
  • 网络stigmata
  1. 上周五,中国北方城市哈尔滨一座大桥坍塌,造成三死五伤,凸显出有关中国快速修建的基础设施安全状况的问题。

    The accidents followed a bridge collapse Friday in the northern city of Harbin , which killed three people and injured five , underscoring related concerns over the state of China 's quickly built infrastructure .

  2. 在2009年8月4日晚,在浙江杭州发生了一起飙车撞死行人的交通事故,接着就是四川成都孙伟铭醉酒驾车造成四死以伤,江苏南京张明宝醉酒驾车致五死四伤。

    In the evening of 4 August 2009 , took place in Hangzhou , Zhejiang pedestrian accident killed drag racing , followed by Chengdu Sun Weiming drunken driving causing death in four injuries , Nanjing Ming-Bao drunken driving caused five deaths and four injury .