
zhí xiàn huí ɡuī
  • linear regression
  1. 用直线回归和相关分析CRP与其他指标的关系。

    All data were analyzed by linear regression and correlation .

  2. Bayesian图解模型&直线回归

    Bayesian graphical modelling : linear regression

  3. 孕妇血清中不同载量HBVdna与新生儿宫内感染率进行直线回归分析,相关系数为0.9673,成正相关。

    HBV DNA loading was positively correlated with the occurrence of intrauterine infection .

  4. 该方法采用非参数方法估计危险率函数,用直线回归的方法估计Weibull模型的参数。

    By using non-parameter method and linear regression the parameters in the Weibull model are estimated .

  5. 应用直线回归分析和灰色系列预测模型GM(1,1)预测S市性病的报告发病趋势。

    Linear regression analysis and gray series prediction model GM ( 1,1 ) are adopted to predict the venereal disease epidemiology in s city .

  6. 离体的浓度-效应关系与在体的毒效关系结果趋势相似,两直线回归所得b值不具差异(P>0.05)。

    The shift tendency of concentration-effect curve for DDVP in vitro was similar to that of the curve in vivo , difference between their value b was not significant ( P > 0.05 ) .

  7. 直线回归分析表明,LPO与全血和血浆粘度无显著相关;

    Linear regression analysis shows that there is no remarkable correlation between LPO and blood viscosity or plasma viscosity .

  8. 在一定体长范围内,正常体感诱发电位P1、N2波峰潜伏期与家兔记录点和刺激点之间距离有直线回归的关系。

    The normal latency of SEP has a linear regressive relationship with the distance between recording point and exciting point .

  9. 触角电位受抑制的程度随吡啶浓度升高而增大.从表示触角电位发放频率变化与时间关系的直线回归方程可知,其b值大小与吡啶浓度有关,吡啶浓度越大,b值则越小。

    Linear regression equation shows the relationship between the frequency of antennary potentials and time , which b value is related with the concentration of pyridine , the higher the concentration is , the larger the b value is .

  10. 直线回归和相关分析显示:疾病组(Ⅰ、Ⅱ两组合并)血Se含量与血GSH-Px、SOD呈显著正相关,与MDA呈显著负相关;

    Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that plasma Se content in patients with PGS was positively related to plasma GSH-Px , SOD activities and negatively correlated with MDA .

  11. 结果实验组RF明显增高,且与抗HAV-IgM检测的光密度OD值之间存在直线回归关系。

    Results The serum levels of RF were significantly higher in the test group . There was linear regression relation between RF and OD of anti-HAV IgM .

  12. 髌骨软骨软化症发病率与Q角呈直线回归关系,Q角越大,发病率越高。

    Previous studies have shown a linear regression relation between quadriceps angle ( Q angle ) and incidence of chondromalacia patellae ( CP ), the bigger Q angle , the higher incidence of CP.

  13. 对45只Beagle犬的体重与各脏器重量之间的关系进行了回归分析,并计算出相应的直线回归方程。

    The main organs weight and body wight of 45 Beagle dogs were recorded respectively and the linear regression equation was calculated .

  14. 直线回归分析表明,服用Neoral后2个小时的血药浓度与药物暴露量(AUC)相关性最强。并且这种相关性的稳定性较好。

    Linear regression suggests C-2 had best correlation with drug exposure ( AUC ) .

  15. 计量资料组间比较确定方差齐性,采用方差分析;各种激素与年龄、体质量指数进行直线回归相关性分析和多元Logistic逐步回归。

    Analysis of variance was adopted for measurement data between groups , and the correlation of different estrogen to age and BMI was determined by using linear regression correlation analysis and multiple Logistic stepwise regression analysis .

  16. 微波辐射时间与组织中心温度升高呈直线回归关系,含水量高的组织(Y=14.35+0.62x)其微波热效应明显强于含水量低的组织(Y=12.42+0.56x,P<0.05);

    A linear regressive relationship was revealed between the rise of central temperature in the tissue and microwave radiation duration . The effect in the tissue with high water content was much stronger than that with low water content ( P < 0 . 005 ) .

