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dǎo gào
  • pray;say one's prayers
祷告 [dǎo gào]
  • [pray] 宗教徒向神求保佑

祷告[dǎo gào]
  1. 爱在阅读友人来信,在我的每次祷告。

    It is there when I read a letter from a friend . It is there every time I pray .

  2. 我们还会去教堂参加礼拜和祷告。

    We 'll also go to service and pray in church .

  3. 他们的祷告应验了:小孩找到了,安然无恙。

    Their prayers were answered and the child was found safe and well .

  4. 他们跪下来祷告。

    They knelt down and prayed .

  5. 我们做饭前祷告吧。

    Let 's say grace .

  6. 她默默地祷告。

    She prayed silently .

  7. 他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥了一番,又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告。

    His mother summoned him , upbraided him , wept and prayed

  8. 他认为从事祷告和门徒的工作是他的使命。

    He saw his vocation as one of prayer and apostolic work .

  9. 我做了个简短的祷告,祈求宽恕。

    I offered up a short prayer for forgiveness .

  10. 祷告词是为炼狱中的灵魂念的。

    Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory .

  11. 整个晚上都在祷告。

    The night was spent in prayer .

  12. 利奥,你来做饭前祷告吧?

    Leo , will you say grace ?

  13. 她每天临睡前做祷告。

    She says her prayers before she gets into bed .

  14. 他们在为世人得救而祷告。

    They were praying for the salvation of the world .

  15. 他们在一起低头祷告。

    They bowed their heads in prayer .

  16. 做了感恩祷告后,他们都开始吃起来,饱餐了一顿。

    After grace had been said they all fell to , and made a hearty meal .

  17. 当我们见到蔚蓝天空,感受到温暖空气的时候,我献上了一段小小的感恩祷告。

    When we touched down to blue skies and warm air , I sent up a small prayer of gratefulness .

  18. 谁让他在那么多人面前为我祷告来着。

    I had him praying to me in front of everyone .

  19. 我还活着呢,你且不必为我祷告

    You needn 't start praying over me yet , I 'm still alive !

  20. 每一天,你要和你的好牧人说话,这叫做祷告。

    Talk to your Good Shepherd all through the day . That 's called prayer .

  21. 祷告用了希伯来语。

    The blessing was said in Hebrew .

  22. 推动着我们做无言的祷告的,

    The impulses to wordless prayer ,

  23. 爱伦闭上眼睛开始祷告,声音时高时低,像催眠又像抚慰

    Ellen closed her eyes and began praying , her voice rising and falling , lulling and soothing .

  24. 这个小女巫那双美丽的眼睛里添上一种嘲弄的恶毒神气。约瑟夫真的吓得直抖,赶紧跑出去,一边跑一边祷告,还嚷着“恶毒!

    The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes , and Joseph , trembling with sincere horror , hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked " as he went .

  25. 这是一个寒冷的圣诞节清晨,雾很重,积雪很厚。只有一名农民和牧师设法到达教堂做祷告。

    It was a cold and misty of Winter after a heavy fall of snow and only one farmer and the minister managed to arrive at the church for the morning service .

  26. 正如神学家赖因霍尔德尼布尔(ReinholdNiebuhr)曾经在祷告词中表达的那样:“主啊,赐给我平静去接受我所不能改变的,赐给我勇气去改变我所能改变的,并给我智慧去分辨两者的不同。”

    As the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr once expressed in prayer : " God , grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change , the courage to change the things I can , and the wisdom to know the difference . "

  27. 她觉得上帝听见了她的祷告。

    And it seemed to her that God heard her prayer .

  28. 他们把忏悔词写在一张纸上,由祷告小组领袖匿名宣读。

    They wrote confessions on papers that were read out anonymously .

  29. 他终于来了,好像她祷告很灵验。

    He arrived , as if in answer to her prayers .

  30. 我们全家人已经为此祷告了好几年。

    Our family has been praying for this over the years .
