
  • 网络random pattern;random mode;Stochastic Model
  1. 如果是有重复的数据集,该算法就会自动转到随机模式。

    If the dataset has duplicates , this algorithm automatically falls back to random mode .

  2. 给出了三种不同模式的学习方法:确定模式、随机模式和混合模式。

    Three different learning modes are put forward : deterministic mode , random mode and mixed mode .

  3. 海气耦合随机模式的CO2温室效应的研究

    The re sea RCH of co_2 effect with air - sea coupling stochastic model

  4. 将著名蔡氏电路产生的混沌开关调制信号用于Buck型DC/DC变换器开关的调制控制,使其工作在基于混沌的随机模式。

    Chaotic switching signal obtained from Chua 's circuit was used to control Buck DC / DC converter .

  5. 基于网络的IDS通常利用一个运行在随机模式下网络的适配器来实时监视并分析通过网络的所有通信业务。

    The intrusion detection system based on network often use network adapter run after random pattern to keep watch on and analysis all communication pass through network .

  6. 本文导出了二维离散随机模式自相关模型的z变换,建立了z变换系数的线性模型并进行模型的辨识。

    In this paper the z transform of the autocorrelation model for two-dimensional discrete random pattern is derived , and the linear model for the coefficient of z transform is established and identified .

  7. 采用分子吸收的随机模式,而不是通常的Bouguer定理,处理水汽吸收,故更为合理。

    On the basis of the random model rather , than the Bouguer Law , the retrieval for water vapour absorption is more reasonable .

  8. 本文在Fraedrich,K.零维能量平衡模式的参数化形式的基础上建立全球温度变化的随机模式,得到模式的解过程为一红噪声过程。

    On the basis of the parameterized form of the Fraedrich 's zero-dimension energy balance model , a stochastic model of global temperature variation is constructed , the solution of which is found to be a red noise process .

  9. 全球纬向年平均温度变化的随机模式

    The stochastic model for the global zonal mean annual temperature variation

  10. 给定参数条件下海温脉动随机模式的混沌行为

    Chaos output from a SST fluctuation stochastic model with given parameters

  11. 二维离散随机模式自相关模型的辨识

    The Identification of Autocorrelation Model for Two-Dimensional Discrete Random Pattern

  12. 海气耦合随机模式中随机项的处理

    Stochastic item treatment in the stochastic model of sea-air interaction

  13. 泥沙交换的随机模式

    A Stochastic Model of Sediment Interchanges

  14. 通过随机模式搜索算法理论得出了算法的收敛性定理。

    The probabilistic convergence theories of ACPSAs are also given by stochastic pattern search algorithm theory .

  15. 随机模式的重复:与随机的密钥,重复随机轮换和分配,才能创造。

    Random pattern repeat : with the random key , repeats with random rotation and allocation can be created .

  16. 利用改进的自适应增益卡尔曼滤波器在随机模式下建立一个小型姿态确定系统。

    An extended Kalman filter with adaptive gain was used to build a miniature attitude and heading reference system based on stochastic model .

  17. 本文对随机模式中3.2μm水汽吸收谱带参数作了计算和测量。

    The spectrum banding parameter of water vapour 3.2 μ m absorption band in Goody random model is calculated and measured in this paper .

  18. 文中应用响应谱的离散形式将模式谱的计算结果与北半球(1881&1980年)年平均温度距平序列的实际谱进行了统计检验,从而论证了随机模式模拟全球温度变化的适用性。

    The correspondence between the computed spectra by the model and the observed ones of annual mean temperature anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere from 1881 to 1980 is statistically examined .

  19. 用拉格朗日随机模式(LagrangianStochasticModel)结合大涡模拟所得对流边界层三维湍流场的时间序列,研究沙尘类重粒子在大气中的扩散特性。

    Dispersion of heavy dust-particulate was simulated by means of a Lagrangian stochastic model with turbulence fields of convective boundary layers ( CBL ) derived from a large-eddy simulation model .

  20. 介绍了不同类型模式,如能量平衡模式、辐射对流模式、大气环流模式和随机模式等的主要特征。

    The basic feature of several types of model , such as energy-equilibrium model , radiative-convective model , general circulation model ( GCM ) . random model and so on , are described .

  21. 参数化讨论了零维能量平衡模式平衡态特性,在此基础上对全球温度变化的随机模式作了重新认识和改进,并用1881&1981年北半球温度距平序列对改进后的模式作了检验。

    Fraedrich is adopted to discuss the characteristics in the equilibrium state of the zerodimensional model , and thereafter the stochastic model for the global temperature changes is reviewed and revised . And then the revised model is checked with the 1881-1981 northern hemisphere temperature anomaly series .

  22. N日降水量的随机分布模式

    A stochastic distribution model of n & day precipitation amount

  23. 将气候集成预报的MonteCarlo模拟方法应用到带有门限的海气耦合随机动力模式中。

    The Monte Carlo simulation is applied to an air sea coupling stochastic dynamic model with threshold in this paper .

  24. 最后,利用动力学标度原理对Bi薄膜研究了磁场对Bi薄膜生长模式影响。结果表明,磁场未能改变Bi薄膜的生长模式,两种条件下都是随机沉积模式生长。

    In the end , the research on the dynamic scaling analysis shows the magnetic field can not modify the random deposition mode of Bi thin films .

  25. 与随机调制模式相同,混沌开关调制模式也引入输出低频噪声纹波,有些情况下低频噪声纹波可能抵消混沌开关调制降低EMI水平的效果。

    Chaotic switching modulations introduce low-frequency harmonic spectrum of output voltage as random switching modulation . In some case , low-frequency noise ripple offset the effect chaotic switching modulations reduce the level of EMI .

  26. 它在随机oracle模式下是安全的且签名方进行签名只需要一次指数运算一次模乘运算一次加法运算。

    It is provably secure in the random oracle paradigm and its computation cost is just one exponent and one multiplication together with on addition at the signer side and the online computation is one multiplication together with one addition .

  27. RMSE极差最小为模拟退火和分层随机采样模式。

    With respect to the ranges of RMSE , the minimum RMSE can be achieved by the simulated annealing sampling model and stratified random sampling model .

  28. 将描写海温和气温交互作用的随机动力模式化为一个Fokker-Planck方程(FPE),然后用矩阵连分法进行求解,并对二氧化碳增温效应进行了计算。

    The stochastic dynamic model describing the air sea interaction is transformed into a Fokker Planck equation that is then solved by the matrix continuous fraction method .

  29. 这种新技术首先使用一个小的线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR),生成伪随机测试模式测试容易测试的故障,并且获得一个硬故障测试立方集T;

    Firstly , this new technique uses a small LFSR to generate pseudo random patterns to eliminate the easy to detect faults and obtain a set T of hard fault test cubes .

  30. 如果系统中的应用程序可以访问大型文件、重用数据、可以从GPFS数据预取获益或具有随机I/O模式,增加pagepool的值可能会进一步获益。

    For systems with applications that access large files , reuse data , benefit from GPFS prefetching of data , or have a random I / O pattern , increasing the value for pagepool might prove beneficial .