
jiǎng shǒu
  • Paddler;oarswoman;boatman
桨手[jiǎng shǒu]
  1. 一叶扁舟打破了Dal湖的平静,这名桨手似乎在说,美好的明天就要到来。

    A lone shikara boat slices through the peace and tranquility of Dal Lake , the oarsman reflecting on a better tomorrow to come .

  2. 每个桨手都需要按照舵手口令进行同步

    Every paddle must be synchronized to the stroke count of the coxswain

  3. 加拿大划艇是由划艇桨手用跪姿划行的。

    The Canadian canoe is propelled by canoeists in a kneeling position .

  4. 剑桥桨手赢得了划船比赛。

    The Cambridge rowers have won the boat race .

  5. 老练的桨手将篙一撑,船就似箭一般离开了岸。

    The practised oar pushed off and the boat left the like an arrow .

  6. 女桨手,尤指划桨能手;桨手。

    A woman who rows , especially an expert in rowing ; a rower .

  7. 不停地划啊翻滚的桨手们我们唯一的终点只有西方的海岸!

    On we sweep with threshing oar , Our only goal will be the western shore .

  8. 从前那个叫做纳特。斯汪因的小伙子,本来是整个南塔开特和维因耶德数一数二的最勇敢的头桨手;

    There was young Nat Swaine , once the bravest boat-header out of all Nantucket and the Vineyard ;

  9. 他们的父亲是农民、车夫还有盗猎者,是铁匠、矿工或船上的桨手。

    Their fathers were farmers and wagonmen and poachers , smiths and miners and oars on a trading galley .

  10. 你能设想人们乘着单人潜水艇去上班吗?皮艇则是由皮艇桨手用坐姿划行的。

    Can you imagine travelling to work in a one-man submarine ? The kayak is propelled by kayakers in a sitting position .

  11. 由于器材的变化,桨手划桨支撑点位置也发生了变化,和原先老式艇相比较发生了根本性的改变。

    Because of the change of rower oar of the device propped up some position also has changed , it is different from the old one .

  12. 老练的桨手篙一撑,船就似箭般离了岸。皮艇则是由皮艇桨手用坐姿划行的。

    The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow . The kayak is propelled by kayakers in a sitting position .

  13. 为了适应桨手身体需要,他们每天要消耗6000卡路里,这比常人每日消耗的两倍还多。

    To combat the physical demands made on them oarsmen must consume 6000 calories a day , more than twice the normal daily requirement for men .

  14. 我们在她的桨手上岸时杀掉了他们,在船落锚时烧掉了她,但是老鼠们沿着船桨爬下拖着石头般冰冷的脚涉水来到码头。

    We slew her oarsmen as they came ashore and burned the ship at anchor , but the rats crept down the oars and paddled to the quay on cold stone feet .

  15. 但游泳运动员并不是赛艇,他们没有赛艇(无论是单桨,双桨还是其他的什么桨)那样的艇身。桨手们划桨的节奏乱了,赛艇因此慢了下来。

    But a swimmer is neither like a racing shell ( single , double scull , or whatever ) nor a yacht . The rower lose their rhythm and the boat lose speed .

  16. 桨手的个人技术包括:良好的节奏感,协调平衡,通力协作,划桨平稳,腿部拉伸力量强,回桨动作快和划桨率高。

    Propeller-hand personal technology including : good sense of rhythm , balance coordination , and cooperation among , paddle stable tensile strength of strong legs , back and paddle blade moves faster rate .

  17. 准队员们(每个队有八名桨手和一名舵手)在几个月内每天都要经历两轮高强度的集训。一轮在水上,一轮在室内划船机或测力计上。

    For seven months potential crews ( each with eight oarsmen and a cox ) undergo two intense sessions every day , one on the water and one on indoor rowing machines or ergometers .

  18. 舵手是控制赛艇方向的人,因为所有的桨手都面向船尾,只有舵手是面对船首的。

    Cox is a boy or a girl who is the driver of the boat , all the oar men face to the tail of boat and only the cox face to the head of boat .

  19. 每艘船有两个桨手,像贡多拉一样,一个在船头,一个在所有乘客身后。如果你想像威尼斯人一样出行,那就忍受一下这趟短途旅程吧。

    Each boat is rowed by two oarsmen - one at the bow and one behind the passengers , as in a gondola - if you want to ride like a Venetian , stand for the short journey .

  20. 最开始的贡多拉设计了十二个桨手,几个世纪以后,贡多拉的体积小了很多,但有了船篷的设计。

    Designed to deal with the shallows and mud flats of the canals , early gondolas had 12 oars . A few centuries later , they were much smaller in size but had acquired a " felze " or cabin .