
  • 网络xiliao river
  1. 来自14C测年、花粉分析、历史文献记载、考古调查几方面研究证明,辽前期西辽河流域处于气候温暖期,此时流域内发育了黑土层,为农业生产发展提供了条件。

    Researches of ~ ( 14 ) C dating , pollens analysis , historical documents and archaeological investigations prove that the climate of the Xiliao River valley came into the warm period in the first half of the Liao Dynasty .

  2. 西辽河流域近60年来气候变化趋势分析

    The climate change trend in Xiliao River basin in recent 60 years

  3. 不同因素对西辽河流域土壤CO2排放通量的影响

    The Effect of Different Factors on Soil Carbon Dioxide Emission Flux in West Liao River Basin

  4. 在充分研究西辽河流域生态环境的基础上,讨论了基于GIS的西辽河生态安全空间差异的评价方法。

    The paper discusses the method of ecological security spatial differences of west areas of Liaohe River based on GIS and ecosystem non-health .

  5. 西辽河平原环境地质问题与可持续发展

    The environmental geological problems and sustainable development in West Liaohe Plain

  6. 西辽河实时洪水统计预报模型

    Statistical model of real-time flood prediction for the Western Liaohe River

  7. 西辽河上游河水水质污染趋势分析与防治对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure on water quality pollution trends of UPPER-WESTERN Liao River

  8. 西辽河流域历史早期的文化景观格局

    Cultural landscape pattern during the early historic period in the West Liaohe River Basin

  9. 辽代西辽河流域气候变化及其环境特征

    Climatic Change and Its Environmental Characteristics of the Xiliao River Valley in the Liao Dynasty

  10. 清代以来西辽河流域人地关系的演变

    Development of the Relationship between Human and Environment in West Liaohe Basin since Qing Dynasty

  11. 环境史学与西辽河流域的环境史研究

    Environmental History and the Study of the Environmental History on the West Liao River Basin

  12. 西辽河上游生态环境变迁与中国北方旱作农业起源

    Ecological Environment Changes and Rain Fed Agriculture Origin in Upper Reaches of Liao River Area

  13. 西辽河流域全新世以来人地系统演变历史的重建

    Reconstruction of the Evolution History of Man-Land System since the Holocene in the Xiliao River Basin

  14. 辽代西辽河冲积平原及邻近地区的湖泊

    The Changes of the Lakes in the Flood Plain of West Liao River in Liao Dynasty

  15. 西辽河流域赤峰段水资源现状及保护对策

    Current situation and measures of water resources conservation of Chi Feng section in West Liao River Basin

  16. 翁牛特旗&库伦旗一带为西辽河平原周边的严重缺水区。

    Circumjacent area of west Liaohe River campagna from Wongniuteqi to Kulunqi is Short of Water Seriously .

  17. 内蒙古西辽河平原麦后复种饲料作物研究

    Study on Sequential Cropping Forage Crops after Wheat in the Plain of the West-Liao River in Inner Mongolia

  18. 人民币区域化论人民币的区域化内蒙古西辽河流域特种玉米品种特性及气候区划

    Characteristic Analysis and Climatic Regionalization of Special - Variety Corn over West Liaohe Drainage Area of East Inner Mongolia

  19. 红山文化是位于我国北方西辽河地区的一支重要的原始文化。

    Hongshan culture is a important prehistoric culture which is located in the area of western Liaohe River in northern China .

  20. 20世纪上半叶西辽河流域巴林左旗聚落空间演变特征分析

    Spatial and Temporal Variation of Settlements of Bairin Left Banner in Xiliao River Valley in the First Half of 20th century

  21. 西辽河流域的环境史研究取得了一些成就,但总体而言比较薄弱。

    In the West Liao River Basin , some achievements of the study of environmental history has been obtained with some shorts .

  22. 本文采用室内小型模拟静态吸附和解吸实验方法研究了西辽河底质对磷的吸附/解吸行为。

    The behavior of phosphorus sorption and desorption in Western Liao river by using indoor static adsorption and desorption experimental method in the paper .

  23. 西辽河流域是国家实施西部大开发战略的重点地区之一,属于典型的生态脆弱区。

    West Liaohe Basin is one of the key regions in the West development strategies implemented by the Chinese Government , and its eco-environment is vulnerable .

  24. 主要成果如下:1、模拟了西辽河流域在枯水系列和平水系列的水循环过程,量化西辽河流域水资源循环转化规律。

    The regulation of water cycle and transformation in West Liao River Basin has been analysised based on simulation results in the dry series and the wet series .

  25. 由于西辽河流域南北地区资源环境的差异,两地能够供养的人口数量是不同的。

    Difference in resources and environment between the northern and the southern parts of the West Liao River caused the disparity of the population that the two parts could support .

  26. 应用结果表明,开发的预报模型适用于西辽河的实时洪水预报问题,可供防洪决策参考。

    The results obtained have shown that this model developed is suitable for the case of the western Liao river and it can be used as the tool for flood control decision-making .

  27. 因此,西辽河平原种植芦笋在春季采笋期间设立风障、小拱棚等保护性设施是提高绿芦笋产量和质量的有效途径。

    Building windbreak or small shed mulching with plastic film during the harvest season was an effective way to improve the yield and quality of green asparagus spears in the West Liaohe Plain .

  28. 辽金时期西辽河流域农业核心区屡次转移,与人口数额、资源禀赋以及由此而产生的环境压力相关。

    In Liao and Jin Dynasties , shifts of the agricultural core area in West Liaohe River valley was interrelated to population , resources and pressure on the environment exerted by the fore two aspects .

  29. 自上世纪以来,西辽河流域的史前考古工作取得重大进展,相关专家学者对此进行了大量的个案性研究,其中,有关国家起源的研究成果是较为丰富的。

    Since the last century , the West Liaohe River has made significant progress in prehistoric archeology , related experts and scholars have done a lot of case studies , which studies the origin of the country is more abundant .