
  • 网络bunker;dugout
  1. 你怎么准备的?埃米利奥:你有没有看到我在建设我的地下掩体?

    How ? Emilio : Haven 't you seen me building my underground bunker ?

  2. 联合国核监督机构在一份报告中显示,伊朗已经对地下掩体中的铀浓缩离心机的数量进行加倍。

    The UN nuclear watchdog says in a report that Iran has doubled the number of uranium enrichment centrifuges it has in an underground bunker .

  3. 除非是直接被击中,否则这个地下掩体是非常安全的。

    The dugouts were secure from everything but a direct hit .

  4. 这也就是为什么各国政府都在修建地下掩体的原因。

    This is why the governments of the world are building bunkers deep within the Earth .

  5. 走到房子的背后,让他吃惊的是旧的地下掩体的铁门依稀可见。

    Walking to the rear of the house , he was surprised that the steel doors of the old underground shelter were still visible .

  6. 英国首相丘吉尔在二战时期的秘密地下掩体即将对公众开放。

    Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill 's Cabinet War dining room is shown in this undated handout photo in a bunker under London .

  7. 有些评论家坚称,地道入口不容易被发现,但其实它们比地下掩体本身还容易被找到。

    Some commentators maintain that tunnel entrances will be hard to locate , but they will be far easier to find than the underground bunkers themselves .

  8. 这个努力的一部分,是升级既有的供军民领导人使用的加强型地下掩体和指挥控制设施的巨大网络。

    Part of this effort is upgrading a previously existing extensive network of hardened underground shelters and command and control facilities for both military and civilian leaders .

  9. 警方称疑犯吉米·李·达克斯呆在地下掩体内已经一个多星期,而对峙的可能性可能会拖延更长的时间。

    Police say the suspect Jimmy Lee Dykes has been known as staying underground bunker for more than a week , raising the possibility the standoff could drag on much longer .

  10. 在阿拉巴马州东南部,毗邻而居的一个男人在周二下午涉嫌射杀一名校车司机后在自己的地下掩体内仍然恐惧的抱着一个五岁的男婴。

    In southeast Alabama , man who neighbors had come to fear still holding a five-year-old boy in his bunker after he alleged shot a school bus driver to death Tuesday afternoon .

  11. 伦敦战时密室博物馆的人菲尔·雷德说,公众可以参观丘吉尔二战时期在地下掩体中的私人住所,从而这位著名的英国首相在战时的生活情况。

    Access will be allowed to Churchill 's private quarters , showing a personal side of the wartime prime minister , director of London 's Cabinet War Rooms museum Phil Reed said .

  12. 这个地下掩体曾是英国二战期间的军事和情报中枢。

    Secret areas of Winston Churchill 's underground bunker , the nerve center for British military planning and intelligence in World War II , are to be opened to the public for the first time .

  13. 核子落尘造成的复杂问题必然让人想到,是否有核弹以外的替代方案可以摧毁深埋地下的掩体。

    THE COMPLICATIONS FROM atomic fallout naturally raise the question of whether any nonnuclear alternative could destroy deeply buried bunkers .

  14. 一家中国报纸报导,中国人口最多的城市上海建成一个巨大的地下防空掩体,以备在遭遇核袭击或是其他灾难时保护民众。

    A state-controlled newspaper in China says the country 's most populous city , Shanghai , has built a vast , underground bunker to protect people in the event of a nuclear attack or other calamity .

  15. 东贝鲁特的市民们躲进了地下室和掩体中。

    Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters .

  16. 二次世界大战以来,世界各国纷纷将高价值目标转移到地下的坚固掩体中,为了有效摧毁这一类目标,侵彻战斗部及其引信的研制成为热点。

    Since World War ⅱ, many countries have shifted high-value targets in the firmness underground blindage . In order to destroy these targets , the development of penetrating warhead and fuze become a hot pot .