
jīn fà nǚ lánɡ
  • a blonde;sunny-haired daughter
  1. 一位金发女郎引起了所有客人的注意。

    A blonde young lady caught the attention of all the guests .

  2. 你想要个金发女郎,还是个浅黑色皮肤的?

    You want a blonde or a brunette ?

  3. 他手挽着一个高个子金发女郎走了进来。

    He walked in with a tall blonde on his arm .

  4. 在她早期的电影中,她扮演傻乎乎的金发女郎。

    In her early movies she played a dumb blonde .

  5. 她不想总是演傻乎乎的金发女郎一类的角色。

    She didn 't want to be typecast as a dumb blonde .

  6. 她被不公正地丑化成了一个傻头傻脑的金发女郎。

    She was unfairly caricatured as a dumb blonde .

  7. 我原以为她是一位身材娇小的金发女郎,但她恰恰相反。

    I thought she would be small and blonde but she 's the complete opposite .

  8. 我听上去像一个愚蠢的金发女郎!

    I sounded like a ditzy blonde !

  9. 尽管她以扮演头脑简单的金发女郎著称,这一次她却得到了一个人物形象更丰满的角色。

    Famous for playing dizzy blondes , this time she has been given a more meaty role .

  10. 不要再向那金发女郎挤眉弄眼!

    Stop making eyes at that blonde !

  11. 当《theXFactor》评委和一群金发女郎午夜后在附近的酒吧出现时,让妈妈作伴的Styles跳上沙发跳舞和拍照。

    While The X Factor judge held court with a group of blondes near the bar after midnight , Styles – who took his mom as his date – jumped on a couch to dance and take photos .

  12. 当《TheXFactor》评委和一群金发女郎午夜后在附近的酒吧出现时,让妈妈作伴的Styles跳上沙发跳舞和拍照。

    While The X Factor judge held court with a group of blondes near the bar after midnight , Styles - who took his mom as his date - jumped on a couch to dance and take photos .

  13. 不过流行音乐更为广阔的世界也为我们带来了诸多乐趣,这些乐趣来自各个音乐领域的艺术家,例如像金发女郎乐队和托丽·阿莫斯这样的二十世纪的传奇人物,以及像杜阿·里帕和“GirlRay”(女子射线)组合这样的新秀。

    But pop 's wider world also offered a lot of pleasures from artists all over the spectrum , such as the 20th century legends like Blondie and Tori Amos , and upstarts like Dua Lipa and Girl Ray .

  14. 这也是运营“everquestii”游戏(一个充满龙与大胸脯金发女郎的奇幻世界)的索尼网络娱乐公司采取的做法。

    That is the approach taken by Sony online entertainment ( SOE ) , the company that runs " EverQuest II " , a fantasy world of dragons and busty blondes .

  15. 钱宁在百老汇舞台上创造了历史,凭借出演《绅士喜爱金发女郎》中的LoreleiLee一角。这个角色后来因为被玛丽莲梦露在同名电影中饰演而不朽。

    Channing made her mark on Broadway in the stage version of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes as Lorelei Lee , who Marilyn Monroe later immortalised in the film of the same name .

  16. 去年特里勾引这位作为时装设计师的金发女郎的时候,她正和Sugababe组合的AmelleBerrabah在WhiskyMist夜店参加派对。讽刺的是,当时是一月的一个晚上,布里奇正要离开切尔西。

    The blonde fashion designer had been partying with the Sugababe Amelle Berrabah in Whisky Mist when Terry approached her last year , ironically on the night of Wayne Bridge 's leaving do in January .

  17. 昨晚跟你在一起的那个性感的金发女郎是谁呀?

    Who was that luscious blonde you were with last night ?

  18. 一可爱的金发女郎出现在门口。

    Through the door came a lovely creature with blonde hair .

  19. 绅士们爱金发女郎,在蓝精灵的世界也不例外。

    Gentlemen prefer blondes , and apparently Smurfs do , too .

  20. 别人只看到了一个穿红外套的金发女郎

    Everyone else just saw a blond in a red coat .

  21. 那个金发女郎要骑我的棒棒哟。

    That bionde over there wants to ride my wrinkiestick , yo .

  22. 一个年轻的金发女郎在路易斯安那州的深处旅行。

    A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana .

  23. 说男人更喜欢金发女郎,那是一种常见的错误观念。

    It is a common misconception that gentlemen prefer blondes .

  24. 她原来是个非常漂亮的娃娃脸金发女郎。

    She used to be a really pretty baby-faced blonde .

  25. 他也看见了那个金发女郎吗?

    But what about this blonde ? Did he see her too ?

  26. 她出生是个黑妞,但习惯上是个金发女郎。

    He was a brunette by birth but a blonde by habit .

  27. 但他们想要那个金发女郎。真是遗憾。

    They wanted the blonde . I 'm sorry to hear that .

  28. 你想让我们同金发女郎一起跟进那个案子。

    You want us on that case , with the blond woman .

  29. 他不断与金发女郎出游。

    He went out with a succession of blonde bimbos .

  30. 流行的说法让我们相信男士们更钟爱金发女郎。

    The popular saying would have us believe that gentlemen prefer blondes .