
  • 网络documents attached;Attached Documents
  1. 随附单据是:提单、商业发票和领事发票、保险单。

    The documents to accompany the draft are the bill of lading , commercial and consular inoices and insurance policy .

  2. 所有批次产品的规格测试报告随附正本单据。

    Product specs test report for all the batches to accompany original documents .

  3. 本信用证凭卖方出具的即期汇票,以开证行为付款人,以90%票面价值议付,并随附货运单据。

    The credit shall be available against sellers'draft ( s ) drawn at sight on the opening bank for90 % invoice value accompanied by the shipping documents .

  4. 付款方式是以不可撤销的信用证,凭随附全套装船单据的即期汇票支付。

    Payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit payable against sight draft accompanied by a full set of shipping documents .