
jīnɡ tāo
  • Jingtao;terrifying waves
惊涛 [jīng tāo]
  • [great wave] 令人惊恐的波涛

  • 惊涛拍岸。--宋. 苏轼《念奴娇.赤壁怀古》

  1. 相较之下,2011年在中国上映的最新一部“加勒比海盗”系列电影《加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪》(PiratesoftheCaribbean:OnStrangerTides),获得了7000万美元票房。

    To compare , the last " Pirates of the Caribbean " movie , subtitled " On Stranger Tides , " took in $ 70 million in China in 2011 .

  2. 《加勒比海盗》系列电影在全球范围内已获得超过三十五亿美元的收益,其中单是2011年的《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》(PiratesoftheCaribbean:OnStrangerTides)的全球收益就达到十亿美元之多。

    The " Pirates of the Caribbean " franchise has grossed more than $ 3.5 billion worldwide with the 2011 " Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides " grossing more than $ 1 billion worldwide .

  3. 2011年5月,演员DoreenDietel穿着一件格纹及踝长裙出席电影《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》在慕尼黑的首映式,看起来非常时尚。

    Actress Doreen Dietel looks hip in a plaid maxi at the premiere of " Pirates of Caribbean : On Stranger Tides " in Munich in May2011 .

  4. “平海惊涛掀巨浪,与时俱进展翅飞”。

    Lift Jingtao Pinghai waves , wings to fly with the times .

  5. 惊涛小舟电液伺服模拟系统

    The Hydraulic Servo System of the Simulated Float Equipment

  6. 我就爱远涉惊涛阻隔的重洋,就爱攀援野人栖迟的海岸。

    I love to sail forbidden seas , and land on barbarous coasts .

  7. 为了我们一起奔向自由的港湾,我们正在风雨和惊涛中巡航。

    We are sailing stormy water to be with you , to be free .

  8. 他带着《惊涛大冒险》回家看。

    He took the guardian home to watch .

  9. 一个由拍岸惊涛注满的海池。

    A sea filled pool with crashing surf .

  10. 远处的惊涛在花岗岩的齿缝中的排击声,

    The distant rote in the granite teeth ,

  11. 海相当平静,听不到一丝儿惊涛拍岸的声响。

    The sea was here quite quiet , there was no sound of any surf .

  12. 我们冒着飓风惊涛航行。

    We are sailing stormy waters .

  13. 《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》将于5月18日登陆英国各影院。

    Pirates Of The Caribbean : On Stranger Tides is due to open in UK cinemas on May 18 .

  14. 黑龙在水面摆动他的长尾巴,惊涛随即拍岸。

    He slapped his long tail against the surface , and a great wave rolled all the way to shore .

  15. 有一天,我和一对年轻夫妇全家去密西根湖边的灯塔,那里的湖面波涛汹涌,惊涛拍岸。

    The waves of Lake Michigan were high and splashing onto the pier one day as I followed a young family out to a lighthouse .

  16. 约翰尼•戴普五年后重新回归杰克船长无疑获得了巨大成功,《惊涛怪浪》是今年第三部最震撼的电影。

    Johnny Depp 's return after 5 years as Captain Jack was huge - " On Stranger Tides " was the third biggest film of the year .

  17. 世界新军事变革以惊涛裂岸之势奔涌而来,我军实现以信息化带动机械化,以机械化促进信息化的战略任务日益紧迫。

    New military change in world is quickly progressing , the national army realization with information-based arouse mechanization , promote with the mechanization the information-based strategic mission is increasingly urgent .

  18. 随着西班牙女星佩内洛普•克鲁兹加盟扮演一名活跃的海盗,据统计在世界范围内《惊涛怪浪》获得了超过十亿美元的票房。

    With Spanish star Penelope Cruz joining the crew as a feisty pirate , " Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides " made more than one billion US dollars at the box office worldwide , according to Box Office Mojo .

  19. 他们总会问我:“它的美妙和音响对你而言意味着什么?你看不见惊涛拍岸,也听不到巨浪咆哮,可这些对你来说意味着什么?”我最明显的感觉是,它们代表了一切。

    They are always asking : " What does this beauty or that music mean to you ? You cannot see the waves rolling up the beach or hear their roar . What do they mean to you ? " In the most evident sense they mean everything .