
  • 网络Partitions of Poland;partition poland
  1. 1939年苏联出兵,伙同德国瓜分波兰。

    In 1939 , ganging up with Germany , Soviet Union sent troop to carve up Poland .

  2. 1939处,苏德瓜分波兰,波兰从欧洲政治地图上消失。

    In 1939 , the Germany and the Russia carved up the Poland , The Poland disappeared from Europe political map .

  3. 1795年,瓜分波兰:独立的波兰的最后一任国王斯坦尼斯洛斯·奥戈斯特·波尼亚托斯基被强迫退位并移居俄国。

    1795-Partitions of Poland : Stanislaus August Poniatowski , the last king of independent Poland , was forced to abdicate and move to Russia .

  4. 在1795年波兰被第三次瓜分后,很多波兰人相信革M的法兰西以及他的盟友将会对波兰伸出援助之手。

    After the Third Partition of Poland ( 1795 ), many Poles believed that revolutionary France and her allies would come to Poland 's aid .