
cháng chūn
  • chinch bug
长蝽[cháng chūn]
  1. 香蕉穿孔线虫观赏植物种群对生姜和甘蔗的致病性甘蔗苗期蔗长蝽若虫的空间分布型及抽样技术

    The spatial distribution pattern and sampling methods for the nymph of Oriental chinch bug in the seedling period of sugarcane

  2. 结果表明,致使球果损失的关键因子是灰霉病,每年平均损失球果约13%;其次是杉木扁长蝽和瘿蚊,每年平均损失球果约8%。

    Among which Botrytis cinerea , Sinorsillus piliferus and gall midges were key factors lost cone , resulting in mean annual loss of13 % and8 % respectively .

  3. 黄添友:让生命之树长绿蝽类昆虫在地球生命中的主干种演化历程

    Huang Tianyou Makes the Tree of Life Green Forever

  4. 腿长的水蝽,掠过水面。

    Long-legged bug that skims about on the surface of water .

  5. 半翅目长虫;腿长的食肉蝽,以主要吃其它昆虫为生;少部分猎蝽吸哺乳动物的血。

    A true bug : long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects ; a few suck blood of mammals .

  6. 其中,长脊冠网蝽对滇润楠的危害率及危害指数最高,白脉病次之。

    The maxims of damage rate and damage index were caused by Stephantitis svenson , and the second by white vein disease .