
  • 网络Recruitment Team
  1. 努力工作,发掘机会,以及招聘团队的能力,因为这些业务永远是有关人的业务。

    Hard work , an eye for an opportunity , and the ability to recruit teams , because these things are always people businesses .

  2. 管理招聘团队,以创新和成本效益的方式来满足招聘的要求。

    Professionally manage the recruitment function to continuously improve the quality of staff , to meet the resourcing requirements through innovative and cost effective manner .

  3. 包括无拖曳控制技术、月球激光测距技术等五个领域招聘团队负责人,年薪达到50万-100万人民币

    Team leaders in five areas , including drag-free control and lunar laser ranging , are to have annual salaries of between 500000 to 1 million yuan .

  4. 避免面试过程中让众多求职者都失误的关键错误,围绕未来老板感兴趣的话题讨论,从而减轻招聘团队的工作。

    Make life easier for the hiring team by avoiding key mistakes that trip up many applicants and homing in on what matters to your potential future boss .

  5. 如果你能教经理如何改善他们的面试技巧,你会立刻被公认为行业的专家、招聘团队的无价之宝。

    If you can teach your managers how to improve their interviewing skills , you 're instantly recognized as an expert in your field and an invaluable member of the hiring team .

  6. 除非招聘团队有足够严格的证据做出好的决定,你就要一直为候选人辩护,如果你认为对他的评价不公。

    Unless the hiring team has enough hard and fast evidence to make a good decision , you 'll need to continue fighting for your candidate if you believe the person is being judged unfairly .

  7. 招聘团队尝试确认你是否比较适合他们的职位以及他们的企业文化,同时你也试图判断这个机会是否符合你的职业发展规划。

    The hiring team is trying to decide if you are a good fit for the available position and for their culture , and you likewise are trying to judge if the opportunity is the right move for your career .

  8. 实际上,松下电器在招聘营销团队经理时也使用了这种说法,但具体要求是至少10年的“实际工作经验”,5年管理经验,5年数字领域经验,而且最好有MBA学位。

    In fact , Panasonic 's ad for a marketing group manager calls for a " digital native , " even while requiring that candidates have a minimum of 10 years professional " hands-on experience , " five years management experience , five years digital experience and preferably a MBA .

  9. 由于初创企业的资源有限,你必须懂得招聘人才,提高团队技能。

    With the limited resources of a start-up , you have to be smart about hiring and the skills on your team .

  10. 米勒对梅德表示,她将降低目标,从筹集200万美元并招聘一个完整团队降至筹集50万美元,招聘两人。

    Ms. Miller told Mr. Meder that she was scaling back her ambitions from raising $ 2 million and hiring a full team to raising $ 500000 for just the two of them .

  11. 案例中叙述了创业中遇到的普遍问题如:创业资本的筹集、合作伙伴的选择、公司组织形式的变迁、人才招聘与管理、团队建设等。

    In case part , writer mainly introduces common problems encountered by people like : Gathering of capital for company establishment Joint venture partners selection , company 's organization changes , recruitment and management of staff and team building etc.