
  • Arsene;Assen;Assam;Rookjacky
  1. 它们游到阿森松岛搭窝:雌龟爬上岸,在沙滩上挖坑产卵。

    They go to Ascension Island to nest - females crawling ashore1 to lay their eggs in the sand .

  2. 在阿森斯失眠量表评分、睡眠率和脾虚症状量表积分方面均有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    In the Athens insomnia scale score , sleep rate and deficiency symptoms scale score were significant differences between areas ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 组织化学染色刚果红、阿森蓝及PAS均阳性。

    They were positive for Congo red , Alcian blue , and periodic acid Schiff ( PAS ) stains .

  4. 阿森纽斯船长,开着57年雪佛兰向火星进发。

    Captain Arsenius , off to Mars in his '57 Chevy .

  5. 汹涌的海浪冲击着阿森斯城对面的菲德勒礁。

    The waves were breaking against Fiddler key opposite Athens .

  6. 梅比莉说阿森纽斯未来的大舅哥肯定在惦记着我的雪佛兰。

    Maybelle said Arsenius'future brothers-in-law must miss my Chevy .

  7. 阿森纽斯夸我非常擅长在网上订阅东西。

    Arsenius said I was getting really good at signing up for things .

  8. 25%阿森呐水剂防除果园地杂草试验

    Experiment on 25 % Aqueous Solution of Arsenal to Control Weed in Fruit Orchard

  9. 采用阿森斯失眠量表评估患者术前睡眠情况。

    Athens insomnia scale were used to assess preoperative sleep situation of the patients .

  10. 《魔法药剂与药水》,阿森尼•吉格著

    Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

  11. 科尔还剩下2年的合同和阿森那,但是他与温格的关系已经破裂。

    Cole still has two years remaining on his contract but relations with Wenger have became strained .

  12. 亨德森在对阵阿森那的比赛中一共传球59次,比第一场多了将近一倍。

    Henderson made a total of59 passes against Arsenal , double the amount he managed against Sunderland .

  13. 阿森那新签的加拉在从斯坦福桥转会到酋长球场后认为自己得到了安慰。

    Arsenal 's new signing William Gallas has expressed relief at breaking out from his Stamford bridge'routine ' .

  14. 阿森:伍,你到底要选哪一张参加比赛啊?

    Asang : Wu , come on , which one do you want to enter for the contest ?

  15. 船遇上狂风和汹涌的海浪。汹涌的海浪冲击着阿森斯城对面的菲德勒礁。

    The ship ran into strong winds and heavy seas . The waves were breaking against Fiddler key opposite Athens .

  16. 在南太平洋的阿森松岛,人们故意引进猫来吃掉意外引入的鼠类。

    On Ascension Island , in the South Atlantic , cats were deliberately introduced to eat the accidentally introduced rats .

  17. 它必须是作为太阳系到高振动移动作为宇宙阿森松岛的一部分。

    It must come as the Solar System moves into the higher vibrations as part of the Ascension of the Universe .

  18. 鲁尼期待在圣诞期间曼联赶超阿森那登上积分榜头名。

    WAYNE Rooney has set his sights on overtaking Arsenal at the top of the Premier League during the Christmas period .

  19. 有一种救济当中这么多人谁一直关注走向了阿森松感。

    There is a sense of relief amongst so many of you who have been following the path leading to Ascension .

  20. 看到我们和阿森那昨天的表现,两支队伍都没发挥到最好,但是也赢了。也许不久后我们就能超过他们。

    Watching Arsenal yesterday and ourselves today , probably both sides didn 't play as well as we can but won .

  21. 召回型号涉及雪佛兰开拓者、通用特使、别克雷尼、萨博9-7X以及五十铃阿森德。

    Several makes are affected , including the Chevrolet TrailBlazer , GMC Envoy , Buick Rainier , Saab 9-7X and the Isuzu Ascender .

  22. 阿森那队长打进扳平比分的点球,却只能让阿森那在头三场联赛中得到可怜的两分。

    The captain scored the equalising penalty as Arsenal came back to grab only their second point from their first three Premiership games .

  23. 俄亥俄州的阿森斯县是一座拥有俄亥俄大学以及许多怪异至极的鬼故事的小城。

    Athens , Ohio is a small town that is home to the Ohio University as well as some downright strange ghost stories .

  24. 阿森那是最需要顶级射手的球队,所以我想他们会比任何人都关注欧文的检查报告。

    Arsenal are the team most in need of a proven goal getter , so I suspect they will be more interested in his medical reports than anyone .

  25. 问题是,人们把月球看成了类似阿森松岛的东西,一个人类的各个殖民地间的中转站。这些殖民地在未来的某一天有可能相互往来贸易。

    It 's the problem of seeing the moon as a kind of Ascension Island , midway between human colonies that might some day trade with one another .

  26. 我说“梅比莉,你去吃饭吧,我要留在这儿。”我陪阿森纽斯呆了一夜,但是他再也没有醒来。

    I said " Maybelle , you get brunch . I 'm staying here . " I stayed with him that night , but he never woke up .

  27. 阿森特媒体集团这个名称使用不过一年:它的确立,对于清理杂乱无章、各自为政的多个品牌是十分必要的。

    The name Ascent Media is only a year old : establishing it was essential to cleaning up the clutter left by the different and highly individualistic brands .

  28. 现在,你也明白,在阿森松发生,它只能是对那些已取消谁的震动足以成为其中的一部分。

    Now you will understand that when Ascension takes place , that it can only be for those who have lifted their vibrations sufficiently to be part of it .

  29. 曼联2-1战胜埃弗顿,阿森那也同样2-1战胜特刺。鲁尼认为这表明了两支队伍都是本赛季的夺冠热门。

    Rooney believes the2-1 win against Everton , coupled with Arsenal 's victory by the same score line against Tottenham proves both sides are the teams to beat this term .

  30. 我们是那些已去谁之前,我们回来的启发,在你的所有事项,并代表演化阶段,你要实现阿森松。

    We are those who have gone before you and we come back to enlighten you in all matters , and represent stages of evolution that you are to achieve with Ascension .