  17. 应用直线回归,症状积分分别与SDS量表、SAS量表评分比较,两者的两组变量间均具有高度正相关。

    Application of linear regression , symptom score , respectively , with the SDS scale , SAS scale score compared with the two sets of two variables are highly positively correlated .

  18. 男女CVA死亡率比的时间变化趋势用简单直线回归模型进行拟合。

    Time trend of cause specific mortality rates of CVD both in males and females was fitted with a simple linear regression model .

  19. 本文运用Logistic回归分析、直线回归分析、相关分析、聚类分析和因子分析,对肺活量、血压和脉搏等项身体机能指标进行了筛选,提出了评价身体机能的新方案。

    We applied Logistic regression , linear regression , correlation analysis , cluster analysis ami factor analysis to sieve somatic function indexes , and put forward a new schewe which form an estimate of student individual somatic function .

  20. 方法:采用SDS-PAGE以及银氨染色法检测嗜人按蚊中肠膜蛋白分子量,并对分子量标准(Mr116000~14400)进行直线回归分析。

    Methods : The membrane protein was analyzed by SDS-PAGE and silver staining method and the standard molecular weight ( Mr 116 ~ 14.4 kD ) was made by the linear regression .

  21. 3毒量药物动力学参数估测①急毒试验求算LD(50)及D-P直线回归方程。

    2.3 To determine pharmacokinetic parameters of drug toxicity ① Through acute toxicity experiment , LD_ ( 50 ) and Dose & probit beeline regression equation were achieved .

  22. 直线回归相关分析总体及各组HbA1c与MBG、全天7次血糖的相关性。

    Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the correlation of HbA_1c and MBG as well as each point capillary blood glucose profile .

  23. P-LPO与Ery-MP的直线回归和相关为?

    The linear-regression and correlation of P-LPO and Ery-MP were ?

  24. 方法:以剂量对数与对应率的概率单位拟合的直线回归方程为基础,再用计算机程序搜索法选取拟合优度最好的回归方程,供加权概率单位法加工计算LD50。

    Methods : Employ the programmed searching method to select the best goodness of fit of the regression equation based on the logarithm of dose and the probit of the response rate .

  25. 在Logit-log直线回归中自动剔除坏点的一种方法

    A Method of Automatic Rejection of " Outliers " in the Logit-log Linear Regression

  26. 血压升高或SND抑制为纵座标,求出直线回归方程。并进行比较。但是,应用一般的无约束识别方法会导致单位线纵座标的正负振荡;

    The linear regression curves and equations were obtained and compared . However , the ordinary unconstrained identification method would cause the ordinate value of unit hydrograph to oscillate in positive and negative way .

  27. 目的和方法用Vero细胞及HEK293细胞体外培养法检测双嘧达莫对单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)的抑制活性,并以直线回归方程计算IC50值。

    Objective and Methods To determine the inhibitory activity of dipyridamole ( DPM ) on replication of herpes simplex virus ( HSV ) ⅰ、ⅱ in Vero cells and HEK 293 cells in vitro .

  28. 冠状动脉病变程度应用CAG分析,冠状动脉狭窄程度根据美国心脏协会(AHA)1975年分类标准评价,冠状动脉病变的危险因素应用多元逐步直线回归分析。

    The coronary artery changes were analysed by CAG , and the severity of coronary artery stenosis were evaluated by AHA standards . The related risk factors in coronary artery disease were analysed by pluralism straight line statistics .

  29. 逐步多元直线回归分析表明,2型糖尿病患者子女胰岛素抵抗以及相关变量等环境因素和4G等位基因这一遗传因素共同影响纤溶酶原激活物抑制物1活性。

    The multiple stepwise linear regression analysis indicates that the insulin resistance , the environmental factors of related variables and the genetic factor of 4G allele together affect the activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in the children of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus .

  30. 方法利用MoranI检验、似然比检验、Wald检验、拉格朗日检验四种方法检验误差项的空间相关性,并将直线回归与空间误差模型应用到碘缺乏病。

    Methods Applying Moran I test , likelihood ratios test , Wald test and Lagrange multiplicative test to test the spatial autocorrelation about the error of linear regression and spatial error models to iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD ) .