
  1. 文中以时间段为线索,将中国有代表性的城市地铁壁画进行了阶段性概括。

    In the text , the time as the clues , the Chinese representative to the city subway murals were phased general .

  2. 地铁壁画的创作已经不是艺术家的个人行为,而是在这种特殊的空间中发挥特殊作用的一种社会行为,因此其参与的因素也就更加复杂,作用的范围也就更为广阔和深远。

    Subway mural creation is not only an artist individual behavior , but a kind of social behavior which plays special role in this particular space .

  3. 本文力图通过对现有一些地铁壁画的分析、归纳,总结出地铁壁画的定位及功能分类,提出地铁壁画未来的发展模式设想,能对地铁壁画创作的理论体系有所丰富和充实。

    This paper tries to rich and colorful theoretical system of subway mural creation which sums up the position and function of subway mural on basis of the analysis and conclusion of present subway mural .