
dǎo zhù
  • pray and express one's wishes;pray;say one's prayer
祷祝 [dǎo zhù]
  • [pray;say one's praer] 向神祷告祝愿,求神赐福

祷祝[dǎo zhù]
  1. 他大概是在祷祝前离开小教堂的。

    he having left the Chapel before the benediction some time .

  2. 他们一方面祷祝,希望时间快些过去,让太阳早点升起来;

    They prayed that time would pass quickly , that the sun would rise a little earlier .

  3. 他不再说下去了,只是慢吞吞地挥着手,做个祷祝.他双手掩着脸,就那样动也不动地跪在那里,直等到所有的人都离去了,他还独自留在那里.

    He said no more , but slowly waving a benediction , covered his face with his hands , and so remained kneeling , till all the people had departed , and he was left alone in the place .

  4. 壮族麽教具有悠久的历史,它是壮族先民在万物有灵、自然崇拜、祖先崇拜的基础上,发展形成的以祷祝神灵为手段、以禳灾祈福为目的的原生性民间宗教。

    The Zhuang Mo religion has a long history , it bases on the animism , nature worship and ancestor worship , which afterwards develops into a kind of originality folk religious with the view of worshipping gods and praying for happiness .
