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sōng chí
  • relax;slack;loose;flabby;slacken;lax;weaken;loosen up;wind down;limp;flappy
松弛 [sōng chí]
  • (1) [limp;flappy;relax]∶减低紧张程度或减小压力

  • 松弛一下肌肉

  • (2) [lax;slacken;weaken]∶不严格的

  • 纪律松弛

松弛[sōng chí]
  1. 他不光是肥胖,而且肌肉松弛。

    He isn 't just fat , he 's flabby .

  2. 在此基础上,加之外伤因素,棘间韧带可发生断裂或松弛。

    On this foundation , together with is traumatic element , the ligament between spine can happen rupture or flabby .

  3. 按摩有助于使颏下松弛的皮肤柔韧起来。

    Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin .

  4. 他看着儿子,紧绷的面孔松弛下来。

    His face softened as he looked at his son .

  5. 喝点茶吧,这会使你紧张的神经松弛下来。

    Have some tea ; it 'll calm your nerves .

  6. 按摩会使紧张的肌肉松弛。

    A massage will relax those tense muscles .

  7. 按摩使得我背部紧张的肌肉松弛下来。

    The massage relaxed my tense back muscles .

  8. 他体形健壮,但肌肉已经开始松弛。

    He is heavily built , but beginning to sag .

  9. 闭上眼睛。放松。让身体尽量松弛。

    Close your eyes . Relax . Let your body loosen up .

  10. 生孩子的时候,肌肉会拉抻、放松,然后松弛下来。

    Muscles stretch , slacken and relax during childbirth .

  11. 双手捏脚,目的也是使紧张的肌肉松弛下来。

    Squeeze the foot with both hands , again to loosen up tight muscles

  12. 每天只锻炼20分钟,即使最松弛的臀部也会变挺翘。

    Exercise for just 20 minutes a day to firm up even the saggiest bottom .

  13. 无核细胞是通过药物、细胞松弛素b把细胞核去掉制备的。

    Enucleated cells are prepared by removing cell nuclei in the presence of the drug , cytochalasin B.

  14. 他们不用担心,他们必须睡觉,于是他们疲惫不堪的筋骨不知不觉地松弛了。

    They mustn 't worry ; they must sleep ; and rest stole into their jaded bones .

  15. 我的孩子不应该,把书本尽可能放远,以便使睫状肌松弛?

    Shouldn 't my child hold the book as far away as possible to relax the focusing muscles ?

  16. 按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛。

    Massage helps relieve the tension in one 's muscles .

  17. 他穿着松弛的裤子。抹布一样的帽子。

    He sags his pants ; doo rags and a stockin cap .

  18. 当我的皮肤变得又老又松弛时,你还会爱我吗?

    Daisy : Would you still love me if I were old and saggy ?

  19. 电视脸是一个人看同一个电视节目看太久而变得太过松弛的脸部表情。

    TV face is a condition in which a person 's face becomes too relaxed from starting the same thing too long ( watching TV ) .

  20. 有些简单的应对方法:试着侧睡或者趴着睡(有研究表明这些姿势可能会缓解打呼症状),以及避免饮酒(酒精会松弛咽喉肌肉,使空气更难通过)。

    Some easy fixes : Try sleeping on your side or stomach ( research shows those positions may reduce snoring ) and avoiding alcohol ( liquor can relax throat muscles , making it more difficult for air to get through ) .

  21. “老爸身材”用来形容那种肌肉有点松弛、没型、啤酒肚明显的身材,也可指代拥有这种身材的男人。

    Dadbod ( dad + body ) is used to refer to a male physique characterized by a slight flabbiness , undefined musculature , and a noticeable beer belly . It can also refer to a man who has such a physique .

  22. 事实纠正:你可能读到过喉头喷雾可以防止打呼——这不是真的。打呼是因为咽喉肌肉太松弛,润滑或者麻痹咽喉就会起作用的说法毫无道理。

    Reality check : You may have read that throat sprays prevent snoring -- not true . Snoring that arises in the throat happens because the muscles are too relaxed . There 's no reason lubricating or numbing3 your throat would have any effect .

  23. 细胞松弛素B诱导盘鲍三倍体的研究

    Study on culturing of triploid abalone Haliotis discus discus by Cytochalasin B

  24. 一种用于图象分割和恢复的MAP松弛算法

    A relaxation approach to map algorithm for image segmentation and restoration

  25. 低松弛PC钢绞线机组张力控制系统的改进

    Improvement of Tensile Control System for Low Relaxation PC Stranded Wire Unit

  26. V型金属缠绕垫片应力松弛特性试验研究

    Characteristic Study of Stress Relaxation on V-type Metallic Spiral Wound Gasket

  27. 大跨度桥梁用低松弛镀锌PC钢绞线的生产

    The Manufacture of Low Relaxation Prestressed Galvanized PC Steel Strand for Wide Span Bridge

  28. FRP结构螺栓接点的预紧力与应力松弛

    Pretightening force and stress relaxation of FRP construction bolt joint

  29. HDPE土工膜温度应力及其应力松弛评价

    Evaluation of temperature stress and stress relaxation properties of HDPE sheet

  30. 基于Lagrange松弛分解的多产品生产&分销系统的联合决策

    Lagrange relaxation decomposition based joint decisions for production and distribution system with multiple products