
rén lèi qǐ yuán
  • Human origin;the origins of man
  1. 关于人类起源的纯机械论解释。

    A purely mechanistic interpretation of the origins of man .

  2. 现在,我们也许能够更加清楚地了解宇宙生成的年代,并且解答关于人类起源最为深奥的问题之一。

    We may now be able to get a much better idea of the true age of the universe , and solve one of the deepest questions of our origins .

  3. 达尔文对许多事实加以归纳,得出了他对于人类起源的观点。

    Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man .

  4. JC病毒研究进展及其在人类起源研究中的应用

    Progresses of Research on JC Virus and Applications in Studies on Origin of Mankind

  5. 荷兰莱顿大学(LeidenUniversity)研究人类起源的专家维尔·罗伯罗伊克兹(WilRoebroeks)在与论文同时发表的评论中写道,现在评估这项发现的深层含义还为时过早。

    But it is too soon to assess the discovery 's deeper implications , Wil Roebroeks , a specialist in human origins studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands , wrote in a commentary accompanying the report .

  6. Mesotech鸡尾酒不包含任何物质实体的动物或人类起源或)来自转基因生物体(OGM的。

    Mesotech cocktails don 't contain any substance of animal or human origin or material derived from genetically modified organism ( OGM ) .

  7. 从化石记录看古人类起源和演化

    The Fossil Records on Origin and Evolution of Human

  8. 人类起源的历史地理探索

    Historical and Geographical Study on the Origin of Humankind

  9. 社会科学中研究人类起源与社会关系的分支。

    The social science that studies the origins and social relationships of human beings .

  10. 现代人类起源新说与北京猿人的归属北京猿人的环境与文化

    The New Idea of Modern Human Origin and the Classification of Beijing Homo erectus

  11. 人地关系是自人类起源以来就存在的、地理学研究的核心领域之一。

    Man - land relationship is objective .

  12. 人类起源新深

    New exploration of the Origin of Mankind

  13. 人类起源是当代的一大科学难题。

    Origin of humankind is a big difficult problem of science at the present time .

  14. 人类起源和发展研究的或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to the study of the origins and development of human beings .

  15. 人类起源于20万年前。

    Humans appeared about 200000 years ago .

  16. 人类起源神话是创世神话中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Mythology about the origin of men is an important component element in the creative mythology .

  17. 他或许会因他在人类起源方面的工作而被人铭记。

    He will probably be best remembered for his work on the origin of Homo sapiens .

  18. 人类起源已不再象过去那样,是个茫然神秘的课题。

    The origin of the human race is not as blind a subject as it once was .

  19. 达尔文和人类起源的研究

    Darwin and human evolution

  20. 自人类起源以来,人口与环境之间的关系就客观地存在着。

    The relationship between population and environment is the existing objective relationship since the beginning of the human beings .

  21. 人与异类婚配型故事与人类起源神话、氏族起源神话、传说有着密切的联系。

    People and heterogeneous marriages-tales has closely linked with myths of human origins , clan origin myths and legends .

  22. 包括农业考古、人类起源与现代人起源等的专题研究。

    Studying of special archaeological fields , such as the agricultural archaeology , the origin of human , and so on .

  23. 其他一些研究人类起源的考古学家表示,这一新发现相当引人注目,而且至少在一种意义上,出乎了人们的意料。

    Other archaeologists of human origins said the new findings were spectacular and , in at least one sense , unexpected .

  24. 当然,中国也有关于人类起源的童话,但是大家都视其为童话。

    There were , of course , Chinese fairy tales about the origin of humans , but they were understood as fairy tales .

  25. 教学有用的令人振奋的新观点,也鼓励将人类起源的亲属关系进一步交叉学科的研究,因此对人类本身。

    Useful for teaching , it will also encourage further cross-disciplinary research into the origins of human kinship , and therefore of humanity itself .

  26. 斯蒂格勒从现象学立场出发,以对普罗米修斯神话的哲学阐释为基础,提出并创立了一个富有启发性的关于人类起源的哲学理论。

    Based on the phenomenology and the philosophical interpretation of the Prometheus myth , Stiegler builds up a stimulating philosophy theory on human origin .

  27. 本文就当代科学与宗教在宇宙的起源和人类起源的问题上的对话进行了初浅地探讨。

    The thesis makes a tentative exploration on the dialogue between contemporary science and religion upon the issues of the origins of the universe and human-beings .

  28. 人类起源于林缘草地,人类与草地的关系经历了正(肯定)反(否定)合(肯定)的辩证发展。

    Human beings originated from forest edged grassland . The relationship between human and the grassland passed through the dialectical development of the positive negative Integration .

  29. 另外,他特地告诉我们他非常兴奋的一个尚未命名的项目,任务是寻找人类起源,这类科学研究将第一次让公众参与。

    He is particularly excited about a project , not yet named , that for the first time will join Citizens'Cyberscience with the search for human origins .

  30. 他在《人类起源》中提到过一些研究,显示非婚生子女中女孩多于男孩。

    In " the descent of man " , he referred to studies showing that among children born out of wedlock there were more girls than boys .