
  • 网络soul music
  1. 他们的音乐风格开始表现出一种强烈的灵乐特色。

    They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound

  2. 那首歌是从灵乐、节奏布鲁斯到说唱等各种音乐风格的成功组合。

    That aong is a successful melange of music styles , from soul and rhythm and blues to rap .

  3. 杰克逊与上述两张专辑的制作人昆西琼斯(QuincyJones)一道,发明了一种将灵乐、节奏蓝调(RB)与迪斯科杂糅起来的欢快的音乐形式,开创了当今的高科技机械舞。

    Together with Off the Wall and Thriller 's producer Quincy Jones , he devised an upbeat musical blend of soul , RB and disco that ushered in the high-tech dance-pop of today .

  4. 摇滚乐,还有骚灵乐,然后是朋克专辑的封面。

    Rock , and then soul , and then punk album covers .

  5. 但作为一个灵乐歌手,她已经继承了一流的遗产宝藏而非一无所有。她是“甜美灵感”乐队茜茜•休斯顿的女儿,

    But as a soul singer her heritage was already royal rather than rags : daughter of Cissy Houston of the Sweet Inspirations ,

  6. 爵士让位给摇滚,再被扭扭舞取代,接下来是民谣、摇滚、灵乐、放克、重金属、迪斯科、朋克、雷鬼、嘻哈等等(我略过了曼波音乐,但它确实在某些地方颇有影响力)。

    Jazz gave way to rock and then to the twist , folk , rock again , soul , funk , heavy metal , disco , punk , reggae , hip-hop and so on ( I left out mambo , but it is there , somewhere ) .

  7. ⑵将愈伤组织置于分别添加3个不同浓度的秋水仙素、二甲戊灵、氟乐灵溶液的固体培养基上,诱导多倍体发生。

    ⑵ Polyploids induced from callus was obtained by incubating in medium containing Colchicine , Pendimethalin and Trifluralin , which had three different concentrations .

  8. 33%二甲戊乐灵和48%氟乐灵土壤处理对唐菖蒲地双子叶杂草防效

    Broadleaf Weed Control in Gladiolus hybridus with 33 % Pendimethalin and 48 % Trifluralin Soil Treatment