
  • 网络social philosophy;Philosophy of Society
  1. 被西方文化界视为经典性术语的公共领域(PublicSphere)概念,是哈贝马斯政治、社会哲学思想发展中如影随形的重要范畴。

    The conception of public sphere which is regarded as the classical terminology by the western cultural circle , is the important category which is closely associated with Habermas ' politics and social philosophy thought development .

  2. 国际法哲学与社会哲学协会(IVR)第22届世界大会的主题是全球社会中的法律与正义。

    The topic of 22nd World Congress of International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy ( IVR ) was law and justice in a global society .

  3. 社会哲学研究对象和方法之我见

    On the Object and Method of the Study of Social Philosophy

  4. 秩序问题与社会哲学的主题

    The Issue of Order and the Core Subject of Social Philosophy

  5. 当代中国社会哲学研究的三个阶段及其主题嬗变

    Three Developmental Stages and Change of Subject Matters in Chinese Philosophy

  6. 20世纪的西方哲学研究为什么体现出“社会哲学转向”?

    Why was the Western philosophy research switched to " social philosophy "?

  7. 社会哲学视野中的效率和公平

    Efficiency and Fairness in the Social Philosophy Field of Vision

  8. 人的教育:一种社会哲学的考察

    Education of Man : a Research from the Perspective of Social Philosophy

  9. 社会哲学视野下的宽容内涵及其时代特征

    The Content and Character of Tolerance on the Horizon of Social Philosophy

  10. 不同思想气质的科学需要不同的社会哲学思想环境。

    Sciences with different styles need different social philosophical-thought environments .

  11. 德鲁克企业管理思想的社会哲学解读

    A Socio-philosophical Interpretation of Drucker 's Philosophy of Business Management

  12. 国际法律与社会哲学协会

    International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

  13. 从社会哲学视角看知识经济

    Viewing Knowledge-based Economy from the Sight of Social Philosophy

  14. 马克思主义理论中的社会哲学视角和主体

    View from ' Social Philosophy ' and Its Principal Part in Marxism Theory

  15. 论熊彼特创新理论的社会哲学意蕴

    On the Social Philosophy Meaning of " Innovative Theory " Given by Schumpeter

  16. 马克思主义的科学社会主义理论为西方现代契约正义理论产生提供了社会哲学基础;

    Marxian scientific socialistic theory provided social philosophy foundation ;

  17. 社会哲学视野中的制度创新

    System Innovation in the Vision of Social Philosophy

  18. 马赫的社会哲学和社会实践

    Mach 's social philosophy and social practice

  19. 儒家与马克思社会哲学的若干比较

    Comparison between Confucianism and Marxist Social Philosophy

  20. 马克思的唯物史观与社会哲学

    Marxist Material Historical View and Social Philosophy

  21. 人种改良学是他的社会哲学的中心,也是最有争议的部分。

    Eugenics was the central , and most controversial , part of his social philosophy .

  22. 董仲舒社会哲学研究

    On Dong Zhongshu 's Social Philosophy

  23. 波普尔的社会哲学

    On Karl Popper 's social philosophy

  24. 明代天→君→臣→民之社会哲学思想

    The Social Philosophy of " Heaven → Emperor → Officials → People " in the Ming Dynasty

  25. 社会哲学导论

    An Introduction to Social Philosophy

  26. 解构与建构&社会哲学的后现代转向与唯物史观的实践建构

    Deconstruction and Construction & The Postmodern Turn of Social Philosophy and the Practical Construction of Historical Materialism

  27. 伦理学是一门关于道德的价值哲学与人生、社会哲学学说。

    Ethics is a philosophy of value about morals and a philosophical theory about life and society .

  28. 波普尔的证伪主义理论对当代西方科学哲学和社会哲学产生了巨大影响;

    Popper 's theory of falsificationism has exerted tremendous influence upon contemporary western scientific philosophy and social philosophy .

  29. 从社会哲学的角度看,高等教育效率包括高等教育经济效率和社会效率两种结构形式。

    The efficiency of higher education includes economical efficiency and social efficiency in the view of social philosophy .

  30. 从而形成了自己批判工业文明,主张自然和谐的个性发展的社会哲学观。

    Hence he formed his social philosophy view of criticizing the industry civilization , andadvocated naturally harmonious individual character .