
  1. 高等院校如何在公开招聘制度中选择人才

    Universities and Colleges How to Recruit Talent in the Open Recruitment System

  2. 招聘制度、招工广告、招工过程描述。

    Recruitment material such as recruitment policy , advertisements , hiring practice description .

  3. 人事职员关于招聘制度的培训记录没有保留。

    The training records for personnel clerk about hiring policy are not maintained .

  4. 第二部分,英国高校现行的教师岗位招聘制度。

    In the second chapter , the current university teachers ' post recruitment system of UK .

  5. 因此,本文试图通过比较,发现企业招聘制度中可供公务员录用制度参考和学习的经验。

    Therefore , this passage tries to find out the useful experience for the civil service recruitment system .

  6. 事业单位实施公开招聘制度,是事业单位人事制度改革的重要内容。

    The open recruitment system on institutions , the personnel system reform of public institution is the important content of .

  7. 包括管理者能力、完善招聘制度和流程、绩效管理和员工培训相关内容。

    Including managers the ability to improve the recruitment system and procedures , performance management and staff training related content .

  8. 浅谈我国高校招生制度改革的公平性高等院校如何在公开招聘制度中选择人才

    On the Fairness of the Enrollment System in China ; Universities and Colleges How to Recruit Talent in the Open Recruitment System

  9. 国有银行实在需要有其本身的招聘制度及薪酬政策,而现在亦有迹象显示这方面的改革已经展开。

    The banks should really have their own employment system and remuneration policy and one can see the signs that reform in this respect has already started .

  10. 随着各项制度健全和完善,公开招聘制度对人事制度改革和事业单位良好发展的作用将愈显明显,也将会更好的服务于社会发展。

    With the sound system and improve the open recruitment system for the sound development of the personnel system reform and public institutions will be significantly more show .

  11. 教师岗位招聘制度对英国高校的发展有重要意义,笔者将英国高校教师岗位招聘制度的演变依照时间划分为三个阶段。

    The system of teacher post recruitment has great significance for the development of British universities , the evolution of the system of the British university teachers ' positions recruiting has been classified three period by the author , according to the time .

  12. 对比美国高校的终身教职制度,我国高校教师聘任制实施过程中存在观念落后、招聘制度不够科学、聘任合同法律效力不强、缺乏淘汰和考核机制等问题。

    Compared with the tenure system in America , many problems crop up in the implementation of the teacher engagement system in our country such as backward modes of thought , unscientific employment system , low efficiency of employment contract , imperfect elimination and assessment system and so on .

  13. 协助制订招聘的标准制度与程序。

    Assists in establishing standard policies and procedures for recruitment .

  14. 人力资源利用方面,公务员招聘和考核制度的不完善导致人才的缺乏和流失。

    Human resources , recruitment and examination system of the civil service is not perfect cause lack and loss of talent .

  15. 这里就一种新的校园招聘模式-培训生制度作出一定的探讨。

    The authors in this paper focus on this new mode of campus job-wanting-the trainee system .

  16. 目前国家机关和政府所属事业单位开始逐步实行公开招聘的用人制度。

    At present the official departments and public institution belong to government agencies begin to implement the open recruitment of personnel system .

  17. 本文以高等职业院校为例,主要通过文献资料分析总结的方式了解其岗位设置、招聘机制以及考核制度的现状。

    In this paper , it is as an example of vocational and technical college and analyzes the positions setting , the recruitment mechanisms and the status of assessment system in vocational and technical college through the conclusion of literature and information .

  18. 在此基础上,本文从加强招聘体系理念建设、提升人事部门管理水平、加强企业文化建设、完善招聘管理制度等四个层面,提出了保障TL公司员工招聘有效进行的相关措施。

    On this basis , this article from strengthen concept of recruitment system construction , improve the personnel department management level , strengthen corporate culture construction and improve the management system , proposed the relevant measures to guarantee TL staff recruitment effectively .