
bié zhì
  • unique;different;novel;unconventional;interesting and novel;out of the ordinary;new and unusal
别致 [bié zhì]
  • [out of the ordinary;novel] 与众不同,新奇

  • 湘云笑道:这倒别致。--《红楼梦》

别致[bié zhì]
  1. 天坛的建筑结构很别致。

    The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique .

  2. 蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis)又称蝶兰,因其花形别致,色彩艳丽,具有很高的观赏价值,在观赏花卉中占有重要的地位。

    Phalaenopsis , is also known as butterfly orchid , because of its unique flower-shaped , colorful , has high ornamental value , and occupies an important position in ornamental flowers .

  3. 房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。

    The house was terribly small and cramped , but the agent described it as a bijou residence .

  4. 它装在一个别致的有漂亮图纹的塑料盒子里。

    It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics .

  5. 她的礼服颇具法国风情,非常别致。

    Her gown was very French and very chic .

  6. 他们的作品一如既往地引人入胜、气韵潇洒、新颖别致,不会让你失望。

    Their work has all the usual punch , panache and flair you 'd expect .

  7. 每个旅馆都有一个别致的名字,如“洋槐树旅馆”、“蓝莓旅馆”。

    Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn , the Blueberry Inn .

  8. 这些瓷盘的花纹很别致。

    These porcelain plates have rather original designs on them .

  9. 这个收音机样子很别致。

    This radio set is unconventionally shaped .

  10. 玛丽没有把相片挂在墙壁的中央,因为她觉得偏着挂更别致。

    Mary hung the picture off centre , because it was more interesting that way .

  11. 酒店整体设计新颖,风格别致,功能齐全,无论是主题建筑,还是装饰装修,都构思巧妙,气势宏大。

    Integral designed with novelty , delicate style and comprehensive function , the hotel and considerably grandiosity .

  12. 她告诉我们说这款别致的挎包是Coach家的。

    She told us that this chic cross-body bag is from Coach .

  13. 翡翠酒家(CrystalJade)连锁因其别致的装修和精美的点心食品而使这个风潮刮遍了亚洲。

    The Crystal Jade chain has made waves across Asia with its chic decor and fabulous dumplings .

  14. 这一新趋势最切实的一个例子就是戴尔的XPSOne台式电脑&一款别致、漂亮、精心设计的一体机。

    The most tangible example of this new approach is Dell 's XPS One desktop & an elegant , handsome , cleverly designed one-piece computer .

  15. 整个MacPro包裹在高约10英寸,深灰色的圆筒中,如此别致的外形反射出光怪陆离的倒影。

    The Mac Pro is a charcoal gray cylinder that stands about 10 inches high and reflects back a distorted , slightly menacing view of the world .

  16. AcneStudios的防水装显得既新颖别致又称心如意,尤其是带格子粘合衬的拉链款蓝色橡胶雨衣。

    At Acne Studios , the waterproofs were fresh and desirable , particularly a blue zip-up mac with a bonded plaid lining .

  17. MsDell'Orefice是模特界的常青树,别致的银发、优雅的姿态吸引了众多摄影师、插画家、设计师。

    Ms Dell'Orefice has become a stalwart of the modelling world , who has captivated photographers , illustrators and designers with poise and elegance that are enhanced by her chic silver hairstyle .

  18. 同时,颜色别致的指甲油也比以往更受欢迎。Kabuki说。

    Meanwhile , Unusual nail colours are bigger than ever , says Kabuki .

  19. 同时,“颜色别致的指甲油也比以往更受欢迎。”Kabuki说。

    Meanwhile , " Unusual nail colours are bigger than ever , " says Kabuki .

  20. 若要寻找穿戴类的纪念品,Renatta&Go(T恤售价从15欧元左右起)有别致的女性休闲服饰出售,还有Aristocrazy,那里所有亮晶晶的东西都是镀金制品(戒指售价从50欧元起),在饰品领域的生意十分兴隆。

    For wearable souvenirs , Renatta & Go ( T-shirts start about 15 euros ) has chic casual wear for women and girls , and all that glitters is merely gold-plated at Aristocrazy ( rings from 50 euros ) , which does a booming business in costume jewelry .

  21. 我现在使用这个新的,别致的函数,然后我指明x,=,malloc的int型数据的大小,的返回值。

    Malloc I 'm going to now use this new , fancy function called malloc and I 'm going to say x gets the return value of malloc of the size of an int.

  22. 如果有贴子,则在一个表中逐个显示它们&或者,如果想别致一点,可以使用自己的级联样式表(CSS)。

    If there are posts , show them one at a time in a table & or , if you want to get fancy , do your own Cascading Style Sheets ( CSS ) thing .

  23. LucienPellat-Finet设计的香奈尔针织夹克骷髅扣版是相当别致还是败笔呢?

    Is Lucien Pellat-Finet 's skull-studded version of a Chanel knit jacket brilliantly tongue-in-chic or a knock-off ?

  24. J.Orchard向你展示怎样使用纽扣,线轴和卷尺制作别致的,用途广泛的项链挂架。

    J. Orchard shows how to make a charming , eclectic necklace hanger out of buttons , thread spools and an articulated ruler . Follow the steps and drape your favourite necklaces over this gorgeous , unique hanger .

  25. 这位时尚设计师在ins上面分享了设计师LukeHersheson在帮她的小女儿剪头发。这名理发师告诉贝嫂,他剪的发型是“别致的法国波波头。”

    The fashion designer took to the photo-sharing platform to showcase her youngest child getting her brunette hair cut by stylist Luke Hersheson , who told Victoria that he was doing a ' chic little French bob . '

  26. 这种别致的穿衣方式在很大程度上融入到了Gayla的巴黎风尚设计中而且影响着巴黎女性的着装方式。

    This chic approach to getting dressed is heavily influenced by Gayla 's love of Paris and the way Parisian women dress .

  27. 总的来说,东芝Kirabook是一款非常出色的PC,但考虑到其高昂售价,这款笔记本就应该拥有最新的部件、更别致的设计、更强劲的电池续航时间。

    Overall , the Toshiba Kirabook is a very nicely built PC , but for its premium price , it ought to have the latest components , more distinctive design and better battery life .

  28. 当你准备预订你的外出婚礼,你可以考虑NWA世界度假生活事件别致浪漫所提供的。

    When you 're ready to book your destination wedding you may want to consider one of the offerings from NWA WorldVacation 's LIFESTYLE Collection featuring Romance .

  29. Dropbox的竞争对手Box的首席执行官阿龙•利维(AaronLevie)表示,通常而言,公司不得不在简单而别致的消费者服务和笨重难用但安全的企业工具之间做出抉择。

    Typically , companies have had to choose between consumer services that are simple and elegant , or enterprise tools that are cumbersome and difficult to use but secure , says Aaron Levie , chief executive of Box , a rival provider .

  30. 北京首都国际机场地面交通中心(GTC)是进出国门的一个窗口,整个钢屋架结构设计线条流畅,造型新颖别致,充分体现了现代建筑风格和新的都市风貌。

    Ground transportation centre ( GTC ) of Capital International Airport is a window to our country , the whole structure design line is gliding and the lectotype is novel and interesting , which embody fully modern architectural style and new city appearance .