
  • 网络poor appetite
  1. 乏力、纳差、腹胀、胁痛、尿黄各种症状改善治疗组均明显优于对照组(P<0.05;P<0.01)。

    Compared with the control group , the treating group had significantly better effect on relieving symptoms , such as fatigue , poor appetite , abdominal distention , hypochondriac pain and deep yellow unrine ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 活动前后脉搏变化对指导化疗后纳差病人营养治疗的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Pulse Changes Before and After Activity to Guide the Nutritional Treatment in Post-chemotherapy Patients With Poor Appetite

  3. 在症候积分比较中,治疗后治疗组胁痛、纳差、乏力症状改善优于对照组(P0.01)。

    Symptom points in comparison , the treatment group of hypochondriac pain , anorexia , fatigue symptoms than the control group ( P0.01 ) . 4 .

  4. 比较临床症状(乏力、纳差、腹胀)和血清总胆红素(SB)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)的复常率。

    The clinical symptoms ( malaise , anorexia , abdominal distension ) and SB , ALT were observed and compared between two groups during treatment .

  5. 在症候积分上,中医治疗组中纳差、乏力、胁痛、口干苦症状改善叫西医对照组明显(P0.01)。

    Syndrome score , TCM treatment group , anorexia , fatigue , hypochondriac pain , dry mouth , bitter improvement of symptoms called Western medicine control group ( P0.01 ) . 5 .

  6. 结果MPA患者多见于老年男性,肾外表现除发热、体重下降、纳差非特异症状外,还多见肺损害、浆膜炎、关节炎、肌痛等。

    Results Most MPA patients were senile and male with the symptoms of lung damage , pleuritis , arthritis and myalgia as well as extrarenal symptoms such as fever , weight-loss , and anorexia .

  7. 其中胁痛、乏力、纳差、腹胀两组治疗前后比较都能显著性改善(P0.01),两组之间治疗前后比较也能显著改善(P0.01)。

    One flank pain , fatigue , two groups NaCha , abdominal distension treatment before-and-after can significantly improve ( P0.01 ), two groups of comparisons are between before and after the treatment could significantly improve ( P0.01 ) .

  8. 治疗后2组症状积分比较,治疗组痞满、纳差、嗳气、便溏积分及总积分均显著低于对照组(P0.05);

    The total integral for the feeling of fullness , anorexia , belching and loose stool in the treatment group was markedly lower than that in the control group ( P 0.05 ) . After the treatment , the integrals for atrophy , allotypical hyperplasia , etc.

  9. 使用统计软件SPSS16.0FORWINDOWS对所得数据进行统计分析。结果:1第1疗程,治疗组与对照组患者治疗前后主要症状除腹胀、纳差外均有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The statistical software SPSS 16.0 for windows was used to analyze the aquired data . Results : 1 . In the first period of treatment , the main symptoms except abdominal distension and anorexia of both groups before and after the treatment all have statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  10. 主要临床表现为疲乏、纳差、恶心、呕吐、腹胀(71.8%),其次为黄疸(59.2%),肝功能受损以ALT、GGT、BIL增高为主;

    The fatigue , anorexia , nausea , vomiting and abdominal distension were principal clinical manifestation ( 71.8 % ), and followed by the jaundice ( 59.2 % ) ; ALT , GGT and BIL were higher after liver function lesion ;

  11. 治后患者腹痛、腹泻、腹胀和纳差等症状均明显缓解。

    The symptoms such as abdominal pain , distension , diarrhea and anorexia relieved .

  12. 结果首发症状以腰背痛、腹痛、腹胀、纳差多见。

    Results The initial symptoms included abdominal pain , notalgia , abdominal distension , and pyrexia .

  13. 纳差痰多加脾,口苦、善叹息加肝胆穴等。

    To add to liver - gall if with bitter taste in the mouth and sighing usually .

  14. 发病时主要表现为畏寒发热、纳差厌油腻、皮疹和肝损害,伴有眼损害。

    Its main clinical manifestations were fever , anaerobic greasy , rash and liver damage , associated with eyes lesion .

  15. 结果:1、两组患者治疗后乏力、纳差、恶心症状均消失。

    After 2 weeks ' treatment , the symptoms of fatigue , loss of appetite and nausea disappeared in both groups .

  16. 治疗过程中患者均出现恶心,胃纳差,4例腹痛较前加重伴呕吐。

    All cases were with nausea and poor appetite , and 4 cases with increasing abdominal pain and vomiting in the treatment course .

  17. 加味乌贝散能较对照组明显改善胃脘痛(p<0.05),然而在改善胃脘痞满、纳差,乏力作用方面更明显(p<0.01)。

    Jiaweiwubeisan evidently ameliorated abdominal pain than the control group ( p < 0.05 ), especially in ameliorating stomach fullness , and inertia ( p < 0.01 ).

