
  1. 在四能带模型的基础上,建立了光系统II各功能单元间的能量传递动力学模型,分析了不同光照情况下的能量传递差异情况。

    The dynamic model of energy transfer between each function unit of photosystem ⅱ was made by improving a four band model . The difference of energy transfer with different light intensity was analyzed .

  2. 分析了市场经济条件下,农业科技期刊所面临的内部压力、外部压力与机遇;同时,提出了对编辑人员提出的新的要求,即一德、二心、三力、四能。

    The paper has analyzed the challenges and opportunities faced by agricultural sci-tech periodicals , and put forward ten major requirements for editors .

  3. 培养大学生“三心四能”素养,需要高等学校合理选择人才培养路径。

    Cultivating college students ' " Three Senses , Four Capabilities " qualities need higher institutions to strengthen selecting the path of cultivating talents .

  4. 培养听话能力的方式方法多种多样,应遵循积累语言、发展智力,四能并举、学习交际,创设情境、激发兴趣,精讲多练、循环递进四原则。

    It has various ways to train it , so we should accumulate languages , develop intelligence , use " four abilities " simultaneously , study communication , open situation , excite interest , ensure plenty of practice , and follow four principle of promotion .

  5. 下周四我能在你那里借住一晚吗?

    Can you put me up next Thursday night ?

  6. 在甲醇存在下,用EDTA四钠盐能准确而精密地络合滴定Ca(OH)2和CaCO3混合物。

    In the presence of methanol , the mixture of Ca ( OH ) 2 and CaCO 3 can be analyzed with high accuracy and precision by EDTA complexometry .

  7. 对表达量最高的前5个嵌合RNA进行分析,发现第一个和第四个能得到RT-PCR验证。

    The top five chimeric RNAs which had the highest expression level were chosen for analysis . It was found that the first and fourth can be verified by RT-PCR .

  8. 第四,能促进产业结构升级。

    Fourth , it could promote the updating of industrial structure .

  9. 我想我们四个能弄出。

    I think the four US can top it .

  10. 星期四晚上能和我一起吃晚饭吗?

    How about having dinner with me Thursday night ?

  11. 下星期四你能来吃晚饭吗?

    Can you come to dinner next thursday ?

  12. 第四,能和数字打交道。

    You can work with numbers .

  13. 血清总抗氧化能力也较S组增高(P<0.05)。结论:花生四烯酸能降低链脲佐菌素诱导糖尿病大鼠的血糖,提高糖尿病大鼠抗氧化能力。

    Conclusion : AA can reduce blood glucose concentration and improve antioxidative ability in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats .

  14. 我担心自己会无法完全学会英语听說讀写的四种能力。

    I worry that I can 't improve my listening , speaking , reading and writing ability .

  15. (四)能培训技术人员和经营管理人员。

    Vision control supervisor and ( 4 ) It will be able to train technical and managerial personnel .

  16. 如果你不清楚两者的区别,那么请参见下面四个能帮助你找出假快乐的因素吧!

    If you 're not clear which is which , the following four factors can help you spot a fake !

  17. 两便士能买一品脱黑啤酒,四便士能买一夸脱,八便士就是一加仑。不,一加仑得花一先令四便士。

    Twopence a pint , fourpence a quart , eightpence a gallon of porter , no , one and fourpence a gallon of porter .

  18. 发展社会林业,必须界定出明晰的林业权能边界,强化林地使用权,保障四大权能。

    To develop community forestry should identify the clear forestry property boundary and strengthen the right to use forestland and ensure 4 powers and functions .

  19. 第四学期能给部分教师提供进修或集中一段时间科研的机会,缓解教学与科研双重压力,有利于师资队伍建设。

    Simultaneously , it provides time for some teachers to concentrate on their researches or to pursue further study in the fourth semester , which maintains a balance between teaching and research .

  20. 萨克斯四重奏能很好的培养一个萨克斯学习者的音乐修养,扩宽萨克斯学习者的视野、丰富音乐知识、提高演奏水准。

    Saxophone quartet can be a very good training for a saxophone learners ' music culture , broaden the saxophone learners ' vision , enrich music knowledge , improve the level of playing .

  21. 以上结果提示:油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和花生四烯酸能有效促进空肠细胞的增殖并抑制其凋亡,而棕榈酸促进肠道细胞的凋亡。

    Therefore , oleic acid , linoleic acid , linolenic acid and arachidonic acid all can promote cell proliferation and inhibit cell apoptosis in pigeon intestine , which was reverse in palmitic acid treatment .

  22. 就是因为这个原因,那些从天狼星被播种到地球的大师们同时带来了四种能结出松仁果的松树。

    It is for this reason that the Grand Masters who were seeded upon Terra ( earth ) from Sirius brought with them four varieties of pine trees that produced cones with pine nuts .

  23. 四是能更有效地保存学员的数据,便于学员和管理员查阅浏览记录、跟进学习进度、掌握实时动态。

    Fourthly , it can help to save the data of the students more effectively , as the students and administrators can check their viewing history , cope with the learning progress , and knowing the real-time trends .

  24. 相类似的一项研究,去年南加州大学的研究发现每六个月禁食两到四天能强制身体有生存模式,耗尽身体储存的脂肪和糖分,分解老细胞。

    Similarly , a University of Southern California study published last year found fasting for two to four days every six months forces the body into survival mode , using up stores of fat and sugar and breaking down old cells .

  25. 调整设备的某些参数、利用旧基础,采用环氧砂浆座浆法和合理的对中安装工序。改造后的四机组能满足生产长期稳定运行的需要。

    The reformed four sets were satisfied with the requirement of long period stable production operation , by means of adjusting some parameters of equipment , making use of old foundation , adopting ep-oxy mortar base slurry method , and reasonable centering assembly operating sequence .

  26. 采用单因素分析法,选取并研究地层厚度、颗粒岩厚度、白云岩厚度和区域岩相等四种能反映沉积环境和沉积相的地质因素,指出了四个重点层段的沉积相平面分布特征;

    By the method of single-factor analysis , it is pointed out facies distribution of four key formations after thorough study of four geologic factors that could embody sedimentary environment and facies , that is the thickness of formation , grainstone and dolostone , and lithofacies .

  27. 当分析数据时,我发现了很惊人的结果,因为我发现五种腌制调料中有四种实际上能阻止致癌物的组成。

    So when I went through the data , I had very surprising results , because I found that four out of the five marinating ingredients actually inhibited the carcinogen formation .

  28. 端粒末端DNA形成G-四螺旋,能阻止端粒酶发挥功能,抑制端粒酶活性,另外在一些癌基因的启动子区域也可形成G-四螺旋,控制癌基因。

    Telomeric DNA formats G-quadruplex , thereby inhibits telomerase activity . Also , formation of G-quadruplex in promoters of several oncogenes can inhibit expression of oncogenes .

  29. 四组均能显著降低患者血糖水平,但第1、2、3组降血糖作用较第4组明显,尤其第1组作用更显著(P<0.01)。

    The results showed : ( 1 ) Four groups can reduce blood sugar , but 1 2 , 3 groups ' affection are more significant especially the first group .

  30. 以~(32)P标记RNA分子的5′或3′末端的四种碱基能被酶试剂部分裂解。

    RNA molecules labelled with 32P at 5 ' or 3 ' end can be partially cleaved at each of the four bases using enzymatic agents .