
céng miàn
  • Level;aspect;bedding
层面[céng miàn]
  1. 论闲暇教育的两个层面及其实践意义

    Discuss the Two Bedding of Leisure Education and Their Practical Value

  2. 硅化粉的砂岩碎块保留有原始层面。

    The presence of fragments of silicified siltstone retain their original bedding .

  3. 这个问题需要在机构层面上解决。

    This problem needs to be dealt with at an organizational level

  4. 丹巴尔先生盛了一大盘千层面。

    Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne

  5. 他毫不在乎文学的社会、政治或道德层面。

    He cared not a whit for the social , political or moral aspects of literature

  6. 关键任务是要实现经济在微观层面的自由运转。

    The vital task was to allow the economy to operate freely at a micro level .

  7. 核政策的公开讨论往往过分强调技术层面,却忽略了道德问题。

    In the public discussion of nuclear policies , technology has usually been overemphasized and morality neglected

  8. 去年,经济风险管理在各个层面都遭遇了失败。

    Last year economic crisis management failed at all levels .

  9. 100多年前,美国社会学家W·E·B·杜波依斯担心种族正在被用来从生物学层面解释他所理解的不同人群之间的社会和文化差异。

    More than 100 years ago , American sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people .

  10. 也许斗争不会首先在经济或社会层面展开,而是要占有对生命本身必不可少的空气。

    Perhaps struggle unfolds first , not at an economic or social level , but over the appropriation of air , essential to life itself .

  11. 它也帮助我们走向一个新的开始,敦促我们关心我们在生命层面和精神层面的呼吸。

    It also helps us to a new beginning , urging us to care for our breath , not only at a vital but also at a spiritual level .

  12. 亚戴尔说道,科学家们需要更具体的语言,或许可以使用像“血统”或“人群”这样的术语,它们也许能更准确地在个体和群体层面上反映出人类与其基因之间的关系。

    Yudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language , perhaps using terms like " ancestry " or " population " that might more precisely reflect the relationship between humans and their genes , on both the individual and population level .

  13. 在政策层面上,我们真正需要做的决定是从哪里获得资金来支持高质量的当地绿色空间。

    What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces .

  14. “有大量的证据证明性别影响对于所有层面的大脑功能的重要性,”他告诉《西雅图时报》。

    " There 's a mountain of evidence proving the importance of sex influences at all levels of brain function , " he told The Seattle Times .

  15. 在其他习俗中,人们把鸡蛋上升到华丽的艺术层面,例如,19世纪起,俄罗斯人喜欢用珠宝来装饰鸡蛋。

    Others elevate the egg into a fancy art , like the heavily jewel-covered " eggs " that were favored by the Russians starting in the 19th century .

  16. 联合国教科文组织将整个威尼斯城列为世界遗产地,这是一项极大的荣誉,意味着在文化层面,威尼斯属于世界上所有的人。

    UNESCO considers the entire city a World Heritage Site , a great honor that means Venice , at the cultural level , belongs to all of the world 's people .

  17. 而这些也只是家庭安保诸多方面之中的一个层面,这些方法很多都是常识性的东西,如声音锁和夜间户外照明设备。

    They 're also only a single layer in what should ideally be a many-sided approach to securing your home , one that includes common sense things like sound locks and proper exterior lighting at night .

  18. 相反,我们研究的目的是利用这项研究结果对隐含的性别偏见开启有意义的对话,无论是在部门层面,还是在机构层面,甚至是在学科层面。

    Rather , the point is to use the results of this study to open up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias , be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level .

  19. 在更为全球性的层面上,破坏雨林以便让咖啡田得到充足的阳光,这也会威胁到人类的生命。

    On a more global level , the destruction of the rainforest for full-sun coffee fields also threatens human life .

  20. 从地方的层面看,阳光充足的地区所需要的森林遭到破坏的话,会影响到该地区的鸟类和动物。

    On a local level , the damage of the forest required by full-sun fields affects the area 's birds and animals .

  21. 但他也在一个更基本的层面上工作:他的工作人员向人们展示如何在雨季制造浮动园圃和鱼塘来避免饥荒。

    But he is also working at a far more fundamental level : his staff show people how to make floating gardens and fish ponds prevent starvation during the wet season .

  22. 对于在国家和国际层面正确制定经济政策,让个人能够做出正确的职业选择来说,了解技术趋势非常重要。

    Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies , both at the national and the international levels , and for making the right career choices at the individual level .

  23. 人们认为,这些东西代表着物质层面的成功。

    These are considered to be symbols of success on the material level .

  24. Intellidating,是intelligent(智慧)和dating(相亲、约会)两词的合成词,指一起听讲座、去读书会或其它文化活动,强调才华和智慧层面的约会相亲,我们称之为“智慧相亲”。

    Intellidating , a blend of intelligent and dating , refers to dating that emphasizes intelligence , particularly by attending lectures , readings , or other cultural events .

  25. BookCrossing.com网站的社区层面的意义不断发展,这是网站建立之初人们没有想到的,比如博客或论坛讨论,邮件列表以及遍布全球的年度会议。

    The community aspect of BookCrossing.com has grown and expanded in ways that were not expected at the outset , in the form of blog or forum3 discussions , mailing lists and annual conventions throughout the world .

  26. 亚当。斯密问题”有不同的逻辑层面

    The Adam Smith Problem has different levels of logics . “

  27. 本周一,中国与文莱将双方关系提升至战略合作伙伴层面。

    China and Brunei on Monday agreed to upgrade their relations to a strategic cooperative partnership .

  28. 这两个层面又集中体现在寻根派作家的创作实践与先锋作家群的尝试中

    The inditing experiments of searching-root writers and the attempts of avant-grade authors embody these two aspects .

  29. 这是第一次从国家层面,将温室气体减排的责任压实到企业。

    This is the first time the country has clarified the responsibilities of the enterprises to cut greenhouse gas emissions .

  30. 我希望能从国家层面上将大人上下班时间和小学生上下学时间进行综合考虑、协调设置。

    I hope efforts can be made to arrange the working hours of parents and the school hours as a whole .