
zhī shí kù
  • knowledge base
  1. 本体正是这样一个知识库系统,它可以在很多方面加强Web的功能,可以改进Web搜索的正确性。

    Ontology is a knowledge base system that is able to enhance the Web function and improve correctness of web searching .

  2. PICASSO的推理器(inferenceengine)实施知识库的一致性。

    The PICASSO inference engine enforces the consistency of the knowledge base .

  3. 平台采用两层业务结构为基础来设计基于知识库管理的移动Agent;

    The design of mobile agent is based on two-layer operation structure and knowledge base management in the platform .

  4. 搜索IBM技术说明知识库

    Search the IBM tech notes knowledge base

  5. 切屑折断过程及槽型CAD专家系统知识库的设计

    Design and Implementation of the Knowledge Base in the Chip Breaking Process and Insert Groove CAD Expert System

  6. 用XML表示CLIPS知识库的研究

    Research on Using XML to Construct CLIPS ' Knowledgebase

  7. 并以农业知识库为实例,分析了具体的分析方法和推理方法,同时还讨论了WEB环境下推理机的实现问题。

    Finally we discuss the particular program of analysis and reasoning in agriculture knowledge-base as well as the realization of this inference machine in WEB .

  8. 知识库是CAPP系统的核心。

    An intelligent CAPP system depends on the knowledge base with abundant knowledge .

  9. 该方案通过XML关系映射文档,保持了知识库和空间数据库的一致性。

    Meanwhile , the coherence between knowledgebase and spatial database is kept by the mapping solution through the XML relational mapping documents .

  10. 采用RBF网络构建产生式知识库

    Using RBF Network To Build Production Knowledge Base

  11. 对知识库中的节点进行组织的最简单方式是平面知识库(flatknowledgebase)结构,这种结构将所有节点都放在同一级上。

    The simplest way to organize nodes in a KB is a flat knowledge base structure , so that all nodes are on the same level .

  12. AI型智能网络工作站的服务知识库之一&铁路站场网络知识库

    One of Service Knowledge Base in Intelligent Network Workstation ── Railway Nets Knowledge Base

  13. 主要针对网络CAD知识库的特点,讨论了网络CAD原型系统的信息模型。

    This article mainly discusses the information module of prototype system for network CAD pointed to the knowledge warehouse traits of network CAD .

  14. 基于知识库的BOM集成管理系统的研究

    Research on System of BOM Integrated Management Based on Repository

  15. 基于DLL的知识库系统及其实现

    Knowledge Base System and Its Implementation Based on DLL

  16. 采用了Java语言和EJB技术来实现通用不精确正向推理机,并以中间件的形式实现了对知识库的操作。

    Uses Java and EJB to design the inference machine and implement operations on knowledge base on the form of middleware .

  17. 构造了选矿基础Web数据库,建立了统一的知识库标准,基于关系模式表征了传统的规则、框架、语义网络、谓词逻辑等知识;

    Web database and knowledge base standard of mineral processing were built , and traditional rule , frame , semantic model and predicate logic knowledge were characterized by relational data pattern .

  18. 在BP神经网络自学习的基础上得到稳定的知识库,进而对工程项目的安全管理状态进行评价。

    On the foundation of the BP neural network knowledge , this paper carried out the evaluations of the safety management status of a project .

  19. 此外,还提出了xml文档的语义有效性和xml文档的推理问题,并把它们规约到描述逻辑语言∑ΗΟΙΝ(?)的知识库不可满足性问题。

    The semantic validity and entailment problem of XML documents are further provided and they are reduced to the knowledge base unsatisfiability problem in description logic language ΣΗΟΙΝ(?) .

  20. 针对第二个问题,我们通过对标记语言文档格式的分析,提出了利用知识库构造基于Web内容的通用页面转换代理处理方法。

    For the second problem , by analyzing the document format 's characteristics of markup languages , we bring forward the method of universal page transformation for web content based on knowledge base .

  21. L1语言中的知识库系统

    A Knowledge Base System in L1 Language

  22. PROLOG程序和知识库系统

    The Prolog Program and the Knowledge Base System

  23. 基于Ontology建立的知识库系统可靠性高,因为,可以通过更可靠的软件对形式化表达的正确性进行检查。

    Ontology-based subject knowledge base systems are of high reliability , because the correctness of formal ization can be checked through even more reliable software .

  24. 该文对自动答疑系统的关键技术:初始领域知识库的构建、汉语词条切分技术、web页面的全文搜索技术进行了论述。

    This paper discusses the key technology of the auto-answering system such as the construction of the initial knowledge base , word entry segmentation of Chinese ideograph and the full-tex search technology of web page .

  25. “Categoriesthatmaybedeterminedbyexternalfactors”可能表明用户应该使用元数据和规则在知识库中添加外部信息,以便引用元数据。

    " Categories that may be determined by external factors " may indicate that the user should add external information to the documents using metadata and rules to the KB that refer to the metadata .

  26. 此方法使用一个预定义的领域本体知识库来识别这些页面的内容,同时利用一些来自Web站点的导航模式来识别自动填写表单时所需进行的路径导航。

    This method uses a pre-defined ontology repository for identifying the contents of these pages and takes the advantage of some patterns that can be found among web sites to identify the navigation paths to follow .

  27. 在印染CAD系统的需求分析问题中,结合目前印染行业的发展和实际CAD系统的整体构架,提出了一体化工艺知识库这个模型的概念,对数字印前系统做了整体的分析、设计。

    The article gives a model conception on a knowledge base of unification technology and analyse and design digital prepress system from the whole on the problem of systemic requirement analysis .

  28. 可以在利用ICM功能的应用程序中结合使用生成的知识库。

    The result is a KB that can be used in conjunction with applications powered by ICM .

  29. 系统采用Matlab和VC混合编程的方式,BP神经网络同专家系统相结合来构造知识库并介绍了此平台的工作流程。

    This system uses Matlab and VC to program , BP neutral net and expert system integrate to build repository , and also introduces the work flow of this system .

  30. 分析了并行工程对制造资源的需求特点,基于STEP建立了制造资源能力模型,采用面向对象技术,建立了制造资源库和制造知识库;

    The requirement features of manufacturing resource for concurrent engineering is analyzed . The model of manufacturing resource capability is established based on STEP . Manufacturing resource base and knowledge base is built based on object-oriented approach .