
jīng měi
  • exquisite;elegant;fineness;refineness;fine
精美 [jīng měi]
  • [fine] 精致而美好

  • 精美瓷器

精美[jīng měi]
  1. 印第安人带了精美的珠饰来卖。

    The Indians brought in exquisite beadwork to sell

  2. 张先生的摄影作品非常精美。

    Mr Zhang 's photography is exquisite .

  3. 新娘的礼服十分精美。

    The bride 's dress was a work of art .

  4. 该城的精美建筑很少是1755年大地震前建成的。

    Few of the town 's fine buildings pre-date the earthquake of 1755 .

  5. 她的名师设计的服装取材于一份精美的时装杂志。

    Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine .

  6. 她做了一顿精美的饭菜。

    She had prepared a very elaborate meal .

  7. 精美的包装有助于产品的销售。

    Attractive packaging can help to sell products .

  8. 那些女人戴着由绿松石和粉色珊瑚制成的精美项链。

    The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral .

  9. 我们在一家装饰精美的具有新艺术风格的美国咖啡屋吃的午饭。

    We lunched at the stunning art nouveau Caf é American .

  10. 那些雕饰精美的门制于17世纪。

    The ornately carved doors were made in the seventeenth century .

  11. 真正让这本书大获成功的是它精美的设计。

    What really makes the book are the beautiful designs .

  12. 咖啡在装饰精美的银壶中冒着热气。

    Coffee steamed in the richly decorated silver pot .

  13. 门是由纯柚木制成,做工精美。

    The door is beautifully made in solid teak .

  14. 这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。

    The finely twined baskets are made with young , pliable spruce roots .

  15. 无论到哪儿她都会佩戴精美的首饰。

    She 'll wear fine jewellery wherever she goes .

  16. 其图书以纸质优良、封面精美而闻名。

    Its books are noted for the quality of their paper and bindings .

  17. 人们已经习惯了用精美的亮光纸印刷的杂志了。

    People have got used to nice glossy magazines

  18. 这菜单上即便是制作最精美的菜品其热量也非常低。

    Even the most elaborate dishes on the menu were quite low on calories .

  19. 如果包装精美,我们就会认为里面装的也是好东西。

    If the package is wrapped well , we assume the contents are also wonderful

  20. 她端进来一只盘子,里面盛满了精美的三明治、烤饼和蛋糕。

    She brought in a tray heavy with elegant sandwiches , scones and cakes .

  21. 特价出售、值得收藏的精美艺术品种类繁多,将会让参观者大开眼界。

    Visitors will be impressed with the enormous range of collectable objets d'art on offer

  22. 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。

    These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople .

  23. 用我们的精美礼物宠爱一下自己吧。

    Pamper yourself with our luxury gifts

  24. 每本书都配有精美的插图。

    Each book is beautifully illustrated

  25. 在一层灰尘和蜘蛛网底下,他发现了一座精美的法国路易十六时期的时钟。

    Under the coating of dust and cobwebs , he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock .

  26. 他刚出了本书:大开本,插图精美,专业性也不太强。

    He 's just written a book : large format , nicely illustrated and not too technical .

  27. 他身边满是象征高贵身份的东西——狗,马以及精美的画。

    He surrounds himself with all the trappings of gentility — dogs , horses , and fine paintings

  28. 设计精美的服装价格昂贵。

    Well-designed clothes cost money .

  29. 英国的音乐之都伯明翰将展示其精美的艺术珍品。

    Birmingham , the ' UK City of Music ' , will be parading its finest artistic goodies .

  30. 个人电脑里的游戏非常完美,从想象力丰富的故事情节及人物到富有挑战性的游戏设计和精美画面,应有尽有。

    On PC , the game had it all — imaginative storyline and characters , challenging gameplay , superb graphics .