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  1. 杭州地区番茄苗期猝倒病的8种腐霉的DNA多态性

    DNA polymorphism of Pythium eight species of causing tomato seedlings damping off disease in Hangzhou region

  2. 通过甲基脂肪酸气相色谱分析法(GC-FAME)、Biolog细菌鉴定法(借助于计算机的数值分类法)和其它试验对黄瓜苗期猝倒病具有明显防治效果的16株拮抗菌株进行分类鉴定。

    Gas chromatographic analysis of fatty acid methyl esters ( GC FAME ), Biolog ( computer aided numeric taxonomy method ) and other tests were used for identification of 16 antagonistic bacteria against damping off of cucumber seedlings .

  3. 苗期猝倒病是番茄育苗期的一类重要土传病害,在世界各国发生普遍且十分严重,造成重大的经济损失。

    Seedling damping-off of tomato is an important soilborne disease in tomato .

  4. 黄瓜苗期猝倒病侵染机制

    Infection Mechanism of Cucumber Seedling Damping - - off

  5. 黄瓜苗期猝倒病生物防治

    Biological control of seedling damping - off of cucumber

  6. 文章分析了苗期常见的猝倒病与立枯病的病症、类型及发病规律,进而提出了此两种病害的防治措施。

    This paper analyzed the common cataplexy and damping-off illness during the seedling stage , the type and its law of being taken bad , then proposed controlling measures against these two kinds of plant diseases .