
sì fēn wèi shù
  • quartile
四分位数[sì fēn wèi shù]
  1. 上四分位数是25%的观察值位于其上的值。

    The upper quartile is that value above which 25 per cent of the observations lie .

  2. 小盘股比大盘股更难定价,第一和第三个四分位数的差距有4.7%。

    Small-cap stocks are tougher to price than large-cap stocks , so there 's a4.7 % differential , first to third quartile .

  3. 通过对四分位数稳健统计进行Z比分数法能力验证过程的分析提出高斯节点z比分数法。

    By quartile robust statistical Z-Score way analysis of Proficiency Testing process to make Gaussian node Z-scores ways .

  4. 美国国家教育统计中心(NationalCenterforEducationStatistics)专员杰克·巴克利(JackBuckley)指出,家庭收入位居最高四分位数的美国学生的表现不如具有类似背景的其他国家学生。

    Jack Buckley , the commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics , noted that American students from families with incomes in the highest quartile did not perform as well as students with similar backgrounds in other countries .

  5. 计算以7岁时“超重”或BMI总得分的四分位数为表现的儿童期肥胖和之后出现哮喘间关系的优势比。

    Odds ratios were calculated for the association between childhood adiposity , expressed as " overweight " or as BMI z-score quartiles at7 yrs of age , and asthma development after that age .

  6. 处于HOMA指数上四分位数区间的人与其他三个区间相比卒中风险增加。

    Individuals in the top one-fourth ( quartile ) of HOMA index had an increased risk of stroke compared to those in the other three quartiles of the HOMA index .

  7. BNP水平位于最高的四分位数的患者与低四分位数的患者相比,具有高龄、低左室射血分数(LVEF)等特点,更可能患有心肌梗死及糖尿病等病史。

    Patient with BNP levels in the highest quartile were older , had a lower left ventricular ejection fraction ( LVEF ), and were more likely to have a history of myocardial infarction and diabetes than patients with BNP levels in the lowest quartile s.

  8. 成人研究对象IQR与IQW差值(IQR-W)之均数为5.36,中位数为6;而标准差为14.55,极差为74(-35至39),四分位数间距为18,变异系数为271.455%。

    The mean , median , standard deviation , range , quartile , coefficient of variation of the deviation between the IQR and IQW ( IQR-W ) were 5.36,6,14.55,74,271.46 % respectively .

  9. 它是上四分位数与下四分位数之间的差异。

    It is the difference between the upper and lower quartiles .

  10. 各组内数据描述用中位数和四分位数表示;

    Each group of statistics are indicated with medians and quartiles ;

  11. 患者病程中位数(四分位数)分别为[48(9-120)]月。

    The duration of hyperthyroidism was [ 48 ( 9-120 ) ] months , described as Median ( Quartiles ) .

  12. 在调整年龄和性别的作用后,胃癌的发病率与血清胆固醇水平处于第1四分位数以下之间存在统计学差异。

    After adjustment for age and gender , gastric cancer rates rose significantly with descending quartiles of serum cholesterol level .

  13. 处于上四分位数区间的人胰岛素抵抗各种血管事件的风险要高出45%。

    Individuals in the top quarter of insulin resistance had a45 percent greater risk of any type of vascular event .

  14. 以血液微量元素水平的四分位数和连续变量为根据,为病情得到控制的患者组估计出调整后的优势比以消除潜在误差。

    Based on quartiles of plasma micronutrient levels and continuous variables , adjusted odds ratios were estimated for bladder cancer after controlling for potential confounders .

  15. 结果:男女两性脉压大多随体重指数及腰臀比四分位数的增加而呈升高趋势,尤以女性为明显。

    Results : waist / hip ratio ( WHR ) , body mass index ( BMI ) were positively correlated with PP , especially in females .

  16. 即使在最差的表现者中(最后的四分位数,其中大多数都是穷国),改善程度也略微增大:从112天减少至63天。

    Among the worst performers ( the bottom quartile , which are mostly poor countries ) the improvement has been slightly greater : from 112 days to 63 .

  17. 当然在最无法有效定价的风险投资领域,第一和第三个四分位数之间的差距,可以达到43.2%

    Of course , in the venture capital world , the least efficiently priced of all , there 's a43.2 % differential between the top quartile and the bottom quartile .

  18. 本文运用1992年全国第三次营养调查的数据,按百分位四分位数法对湖南省居民膳食脂肪与食物纤维素摄入状况进行了研究。

    Data was acquired from the Third National Nutritional Survey of 1992.Quartile division was used to describe the distribution of fat and food fibre intake in population of Hunan province .

  19. 统计中已有确定中位数、四分位数、十分位数等的方法,文章在此基础上提出三分位数的概念及其确定的方法。

    There already exist Median , Quartiles and Tenth Quantile etc. Based on this , the authors put out the concept and ( calculation ) method for tri-sectional quantiles in this article .

  20. 而且,结论令人信服&特别是考虑到这些公司通常在“内部回报率”达到或接近峰值时(有时峰值的出现可能远早于设想)募资,它认为采用好年份的四分位数是不够的。

    And it is fairly compelling – particularly its argument that using vintage year quartiles is inadequate , considering that firms often fundraise at or near " peak IRR " ( which sometimes comes much earlier than you might imagine ) .