
  • 网络soul force;Soul Power
  1. 灵魂的力量是内在的。

    But the strength of the soul that lives within .

  2. 德行是灵魂的力量。

    Moral integrity is the power of soul .

  3. 束缚着我们灵魂的力量。

    The forces that fetter our souls .

  4. 如果你不是属于我,我是否仍有支撑灵魂的力量?

    If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all ?

  5. 并开始收集散落的众神和战死的人类中的佼佼者的灵魂和力量。

    And began to collect swathes of the gods and the top of the killed human soul and strength .

  6. 很快容器中就收集大量的力量,但是过于众多的灵魂和力量无法融汇和顺利的使用。

    Soon containers will collect a lot of power , but too many souls and forces cannot use and smooth fusion .

  7. 音乐从未如此渗透我的心灵,抚慰和充实我的心灵&从未如此显示它唤醒灵魂的力量,它的不可言传。

    Never did music more sink into and soothe and fill me-never so prove its soul-rousing power , its impossibility of statement .

  8. 这位女性作为本作品的焦点,代表客家女性精神与灵魂的力量。

    The woman who is the central focus of this piece represents the strength of spirit and strength of soul of the Hakka women .

  9. 正是这种忏悔意识,使中国现代文学具备了强大的拷问灵魂的力量和深邃冷峻的历史批判意识。

    It was these confession consciousnesses that equipped Chinese modern literature with strong power of interrogating the soul with torture and the abstruse historical criticisms .

  10. 这个装置可以收集神和人类的灵魂和力量,他们希望能靠这个吧人和神的力量结合起来。

    This device can collect god and the human soul and power , they hope to rely on the right and combine the power of god .

  11. 干部也是人,教育干部从日常生活中找到爱,认识爱是灵魂的力量;

    The effective way to educate cadres is to guide them to find love from daily life , to realize that love is the strength of the soul ;

  12. 快乐地去生活,这代表了灵魂深处的力量。

    To live happily is an inward power of the soul .

  13. 教友派信徒相信的一种可以开启引导灵魂的神圣力量。

    A divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul .

  14. 我的灵魂充满了力量。

    I 've got strength of the soul .

  15. 战士能够从梦境中的友善灵魂上汲取力量。

    The warrior is able to draw strength from the benevolent spirits of the Fade .

  16. 它是一种,远远超越现世的,来自你灵魂深处的力量。

    It 's a force felt deep on the soul level much beyond this lifetime .

  17. 通过运用灵魂世界的力量,她能够单纯的依靠魔法能量给予对手痛击,且能与其他英雄进行位置交换。

    Using powers of the spirit world , she can blast her enemies with pure magical energy and reverse positions with others .

  18. 但是它的灵魂仍是充满着力量的

    but his spirit has lost none of its potency

  19. 你说灵魂不过是肉体力量的延长。

    You say the soul is nothing but the resultant of the bodily powers .

  20. 看看吧,我从死去的灵魂中收集这些力量,并成为邪恶的君主。

    Watch now as I raise them from the dead to become masters of the Scourge .