
  • 网络please myself;Ingratiate Oneself;Make Up to Myself
  1. 朋友要讨好自己的,如果你没有,那么你就光荣。

    Friend wanted to ingratiate themselves with , if you did , then you are honorable .

  2. 他们必须讨好自己的用户,让用户高兴,让用户的生活在某方面变得更好。

    You have to court your users , delight them , make their life better in some way .

  3. 只讨好赞助自己政治主张的人。

    Focus only on pleasing those who fund their campaigns .

  4. 因为我终于不再是那个要讨好除了自己之外的每个人的“乖女孩”。

    It was the " perfect time " because I had finally quit being the good girl who was trying to please everyone but myself .

  5. 这就让人怀疑这些顾问可能会给高层很高的薪酬建议以此来讨好管理层让自己从中受利。

    That has given rise to the suspicion that the consultants tend to recommend generous pay cheques for bosses in order to curry favour with management and thus keep the other work rolling in .