
  • 网络Ground observation;Land observation;Groundviews
  1. 应用1999-2000年冬季地面观察站实测资料,使用Surfer软件插值方法绘制等值线图,与行政图进行叠置分析。

    In the study , data derived from observation stations dated from 1999 to 2000 in winter , were interpolated by Surfer software to draw isoline map , and the map was overlaid with the administration map in GIS .

  2. 探测到的结果通过无线电传送到各地面观察点。

    The findings are relayed by radio to observation points on the earth .

  3. 该网络是不可见,从空中,或从地面水平观察哨所。

    The network was not visible from the air , or from ground-level observation posts .

  4. 想象一下你是一位慈爱的母亲在地面安全观察点上看着你的孩子在坐过山车。

    Imagine yourself as a loving mother watching your child ride the roller coaster from a safe spot on the ground .

  5. 就在哥伦比亚号飞离加利福尼亚州后1分钟,也就是靠近犹他州西南处时,地面的观察者已经能够看出麻烦越来越明显了。

    One minute after the Columbia left California , as it neared southwestern Utah , the trouble was becoming more obvious to observers on the ground .

  6. 你可以把上升到地面、观察世间万物的行程,看作灵魂升华、进入理性王国的旅程;

    The ascent to see the things in the upper world you may take as standing for the upward journey of the soul into the region of the intelligible ;

  7. 通过钻测井资料、地震资料的地质综合研究,以及地面露头观察与实验分析,研究区内三叠纪反映湖平面变化的地层旋回性非常清楚。

    Based on comprehensive geological analysis of log data and seismic data , integrated with outcrop observation and experimental analysis , stratigraphic cyclicity reflecting lake level change of Triassic Period in the studied area is very clear .

  8. 注水井偏心电动调配测试技术利用微电机做动力源在井下调节水嘴,在地面直接观察井下流量变化,对调整目的层注入量可实时作出判断。

    The technology of eccentric motorized dispensing test , utilizing micro motor as power to adjust water nozzle , observing the variable flow rate on the surface , can obtain the judgment real time to modify the investigated zone .

  9. 由此造成地面和空中观察效果与实际场景差别较大,缺乏真实感,影响高逼真度仿真应用。

    It brought on third dimension to be lack and influenced application of high fidelity emulation .

  10. 地面上的观察者不能相信他们所看到的白点就是航天器产生的。

    The observers on the ground had no reason to believe the white spot they saw was made by the spacecraft .

  11. 仿真结果与地面热试车观察到的结果相吻合,可为固体火箭发动机的研究开发提供参考。

    Simulation results agree with the results observed from the test on the ground , and provid reference for solid rocket motor development .

  12. 三合二室外地面消毒效果的观察

    Observation on the disinfection effect of DTS-HC on contaminated outdoor ground