- 名ambivalence

Fang Lijun 's paintings from this period embody the contradictory sentiments of the times .
So many conflicting emotions involved .
More Love , More Hate & Faulkner 's Paradoxical Feeling Towards American South as Revealed by the Sound and the Fury
And although people don 't fall neatly into one camp or the other , in general , individuals who tend toward ambivalence do so fairly consistently across different areas of their lives .
All the public attention and touched the psychological complex , immersed in the contradictions of human emotions are difficult to cross with the philosophy and the myth of the eternal significance of being .
Taiwanese prose writers of the older generation have a close tie with the traditional culture , and ther feminine consciousness has a tenderness and elegance colored with mixed emotions typical of a culturally transformational era .
You mourn the loss , have conflicting emotions – but oftentimes there 's a sense of relief .
Although Hemingway held ambivalent attitude towards females , his attitude towards women was on the whole positive and his works vividly and accurately depicted lives of men and women in his era .
Female solicitude embodies the simple world of childishness and the conflicting world of struggling sensibility and ethic ;
In traditional teaching theories , the revealing of the basic contradictions in the learning-teaching process seems to emphasize the cognitive aspects at the cost of ignoring the emotional factors of the contradictions .