepatits B " two half-and-half " among the positive HBsAg workers , the hepatits B " small three positive " and " great three positive " occupies a big proportion , serve as 39.63 % and 33.26 % respectively .

  7. 方法取大三阳和小三阳患者各100例进行抗HBcIgM、前S1抗原及HBVDNA荧光定量检测,并进行统计学分析。

    Methods 100 patients with HbsAg / eAg / cAb positive were selected as the big three positive group , and 100 patients with HbsAg / eAb / cAb positive as the small three group , then examine and statistically analyse their Anti-HBc-IgM , pre-S_1 antigen and HBV-DNA .

  8. 乙肝(大三阳)可以治好吗?

    Second liver ( big3 this world ) can you cure ?

  9. 公司新员工的招聘不接收乙肝大三阳患者。

    Three Big Positive of HBV is not acceptable for new employment .

  10. 大三阳是否能够医治好?能又应该怎么医治?

    Big3 this world whether can is cure good ? Can should how cure ?

  11. 慢性乙型肝炎大三阳舌象与免疫功能关系的探讨

    Relationship Between Tongue Manifestations and Immune Function in Chronic Hepatitis B with HBsAg , HBeAg and HBcAb Positive

  12. 接种乙肝疫苗的大三阳孕妇新生儿6年后乙肝表面抗原阳性率5%(1/20),乙肝表面抗体阳性率80%(16/20)。

    And the HBsAg rate among children received hepatitis B vaccine was5 % ( 1 / 20 ), while the HBsAb rate was80 % ( 16 / 20 ) .

  13. 乙肝两对半结果分析结果,乙肝表面抗原携带率3.2%,大三阳检出2人,小三阳检出19人。

    The results of two pairs of semi hepatitis B analysis , hepatitis B surface antigen carrier rate was 3.2 % , HBeAg detected in two , three positive detection of 19 people . 5 .

  14. 结论要重点管理“大、小三阳”人群,针对性进行预防接种,加强宣传教育,提高学生自我防护意识。

    Targeted vaccination , Strengthening publicity and education should be applied to raise their awareness of self-protection .