
shè huì jí tuán
  • social groupings;collective;organized grouping
  1. 他们给两个社会集团中的温和派人士提供一个机会。

    They offer a chance to moderate people in both communities .

  2. 英国小说通常描写固定的社会集团。

    The English novel usually deals with static social groups .

  3. 我们必须设法直觉地认识各种社会集团的历史。

    We must try to understand intuitively the history of various social groups .

  4. 一个城市中的排他性高级社会集团。

    The exclusive social set of a city .

  5. 群是我们在动物中所能看到的最高的社会集团。

    The herd is the highest social group which we can observe among animals .

  6. 各报对于它自己所属的社会集团的关心,对于整个社会而言却并不是十分有益的事情。

    Responsiveness of each paper to its own social group was not an unmitigated advantage for society .

  7. 这个一度十分重要的社会集团对治理该国的影响越来越无足轻重了。

    This once important social group is becoming more and more marginal to the way the country is run .

  8. 可将周围的人卷入的社会集团、职业等;活动的旋涡

    Social group , profession , etc seen as sth that swallows those who approach it ; whirl of activity

  9. 主张社会集团的压力,才是法制变革的直接推动力。

    The author contends that the pressures of social groups are the immediate impetus to the legal systems reform .

  10. 确实,经济学家往往比其他社会集团更倾向于抨击贸易壁垒。

    Indeed , economists have tended to be even more critical of trade barriers than have other groups in society .

  11. 国际传播是指两个或两个以上的国家或社会集团之间通过大众传播媒介面向其他国家或地区受众所进行的信息交流。

    International communication refers to such kind of information intercourse that happens among two or more countries or international associations .

  12. 权力是社会集团意志的体现,政治上的强制力量,一种责任与义务。

    Power indicates the will of a social group which is a compulsory force in politics , responsibility and an obligation .

  13. 所以,与其说他们是一特殊的社会集团,不如说是一个具有特殊气质的社会人群。

    They do what they like , not so much a particular social group as a social crowd with some peculiarity .

  14. 在不同的阶级、阶层、社会集团的人们中间,对于这个社会制度的大变动,有各种不同的反映。

    These great changes in our social system are reflected differently among people of different classes , strata and social groups .

  15. 国家主权是民族国家的象征,是区别于其他社会集团最根本的属性。

    State sovereignty is the symbol of the nation state and the most essential property that discriminates with the other social groups .

  16. 政党是代表一定阶级、阶层或社会集团,并为其根本利益而斗争的政治组织。

    Political parties are political organizations that represent certain ranks , classes , and social groups which struggle for their fundamental interests .

  17. 其本质是一定阶级、政党和社会集团从思想政治上进行的一种倾向性引导活动。

    Its essence is a certain class , political parties and social groups from the ideological and political orientation on a guided activity .

  18. 所谓香花和毒草,各个阶级、阶层和社会集团也有各自的看法。

    Different classes , strata and social groups each have their own views on what are fragrant flowers and what are poisonous weeds .

  19. 他们是反动的社会集团,利令智昏,把无产阶级的绝对优势,看成了绝对劣势。

    As reactionary social groups blinded by the lust for gain , they take the absolute superiority of the proletariat for absolute inferiority .

  20. 公文指的是国家权力机构或社会集团组织统一制订的具有法定效力和规范体式的公务文书。

    Document , which is stipulated by national authority institutions or social organizations , refers to official writ , with legal efficacy and canonical format .

  21. 政治国家代表的是一定社会集团共同特有的利益,它只能以市民社会经济条件为基础。

    Political State is the representation of common interests of some social groups , it established on the basis of the economic condition of Civil Society .

  22. 使你自己摆脱某些教条主义的一种好方法是去了解与你不同的社会集团所持的意见。

    A good way of ridding yourself of certain kinds of dogmatism is to become aware of opinions held in social circles different from your own .

  23. 宗族成为仅次于官僚行政组织的社会集团,并作为封建国家的细胞和社会基础,对维护封建秩序起着重要作用。

    Clan became a social group only prior to administrative bureaucracy , and played an important role as the component part of feudal countries and social basis .

  24. 绅士集团是自唐宋以后伴随着科举制的实行而形成的一个独特的社会集团。

    The gentlemen group was a unique social group which came into being with the implementation of the imperial examination system since the Tang and Song Dynasties .

  25. 本文认为,不同的国家、阶层、社会集团甚至不同的个人都会基于其不同的利益和需求而对教育功能持有不同的期待和取向。

    However , in our opinion , based on different benefit and demand , different countries , social classes and groups , even individuals endue education with different functions .

  26. 政治教育就是通过影响教育对象的政治立场和态度来获取政治支持的教育实践活动,它是为一定阶级和社会集团实现一定的政治目的服务的。

    Political education is a kind of educational practical activity that acquires political support affecting the political standpoint and attitude , which serves certain class and social group for certian political goal .

  27. 其中的各种仪式只是一个手段,社会集团凭借这一手段来定期地重新肯定自身,从而使社会群体在利益上、传统上、行动上达到新的统一。

    The different ceremonies thereinto is only a means , by which social groups termly reconfirm themselves to make different groups achieve new consolidation in terms of interest , tradition and action .

  28. 时政新闻是传播有关国家政治生活中新近或正在发生的事实报道,涉及国家政党,社会集团等在处理国家生活和国际关系方面的方针、政策和活动。

    English political news relates to the latest political reports involved the national policies and activities launched by the political parties and social groups when dealing with the national political affairs and international relationship .

  29. 应转变信用观念,建立对社会集团、企业及个人等的信用评级机构,并加快信用法制化进程。

    This paper holds that we should change our concepts on credit , establish relative credit rating agencies for social groups , enterprises and individuals , and push the progress of credit legislation forward .

  30. 阶级划分的基础是脑体分工,因而阶级实际上就是指分别从事脑力劳动与体力劳动的社会集团。

    The foundation of division of class is the division of mental labour and physical labour , so different classes refer to different social groups that are engaged in mental labour and physical labour .