
qióng yáo
  • Qiongyao;precious jade;snow;other's letter,gift or poem of thanks
琼瑶 [qióng yáo]
  • (1) [precious jade]∶美玉

  • 身居锦秀心无爱,足步琼瑶意不迷。--《西游记》

  • (2) [other's letter,gift or poem of thanks]∶比喻别人酬答的礼物、诗文、书信等

  • 琼瑶满匣

  • (3) [snow]∶比喻似玉的雪

  • 只见朔风凛凛,冷气嗖嗖,却已琼瑶密布,飘下一天雪来。--《镜花缘》

琼瑶[qióng yáo]
  1. 西万尼在法国阿尔萨斯(Alsace)大量种植,但却在雷司令(Riesling)和琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer)的映衬下黯然失色。

    It flourishes in the Alsace region of France , where it 's all but overshadowed by Riesling and Gewurztraminer .

  2. 琼瑶浆(Gewürztraminer)葡萄品种令人陶醉,能够找到一款价格很低且成熟的单一葡萄园琼瑶浆真是太棒了。

    Great to find a mature , single-vineyard example of this heady grape at a specially reduced price .

  3. 不仅仅是雷司令,来自德国的其他带有浓郁花香的葡萄酒也会流行起来,比如琼瑶浆(Gewurztraminer)。

    But it will not only be German Riesling , it will be other floral wines from the region , such as Gewurztraminer , that will gain in popularity too .

  4. 即使是干葡萄酒,琼瑶浆的酸度也不会很高。

    Even when dry , Gewurztraminer should never taste too acidic !

  5. 祝福琼瑶阿姨生日快乐!永远快乐!

    My Best Wishes to You and Uncle Ping Always .

  6. 金庸和琼瑶的写作风格大不相同。

    The writing style of Jin Yong and Qiong yao .

  7. 这款葡萄酒不像是年轻的琼瑶浆,但还是有教科书般的特质。

    It is quite unlike a young Gew ü rz but is truly educational .

  8. 琼瑶热后对琼瑶小说爱情观的反思

    Reflection upon Vision of Love Embedded in Novels Written by " Qiong Yao "

  9. 过去我喜欢读琼瑶的小说,但是我现在厌烦这些小说了。

    I used to like reading Qiongyao 's novels , but I am tired of them now .

  10. 这个葡萄品种有桃子和杏子的香气。它的口感跟琼瑶浆的口感一样饱满醇厚,酸度也低。

    Viognier produces peach and apricot flavours and , like Gewurztraminer , is lower in acid with a rich mouth-feel .

  11. 琼瑶浆是原产于法国阿尔萨斯的白葡萄品种,德国和其它的国家也有一点点。

    Gewurztraminer is a white grape whose real home is Alsace in France , although some is also found in Germany .

  12. 同时,结合琼瑶的创作实践,剖析了作品的艺术特点和艺术风格。

    In the meantime , itanalyses the characteristics and artistic style of Qiong Yao 's works in the light of her creative experience .

  13. 在琼瑶浆,长相思是瓶装明年年初,而霞多丽是允许一个短暂时期的年龄。

    The gew ü rztraminer and sauvignon blanc are bottled early the next year , while the chardonnay is allowed to age for a brief period .

  14. 又到暑假了,各个电视台分别又把一些老电视剧拿出来重新播放,其中琼瑶阿姨的电视剧是不可缺少的。

    Also to the summer vacation , each television station has distinguished to take some old soap operas broadcasts , the Qiongyao aunt 's soap opera is essential .

  15. 在《顺娘》中,刘雪华仍然扮演了一个充满母性光辉的角色,和她往常的在琼瑶的言情剧中的那种顺从的妻子和女儿的角色相比有些微小的转变。

    In " Shun Niang ", Leanne Liu also plays a motherly role , a slight shift from her usual characters as an obedient wife and daughter-in-law in Qiong Yao 's romantic dramas .

  16. 琼瑶的小说一直被评论界视为言情之作,实际上它与言情小说相去甚远;

    Qiong Yao 's novels are always fixed position in romance novel by comment field , although it differs from romance novel , on the contrary , their origin seemed ideal novels in Ming and Qing dynasty .

  17. 通过对《金粉世家》和《还珠格格》的对比分析,可以看出张恨水和琼瑶的小说在创作心态、作内容和创作方法上有显著的差异。

    By comparing Jin Fen Shi Jia and Huan Zhu Ge ge , it can be concluded that there exists significant differences between Zhang Henshui and Qiong Yao at the aspects of writing mentality , writing contents and writing methods .

  18. 本文主要分析著名言情女作家琼瑶作品的命名艺术,分析其作品名称、人物命名、地点命名、以及在对外汉语教学中为外国人取名时的意义。

    This paper is mainly about the naming Arts in the books of the famous writer qiongyao , analyzing how she has named the books and characters and houses in her books , also the meaning in naming a foreigner a Chinese name .