
  • 网络guadeloupe;Pointe-a-Pitre
  1. 大鼠脑缺血再灌注后Caspase-3的表达及胰岛素的影响首相已到阳光灿烂的瓜德罗普岛去开国家首脑最高级会议去了。

    The expression of caspase-3 in rats after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion and the effect of insulin on the expression of caspase-3 The Prime Minister had been away to a summit meeting in sunny Guadeloupe .

  2. 此外,本期中还包含有彼特•塔菲撰写的纪念伟大革命者罗莎•卢森堡(封面照片)的文章,法属瓜德罗普岛罢工运动的报告,以及美国性权平等(LGTB)斗争的报道。

    There are also articles by Peter Taaffe ( cover feature ) on the revolutionary legacy of Rosa Luxemburg , plus reports of the strike movement in Guadeloupe , and LGTB struggle in the U.

  3. 首相已到阳光灿烂的瓜德罗普岛去开国家首脑最高级会议去了。

    The Prime Minister had been away to a summit meeting in sunny Guadeloupe .

  4. 法国还有4个海外省(法属圭亚那、瓜德罗普、马提尼克和留尼汪)。

    France has 4 overseas departments ( French Guiana , Guadeloupe , Martinique and Reunion ) .

  5. 在马提尼克和瓜德罗普,对给予各岛更多自治权的选举遭到失败。

    Elections in Martinique and Guadeloupe which offered greater autonomy for the island , but which were rejected .

  6. 他的国籍是个问题,因为他出生在英国的(英国人是不包括在“欧洲”犯罪小说范围内的),但他在意大利生活过多年,后来搬到位于拉丁美洲的法国属地瓜德罗普岛。

    A questionable choice , as he was born in Walthamstow ( Brits are not included in " Euro " crime writing ), but he lived in Italy for years , moved to Guadeloupe , and holds dual nationality .