
Visualized Inquiry on Thermophysical Property Datas of Lithium Bromide Aqueous Solution Using Delphi and Access
Thermosyphon boiling heat transfer in lunate channel can enhance heat transfer evidently . The experimental study proves that boiling heat transfer coefficient of LiBr water solution approaches to 5 ~ 6 kW / ( m 2 · K ) .
The results show that effects of 1-hexanol and 1-heptanol on absorption of water vapor into aqueous lithium bromide solution are better than those of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol .
Micro-morphology of liquid-vapor interface of lithium bromide aqueous solution added with 1-octanol
Visualizing Investigation on Absorption Enhancement of Lithium Bromide Aqueous Solution
Experimental research on pool boiling heat transfer of water-lithium bromide solution at vacuum
Experimental study on Lithium-bromide aqueous solution adiabatic absorption process
Study on Absorption Enhancement for Flowing Film of LiBr Aqueous Solution Accompanying Interfacial Turbulence
Development of research on water vapor absorption into falling film of lithium-bromide / water solution
Analysis on enthalpy of lithium bromide solution
Experimental investigation on the enhancement of plate falling-film absorption of aqueous LiBr using surface activating agent
Using quantum mechanics method to calculate activity coefficient and thermal-dyn amic variables of lithium bromide liquor
Research on the Falling Film Flow outside the Horizontal Tubes with Film Distribution of Lithium Bromide Solution
The advancement of research on the enhancing mechanism of absorption using lithium bromide aqueous solution with surface-active agent
This paper deals with the down film absorbing process of Lithium Bromide-Water solution under small Reynolds numbers .
At the nozzle throat , cavitation phenomenon easily occurs , which impacts on the flow pattern of aqueous lithium bromide solution .
The presently used oil / gas fired vacuum hot water boilers can only provide heating or domestic hot water at temperature lower than 100 ℃ .
An experimental apparatus of the pool boiling heat transfer was developed and an experimental investigation on the pool boiling of water-lithium bromide solution has been conducted .
Numerical model of the enhancement produced in absorption processes using surfactants Guidelines on how to avoid bromate in water have been published by the International Ozone Association .
This paper proposes the equilibrium and enthalpy concentration equations by means of regression analysis based on the measured properties of aqueous lithium bromide solution made in China .
According to the LiBr / H 2O solution falling film absorption along the vertical plate fin channel , the open circled experimental setup running in a batch mode is built .
A watery solution of sugars , salts , and minerals that circulates through the vascular system of a plant . Numerical model of the enhancement produced in absorption processes using surfactants
Tensiometer is used to measure the surface tension of water and LiBr aqueous solution at room temperature . The experimental value of surface tension is close to the value from literatures .
A numerical simulation model of falling film absorption over horizontal tubes in absorber with LiBr water solution as the working medium was established in consideration of wet ratio and transverse convection .
A new nickel alloy corrosion resisting spiral heat transfer tube bundle ( NCST ) which can withstand corrosion at the high temperature of LiBr / H 2O solution has been researched and developed .
The computed value of surface tension of water and LiBr aqueous solution is smaller than the experimental value . But the variation tendency with the temperature or concentration of LiBr aqueous solution accords with the experimental results .
In absorption refrigeration technology , there exit two methods to enhance the water vapor absorption into the LiBr aqueous solution : adopting the high efficient components of heat and mass transfer and adding surface-active agents into the LiBr aqueous solution .