
  • 网络Knowledge Test;KNOWLEDGE EXAM
  1. 72所乡镇卫生院456名医生书面知识考试成绩分析

    Analysis of the scores of 456 doctors from 72 township health centers in a written knowledge test

  2. 定期和有秩序地完成电力安全知识考试,是保障电力系统安全生产的一个重要组成部分。

    Regular and orderly completion of electrical safety knowledge test , in protecting the safy of the power system is an important part of the production .

  3. GRE物理专业知识考试试题评估

    To Evaluate Physics Questions of the Advanced GRE Test

  4. 它计划搞一次专业知识考试,以比较学习传统MBA课程的学生与学习新课程的学生对基本商务知识的掌握情况。

    It plans to administer a proficiency test to compare the basic business knowledge of students from both the old course structure and the new curriculum .

  5. 通过心理学问卷调查、理论知识考试、操作能力考核进行综合评定,接受四步教学法学习的69名学生的学习成绩明显高于对照组(P<0.01)

    Though integrated evaluation according to the questionnaire on psychology , the test of theory knowledge , practical ability , the learning grades were higher in 69 students that accepted four process of practical teaching than in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 改进前后护士的一般资料比较差异无统计学意义。护士对护理安全知识考试成绩明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Nurses ' test scores on nursing safety knowledge improved significantly , the difference was statistically significant ( P0.05 ) . 3 : The satisfaction of the inpatients to nursing care improved , there was a significant difference of statistical data .

  7. 你将要接受中国历史知识考试。

    You will be examined on your knowledge of Chinese history .

  8. 规范法律知识考试之探讨

    Discussion on the Standardization of the Legal Knowledge Examination Judicial Administrative Bureau

  9. 乡镇卫生院医生知识考试成绩分析

    Scores on written test of doctors in township hospital

  10. 邮政业务知识考试管理系统设计

    Design of Management System on Post Professional Knowledge Examination

  11. 同志在2005年申报参评高级政工师的专业知识考试中成绩合格。

    Declared in2005 , Comrade Shen Ping senior political divisions qualified professional examination results .

  12. 高职学院考试改革的主旨是变知识考试为能力考试。

    The purport of the examination reform of higher vocational institute is to change knowledge examination into ability examination .

  13. 一般知识考试内容如下:相关纲要中试验方法相关的理论知识和原理。

    This deals with the theory and principles applicable to the test method as listed in the relevant syllabus .

  14. 信息系统项目管理综合知识,考试时间为150分钟,笔试,选择题;

    Comprehensive information system project management knowledge , 150 minutes , written tests , monomial-choice .

  15. 介绍了一种新的具有自动阅卷功能的财务知识计算机考试系统,提出了记分点的概念。

    We introduce a new computer testing system for financial knowledge and put forwards the conception of scoring point .

  16. 伦敦的出租车司机在从业前必须通过一项严格的“知识”考试方可拿到出租司机驾照。

    Drivers in the English capital must pass a rigorous examination called The Knowledge to earn their taxi license .

  17. 卫生人员突发公共卫生事件相关知识培训考试管理系统的设计与实践

    The Design and Practice of Training and Examination Management System on Health Staff 's Correlative Knowledge about Public Health Emergency

  18. 工作人员有关医院感染知识理论考试合格率达到100%,现场查看技术操作正确率达到98%。

    The rate up to standard in the examination about the hospital infections knowledge was 100 % , and the rate of correct operation was 98 % .

  19. 我读书是为了获取知识和在考试中得A。

    I read for knowledge , and to make A 's on my tests .

  20. 第二,IBM提供大量免费的信息和学习资料,帮助您学习知识和准备考试。

    Second , IBM provides tons of free information and study materials to help you learn about and prepare for the tests .

  21. 美国新任教师教学知识和能力考试体系的分析及启示

    An Analysis of American New Teacher Examination-Praxis Series System

  22. 图式理论背景知识对自学考试英语阅读教学的启示

    Applications of Schema Theory to the Teaching of English Reading Comprehension in Self-study Education

  23. 人们更看重知识而非考试成绩。

    Knowledge is seen as more than exams .

  24. 在改革前,题目主要偏重对于知识文化的考试,而在改革后则主要偏重对交际文化的考察。

    Before the reform , CET-4 concentrated on the test of culture of knowledge .

  25. 针对财务知识的计算机考试系统

    A computer examination system for financial knowledge

  26. 课程(知识)和考试,也是一种隐形的规训。

    Course ( knowledge ) and examination is also a kind of invisible discipline training .

  27. 远程教育包括很多环节,例如教学系统、知识库和考试系统等。

    Distance education includes many areas , such as teaching system , the repository and the examination system .

  28. 狭隘地只强调知识掌握的考试往往对那些在非常强调学习的学校中学习过的学生有利。

    Narrowly academic examinations are heavily weighed in favor of children who have studied in highly-academic primary schools .

  29. 他们也会以一种不同的形式看到,他们需要了解哪些知识才能通过考试。

    And they have seen , in a different form , what they will need to know to pass the exam .

  30. 培训结束后对学员进行理论知识与技能考试,同时对社区卫生服务机构提供项目的开展情况进行评价。

    At the end of training the trainees were given test on theoretical knowledge and technique , and the developing conditions of service items supplied were assessed at the same time .