
  • 网络post-emergence
  1. 苯脲类除草剂作为一类重要的除草剂,广泛应用于不同农作物的芽前和苗后的一年生杂草,特别是一年生宽叶杂草。

    Phenylurea herbicide belongs to an important class of contact herbicides that have been used for pre - and post-emergence control of annual grass , and many broad leaf weeds in many crops acting by inhibition of photosynthesis .

  2. 农威EC是一种低毒、高效、广谱,具有选择性内吸传导型,苗后茎叶处理的豆田除草剂。

    Agricultural determent EC is a kind under of low toxicity , heiger effectier , broad-spectrum herbicide , post-emergence application it performs selective effectiveness on weed killing .

  3. 原来的锅炉开始往外喷火苗后他便换了个新的。

    He replaced the boiler when the last one began to spout flames

  4. 不论是母源HI抗体价<16的或在16&256之间的猪,注苗后均无可见的临床反应,但一般都能产生高滴度的HI抗体。

    Pigs either with or without maternal HI antibodies showed no clinical reactions after vaccination , but , in general , produced high titers of Hi antibodies .

  5. 苗后60d收获植株。

    The plants were harvested after 60 days of growth .

  6. 家兔穴位接种猪TGE苗后β-Ep与免疫动态形态学研究

    The dynamic morphology studies on β - ep and immunology of the rabbits after vaccinating tge at the point

  7. 种鸡注苗后8周测定其1日龄雏鸡IBDAGP抗体阳性率为96.35%。

    The positive rate of AGP antibody of IBD in the sera from the chickens was 96 . 35 % after their breeding hens were vaccinated 8 weeks .

  8. 莠去津即使浓度在1g/l时,仍会对杨树幼苗产生极强的抑制作用,所以在速生杨圃地除草时,应避免作为苗后茎叶处理剂使用。

    Atrazine can strongly inhibit poplar seedling even if concentration is lg / 1 , so we should avoid using it as treatment solvent to stem and leaf after seedling in instant poplar nursery .

  9. 马蹄金草坪苗后阔叶杂草防除技术研究

    Study on control technique of postemergence broadleaf weeds on Dichondra repens turf

  10. 旱稻田苗后杂草化学防除技术研究

    Weed Control Technique for Upland Rice after Seedling Emergence

  11. 乙草胺玉米苗后除草技术田间试验研究

    Study on weeding technique of acetochlor applied in post - emergence period of Maize

  12. 在胚成苗后进行继代培养和生根培养。

    After emergence of seedlings , shoot multiplication culture and rooting culture were made .

  13. 主要发生在1岁儿童,且多为首次服苗后。

    VAPP mostly occurred in children 1 year old after one dose of OPV vaccine .

  14. 待无病植株成苗后再利用快繁技术大量繁殖。

    Utilizing fast breeding technology to breed in a large amount after it becomes Seedling .

  15. 母源抗体对仔猪接种猪丹毒菌苗后产生免疫力的影响

    The influence of maternal antibodies on the immunity of piglets inoculated with living swine erysipelas vaccine

  16. 再生植株经炼苗后移栽成活率达80%以上。

    The regenerated plantlets were transplanted into the soil . Over 80 % transplanted plants were survival .

  17. 云南省甘蔗田生态经济防治阈期处在甘蔗苗后总生育期10.3%~48%之间,是防除杂草的关键时期。

    The ecology and economic threshold period was about the 10.3-48 % during the whole bearing period which after seedling period .

  18. 草铵膦是广谱、苗后、非选择性除草剂,在我国尚未工业化生产。

    Glufosinate is a broad spectrum non-selective post-emergnce herbicide , we have not yet been able to indus-trial production in China .

  19. 激素型除草剂对大白菜芽根生长及叶片营养物质含量的影响马蹄金草坪苗后阔叶杂草防除技术研究

    Study on the Security of Hormone-type Herbicides to Chinese Cabbage STUDY ON CONTROL TECHNIQUE OF POSTEMERGENCE BROADLEAF WEEDS ON Dichondra repens TURF

  20. 苗后施药期天气干旱,高温或喷液量过大,施药时期偏晚,混用不当;

    Drought weather , high temperature , too high spray volume , delay application timing and unsuitable tank mixture are for post-emergence .

  21. 人工种子在转换培养基上转化成苗后,移植至混合土中盆栽3个星期后幼苗成活率达80%以上。

    The seedlings converted from artificial seeds had 80 % of emergence rate after transfering to pots filled with mixed soil after 3 weeks .

  22. 大规模的对狗进行接种狂苗后,因人暴露后无需再去接受预防性治疗从而节省财力。

    Rabies elimination efforts that focus on mass vaccinations of dogs are financially justified by the future savings of discontinuing post-exposure preventive treatment for people .

  23. 本文主要测定了不同剂量γ-射线辐照条斑紫菜和坛紫菜体细胞苗后的生长情况。

    The growth of the vegetative cells of P - yezoensis and P. haitanensis under the irradiation of γ - rays from 60Co was studied in this paper .

  24. 成苗后各种源营养器官的RNA/DNA值有很大差异。此值与各相应器官生长量也无明显相关。

    There was very difference among DNA / RNA values of different organs in the seedling period and no obvious relation between the value and corresponding organ growth .

  25. 根据目标产量推荐施氮量和依产进行苗后追肥是减少小麦生产风险的有效方法。

    Use of target yields for nitrogen ( N ) recommendations and yield tracking for post-emergent N application are proving reliable tools for reducing the risks associated with wheat production .

  26. 期间的生长发育速度较常规抱子体采苗后的生长发育速度快20天。

    In the period from seed - adhering to seedling of 8-16 Rows cell , speed of growth and development of seedling is 20 days faster than that of seedling cultured by normal technique .

  27. 将所获得的再生植株炼苗后移栽到试验地种植,都能正常生长发育,在生长期观察,与野生型烟草比较,转基因烟草植株在生长势、株型等性状没有明显区别。

    Transgenic plants grew and developed normally after transplanted to field . Observation during growth period suggested that transgenic plants did not show obvious difference in growth trend and plant type compared to wild type plants .

  28. 苗后除草剂推荐用量应是在适宜的环境条件下,试验结果如温度15℃~27℃、空气相对湿度65%~90%、风速4m/s以下及杂草敏感期等;

    Rate recommendations for postemergence herbicides must result from trials conducted under favorable environmental conditions , such as air temperatures of 15 to 27 ℃, relative humidity between 65 and 90 % , wind velocity below 4 m / sec , and weeds in susceptible stages .

  29. 洋葱苗长壮后,我们就可以把它们移植到菜园里;这些苗很快就可以移植。

    When the onion plants have hardened off , we can plant them in the garden ; they should be ready soon .

  30. 白血病小鼠经IL-6基因转染瘤苗治疗后脾细胞诱生的细胞因子水平

    Levels of Cytokines from Leukemia-bearing Mice Treated with IL-6 Gene Transfected Leukemia Cellular Vaccines