
piàn jīn
  • flake gold
片金[piàn jīn]
  1. 他全神注视着这片金黄色的景色。

    On this golden prospect all his attention was now fixed .

  2. 豪宅旁边出现一片金黄色的农场。

    Asides the mansion , a yellow farmland showed itself .

  3. 而水面却闪烁得像一片金叶子。

    And the surface of the sea is glittering like a sheet of gold leaf .

  4. 园丁们的清洁习惯容不得草地上那片金黄色、绿色、红褐色织成的图案。

    The gardeners ' tidy souls could not abide the gold and green and russet pattern on the grass .

  5. 我们眼前展现出一片金黄色的庄稼。初生婴儿发黄的现象:通常随后即消失。

    A vast expanse of golden crops lay before us . yellowish appearance in newborn infants ; usually subsides spontaneously .

  6. 又待了一会儿,西边的云缝露出来阳光,把带着雨水的树叶照成一片金绿。

    Shortly after , the sun shone through the western cloud gaps , turning the rain - soaked leaves a golden green .

  7. 此时暴雨已过,一片金黄色的太阳光斜射在书房的西窗上。

    By now the shower had passed , and a shaft of golden sunlight streamed in through the window from the west .

  8. 我不能从春天的财富里送你一朵花,天边的云彩里送你一片金影。

    I cannot send you one single flower from this wealth of the spring , one single streak of gold from yonder clouds .

  9. 这部小说改编的电影《红高粱》由张艺谋导演,获得了第三十八届柏林国际电影节最佳故事片金熊奖。

    The movie " Red Sorghum , " directed by Zhang Yimou , was adapted from this novel and won the 38th Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award .

  10. 照射15分钟,可杀灭距离1m处菌片上金黄色葡萄球菌99.9%,照射60分钟则可杀灭100%

    Irradiation for 15 minutes could kill 99.9 % of the Staphylococcus aureus on the bacterial carrier placed 1 m away and irradiation for 60 minutes could kill the bacteria completely .

  11. 方法:采用金黄地鼠侧腹部皮脂腺斑作为动物模型,观察清热痤疮片对金黄地鼠皮脂腺斑和性激素水平的影响。

    Method : The sebaceous glands on the bilateral costal regions on the back of golden hamster were taken as the animal model .

  12. 该泡腾片对金黄色葡萄球菌能量试验最低合格浓度为过氧化物12g/L。该泡腾片于室温条件下密闭贮存3个月,过氧化物下降率为2.04%。

    After the effervescent tablet was stored in airtight condition at room temperature for 3 months , its peroxide content decreased by 2.04 % .

  13. 前言:目的:研究清热痤疮片对金黄地鼠皮脂腺斑和性激素的影响,来证实清热痤疮片对痤疮的治疗作用。

    Objective : To observe the effects of QCT on the sebaceous glands and sex hormones of the golden hamster and investigate the intrinsic mechanism of the complex prescription QCT on acne .

  14. 结果大型蒸汽消毒器消毒温度为105℃,持续5min,对布片载体上金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希菌、白色念珠菌杀灭率达100%,对床单位表面的自然杀灭率>99.28%。

    RESULTS Operating the disinfector at the 105 ℃ for 5 minutes , its killing rate of Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli and Candida albicans on bedclothes was 100 % , the natural killing rate of ( surface ) of bedclothes exceeded 99.28 % .

  15. Reflect+是一款适用于iOS设备的新特效应用,可以通过使用假反射效果,快速、轻松地将一张普通的照片变成神奇的图像,使原始照片中的物体看起来像是在湖边或者海边,甚至是一片冰面或者金属的旁边。

    Quick Call Reflect + is a new special effects app for iOS devices that quickly and easily transforms ordinary snaps into magical images by adding a fake reflection effect . It 's as if the subject of the original photo were at the edge of a lake or ocean , or even a sheet of ice or metal .

  16. 结果,以复方松油醇皮肤消毒液原液,对布片上的金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌、白色念珠菌作用1min,平均杀灭率均达到99.90%以上。

    Results : The average killing rates of Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans on cloth strips exposed to the stock solution of the compound terpineol skin-disinfection solution for 1 min attained over 99.90 % .

  17. 八点二十分,我们来到这一片晴朗的金黄色朝阳之中。

    By 8:20 we are in the midst of the bright golden morning sunlight .

  18. 金属箔:被锤打或滚压而成十分薄的金属片:如金、锡和铝等。

    Foil : Metal , such as gold , tin , aluminium , etc , hammered or rolled into thin sheet .

  19. 今年以来恐怖片共吸金4.957亿美元,较去年同期高出了52%。

    Horror films so far this year have taken in $ 495.7 million at the box office , 52 % more than at the same point last year .

  20. 法院以5票支持、4票反对的结果支持联邦法律的部分内容,法律规定必须支付儿童色情片受害者赔偿金,但是法官拒绝了每个人都要支付全额赔偿的意见。

    In a 5-4 decision , the Court upheld parts of a federal law which says restitution must be paid to the victims of child pornography , but the justices rejected the idea that any one person should be forced to pay the full amount of damages owed .

  21. 苍茫辽阔的景色染上了一片瑰丽浓艳的金黄色。

    The tremendous spaciousness of it was glowing with rich gold .

  22. 结果直接曝光式大气压辉光放电等离子体消毒机对染菌载体(玻璃片)上的金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌作用45s,平均杀灭率达99.99%,作用60s杀灭率可达100%。

    Results Disinfection with the direct-type atmospheric glow discharge plasma disinfector for 45 s killed 99.99 % in average of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli on carrier ( glass slide ) and disinfection for 60 s killed 100 % .

  23. 玉米地里是一片泛红的金黄色。

    The cornfield axe red gold .

  24. 桂东南-粤西地区卫片构造及银金成矿远景分析

    Analyses of structures on Landsat Image and prospective silver-gold mineralization belts in southeastern Guangxi and western Guangdong

  25. 将氧化还原聚合物滴在塑料基片上溅射的金薄膜工作电极上形成一层对过氧化氢的敏感膜。

    A redox polymer is dip-coated on the surface of the sputter thin film gold working electrode on the plastic substrate .

  26. 终于在一片翻滚着的金黄色麦浪后面,在隐约可见的白色的埃斯特斯山下,丹佛城出现了。

    Just ahead over the rolling wheat fields all golden beneath the distant snows of Estes I 'd be seeing old Denver at last .

  27. 2001年,李安的“卧虎藏龙”拿下了奥斯卡的最佳外语片奖,而后他又在柏林电影节上凭借“婚礼宴会”一片摘得最佳金熊大奖。

    Ang Lee 's film " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " won Oscar 's Best Foreign Film award in2001 and his " Wedding Banquet " won Golden Bear award in Berlin International Film Festival in2001 .