  18. 结果患者乏力、纳差、睡眠的改善,黄疸消退,谷丙转氨酶恢复正常的时间均优于对照组(P<0.05或0.01)。

    Results Improvement of symptoms include hypodynamia , anorexia and sleep , icterus elimination and time of transaminase recovery in treatment group were more than that in control group .

  19. 症状频数较多的为:咳嗽、咳痰、口干、呼吸不畅、胸闷、纳差、痰血、胸痛、乏力、背痛、便干、便稀等。

    The main symptoms included cough with phlegm , dry mouth , unsmooth breathing , chest oppression , anorexia , bloody phlegm , chest pain , lassitude , back pain .

  20. 结果患者的心理异常反应、高热、疼痛、纳差、呼吸困难等逐一得到解决,46例均痊愈出院。

    Results The symptoms such as psychological effects 、 hyperpyrexia 、 pain 、 lack of appetite and dyspnea of patients were solved , All the 46 patients were discharged from hospital after recovery .

  21. 各个治疗组对各年龄层次的高甘油三酯血症患者的眩晕、头痛、胸闷、心悸、肢麻、纳差等主要临床症状均有改善。

    Each treatment group right of all ages hypertriglyceridemia in patients with dizziness , headache , chest tightness , palpitations , limb Ma , anorexia and other major clinical symptoms showed some improvements .

  22. 慢性胃炎以胃脘疼痛、腹胀、纳差、呕恶、嗳气为主要表现,属于中医胃脘痛、痞满、嘈杂、反胃等范畴。

    CG with epigastric pain , abdominal distention , anorexia , vomit as the main performance is belong to " stomachache ", fullness , " noisy ", nausea , area of traditional Chinese medicine .

  23. 结论脾肿大伴发热、纳差、消瘦、左上腹痛、贫血等时,应考虑该病可能,尤其是合并脾外结核者。

    Conclusion Splenomegalia and long-term fever , anepithymia , weight loss , pain of left upper quadrant , and anemia are significant for diagnosis of splenic tuberculosis , especially with other organic tuberculosis simultaneous .

  24. 以上腹饱胀、早饱、嗳气、恶心、纳差5项主症为观察指标,记录症状积分,治疗结束后,分别进行比较。

    The five main symptoms , upper abdominal distention , early satiety , belching , nausea and anorexia were observed , recording the cumulative scores of symptoms , and at the end of treatment they were compared .

  25. 结果:实验组全身乏力,面色苍白,食少纳差,恶心呕吐,腹胀,腹泻等症状明显好与对照组。实验组与对照组3年生存率分别为53.0%和54.5%,两组差异无统计学意义;

    Results : The life status , such as tiredness , paleness , loss of appetite , nausea and vomiting , flatulence and diarrhea is better in the patients of immunochemotherapy group than that in chemotherapy group .

  26. 治疗后1个月、3个月发生肝区疼痛、腹胀、乏力、纳差、消瘦、黄疸等症状的患者例数明显减少,同术前比较有显著性差异(P<0.05);

    The cases with pain in hepatic region , abdominal distention , inertia , anorexia , emaciation and jaundice decreased significantly in 1st and 3rd month after the treatment when compared with those of pre treatment ( P < 0.05 );

  27. 此外还有食管贲门炎,缝线残留等。残胃病变的临床表现主要为上腹部疼痛占603%,恶心、呕吐及或纳差、消瘦占191%,呕血、黑便占113%。

    The clinical characteristics of gastric stump lesion was : upper abdominal pain is 60 3 % , nausea , vomiting and lack of appetite or loss weight is 19 2 % , and hematemesis or black stool is 11 3 % .

  28. 适合小建中汤应用的常见症状为:乏力、胃痛(腹痛)、纳差、便溏(腹泻)、畏寒肢冷、头晕、自汗、发热、心悸、咳嗽。

    Suitable for the application of Xiao Jian Zhong Tang common symptoms are : fatigue , stomach pain ( abdominal pain ), anorexia , loose stools ( diarrhea ), aversion to cold , dizziness , spontaneous sweating , fever , palpitations , cough .

  29. 各组治疗后较治疗前中医证候积分均下降,表明各组对各年龄层次的高甘油三酯血症患者的眩晕、头痛、胸闷、心悸、肢麻、纳差等主要临床症状均有改善。

    In each group TCM points decreased after treatment , indicating that all groups of all ages , patients with hyperlipidemia , dizziness , headache , chest tightness , palpitations , limb Ma , anorexia and other major clinical symptoms showed some improvements .

  30. 1组患者纳差、巩膜黄染、肝区叩痛消失时间较其他组分别延长1~4、1~8、2~5天,差异有显著性(P<0.05~0.001)。

    The disappearance durations of poor appetite , icteric sclera , percussion pain at hepatic region were prolonged for 1 ~ 4 days 、 1 ~ 8 days 、 2 ~ 5 days than other groups respectively ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.001 ) .