
  • 网络Psychic Cost
  1. 失业的精神成本,一定程度上可以归因于丢掉工作所造成的社会耻辱感和对自尊心的伤害。

    The psychic cost of unemployment can in part be explained by the social stigma and loss of self-esteem job loss entails .

  2. 一是严惩腐败行为,同时提高公务员待遇,营造不必腐败的环境,主要通过提高查处腐败案件的概率、提高承担法律责任的成本和提高腐败者的精神成本来实现。

    Punish corruption severely and improve the treatment of government officials , creating an environment where officials are not willing to corrupt .

  3. 犯罪成本包括:实施犯罪行为直接支付的金钱、实物、精神成本等;机会成本;惩罚性成本等。

    The costs of crime include money , substance and mental costs paid directly to the implementation of crime , opportunity cost , penalty cost and so on .

  4. 顾客总成本包括时间成本、货币成本、风险成本、精神成本、机会成本、构成了电子商务顾客满意度的评价指标。

    The total cost of the customer includes monetary cost , risk cost , spiritual cost , opportunity cost , evaluation index to form customer satisfaction of e-commerce .

  5. 顾客成本由货币成本、时间成本、体力和精神成本构成,与顾客购买成反比。

    This consumer cost consists of monetary cost , time cost , physical and mental cost . Then what is appropriate between these two , is being discussed is this paper .

  6. 金钱报酬是一个最大的方法,激励人,但在精神,无成本的解决方案,还有其他的战术,可以工作。

    Monetary rewards are one of the biggest methods for motivating people , but in the spirit of no-cost solutions , there are other tactics that can work .

  7. 第二部从对专利使用权的定性、出资适格性、与公司法精神和经济成本论吻合几方面分析了专利使用权出资的可行性。

    The second part will give analyses on the feasibility of patent rights ' fund based on whether the patent right to use qualitative and investment eligibility consistent with the " Company Law " spiritual and economic costs .

  8. 2种方案治疗首发精神分裂症的成本-效果分析

    Two Therapeutic Schemes for the First Attack of Schizophrenia : Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

  9. 目的:评价利培酮口服液与奥氮平片治疗精神分裂症的成本-效果。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of risperidone oral solution and olanzapine in the treatment of schizophrenia .

  10. 作为物质消耗、精神压力和错误成本总和的行政诉讼成本,其构成,从不同的角度可分为不同的种类。

    Being a total amount of material consumption , pressure and wrong cost , administrative litigation cost can divide into different types from different angles .