
xiōng yǒng
  • surge;turbulent;rage;tempestuous;rush of torrent;dashing of waves;be sweeping and surging;popple
汹涌 [xiōng yǒng]
  • [surge;dashing of waves;rush of torrent;be sweeping and surging] 水势翻腾上涌

  • 海中波涛汹涌,小船儿上下颠簸

汹涌[xiōng yǒng]
  1. 水势汹涌。

    The current is turbulent .

  2. 它们的小船被汹涌的海水颠簸着、击打着。

    Their boat was tossed and buffeted by the turbulent waters .

  3. 小溪变成了一条汹涌的急流。

    The stream had become a raging torrent .

  4. 鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。

    Fish and seaweed rose , caught motionless in the surging water .

  5. 他在汹涌的海浪中挣扎了30分钟后淹死了。

    He drowned after 30 minutes in the rough seas

  6. 巨大的空虚感汹涌袭来。

    The sense of space and emptiness is overwhelming .

  7. 他们漂流的时候,波浪越来越汹涌了。

    The waves became rougher as they drifted .

  8. 渔夫们冒着汹涌的海浪出海了。

    The fishermen set off in mountainous seas .

  9. 在迂回曲折、潮水汹涌的河流和沼泽地中航行20分钟的感觉真是美妙。

    The 20-minute boat ride through a maze of tidal rivers and marshes is wonderful .

  10. 伦敦大桥曾于1091年在一次暴风雨中被汹涌的潮水冲毁。

    In the year 1091 , London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm .

  11. 急流汹涌奔腾。

    The torrents of water rushed ahead with a terrifying force .

  12. 大风吹得湖水汹涌地扑向海滩。

    The wind made the lake water billow onto the beach .

  13. 风越刮越大,海浪也越来越汹涌。

    As the wind blew harder , the waves grew rougher .

  14. 大坝在汹涌的洪水中安如磐石。

    The dam held firm in spite of the surging floodwaters .

  15. 轮船在汹涌的海浪中危险地颠簸着。

    The ship plunged dangerously in the rough sea .

  16. 平步青云的事业旅程下,却是戈德利先生暗潮汹涌的苦难人生。

    On the face of it , this was not a turbulent life .

  17. 巡洋舰穿过汹涌的大海。

    The cruiser knifed through the heavy sea .

  18. 随着海浪打破冰层,海洋开始变得更加开阔,而海浪也变得更加汹涌起来。

    As waves break up ice , the seas will become more open , and the waves will get even stronger .

  19. 他的眼睛凝视着汹涌的波涛

    His eyes were fastened on the boiling , tumbling waves .

  20. 在这样汹涌的大海中游泳明智吗?

    Would it be wise to launch into this rough sea ?

  21. 汹涌的车流现在已经变得稀稀拉拉。

    The flood of cars has now slowed to a trickle .

  22. 海浪汹涌。

    The waves had taken on a deep swell .

  23. 在ted网站、twitter和facebook上,网民们的赞许之声如潮水般汹涌:我喜欢!

    On the Ted website , on Twitter and on Facebook the crowd roared its approval : love it !

  24. v.(波良)起伏;汹涌大船在暴风雨的海上随波起伏。

    surge The ship surged in the stormy seas , rolling and pitching with each wave .

  25. 在深夜里的那个时刻,顾客的队伍从雷尼热狗店一直向后排,穿过停车场、经过大象露西(LucytheElephant),一直向汹涌的大西洋的方向延伸。

    At that late hour the lines stretched from Lenny 's across the parking lot , past Lucy the Elephant , and toward the rumbling Atlantic beyond .

  26. 投资者担忧,银行放贷放缓,加之IPO汹涌而来,可能进一步压低上海股市。8月份沪市累计下跌22%。

    There are fears a slowdown in bank lending , with a deluge of initial public offerings , will further undermine the Shanghai market following August 's 22 per cent tumble .

  27. 于是,骤然高涨的醉境激情的洪潮就汹涌起各种个人思想的小波浪,正象普罗密修斯的兄弟,铁旦族阿特拉斯(Atlas),背负大地那样。

    The swiftly rising Dionysian tide then shoulders all the small individual wave crests , even as Prometheus ' brother , the Titan Atlas , shouldered the world .

  28. 最近几周,这种金融动荡之汹涌,令许多发展中国家包括乌克兰、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、土耳其和巴基斯坦被迫向国际货币基金组织(imf)求援。

    Such has been the turmoil that a number of developing countries including Ukraine , Hungary , Latvia , Turkey and Pakistan have been forced to seek assistance from the International Monetary Fund in recent weeks .

  29. 在本文中,作者引用了Giroux提出的汹涌的多元文化的概念,认为有关文化的批判性学习可以成为专业发展中某些方面的桥梁。

    In this paper , the author proposes Giroux 's concept of insurgent multiculturalism , she suggests that the critical study of culture might be a bridge to certain aspects of professional development .

  30. 大雨倾盆而下,医生和穿着全身罩袍的助产士紧紧抓住他们的马匹和驴,在湿滑的路上艰难行进,身后河流汹涌。他们进入偏远的Khaspak村。

    The rain pelts down as the doctor and a burka-wearing midwife cling to their horse and donkey as they trot up a slippery slope , leaving the roaring river below .