
  1. 以长江支流乌江武隆站所建立的洪水随机模型为原型,应用统计试验方法初步研究了随机模拟中模型及参数不确定性对推求设计防洪库容精度的影响。

    Assuming that the population model of flood stochastic process is known , the effects of uncertainty of simulating model and parameters estimated on the precision of design flood control storage is preliminarily analysed by Monte Carlo method .

  2. 乌江梯级水电站的经济运行研究及应用

    Research and Application of Economic Operation of Wujiang Cascaded Hydroelectric Stations

  3. 乌江渡水电站岩溶地区高压灌浆施工特殊情况的处理

    Disposal Method for Special Condition in High Pressure Grouting Engineering at Karst Area

  4. 乌江梯级水电站在贵州西电东送中的作用

    Effect of Wujiang River cascade hydropower stations on West to East Power Transmission Project

  5. 从运行方式谈乌江梯级水电站节能降耗工作

    Talking about Economizing on Energy and Water of Wujiang Cascade Hydropower Stations from Operational Mode

  6. 结合乌江构皮滩水电站岩体结构面大型原位抗剪试验成果,分析了结构面性状对结构面抗剪强度的影响。

    Analyzed the influence of properties on discontinuity shear strength from Wu-jiang-Goupitan hydraulic power station experiment results .

  7. 乌江梯级水电站群的计算结果表明,所提模型和求解方法具有良好的调峰效果,是一种切实可行的方法。

    The calculation results from Wujiang cascade hydropower stations indicate this model takes a good effect on peak regulation .

  8. 制定了乌江梯级水电站群2005年发电计划,并已投入使用指导梯级电站的运行调度。

    The 2005 year power scheme of Wujiang river cascade stations is made , and it is put into practice .

  9. 雅砻江下游梯级电站群中长期优化调度模型及其算法研究乌江梯级水电站中长期发电优化调度研究

    Study on the mid-long term optimal operation model and its algorithm for cascade hydropower stations on the lower-reach of Yalong River

  10. 乌江渡水电站扩机工程施工区地质条件复杂,岩溶发育,存在渗漏条件。

    The construction area of the extension project of Wujiangdu Hydropower Station has complex geologic conditions , developed karst with strong seepage conditions .

  11. 叙述了乌江东风水电站库区地质条件,并由此得到了库区诱发地震分区及地震活动情况。

    The paper describes the seismogeologic conditions , earthquake activities of reservoir area , seismic zoning induced by the reservoir of Dengfeng Hydropower Station .

  12. 该电站在提高乌江梯级水电站保证出力、减少下游梯级电站弃水调峰,以及提高贵州电网火电机组负荷率方面作用巨大。

    It plays huge role in enhancing the firm output of Wujiang cascade hydropower stations , reducing the water releasing volume for peaking in the downstream cascade hydro stations in Guizhou Power System .

  13. 乌江构皮滩水电站电站厂房为岩溶地区修建的特大型地下厂房,围岩稳定问题较突出,影响围岩稳定的因素主要有岩溶与不利结构面及其组合的块体等。

    The stability problem of wall rock was prominent , and the factors that affect the wall rock stability including karst , disadvantage structure surface , and the block body combined by the two factors .

  14. 贵州乌江思林水电站围堰防渗闭气设计及施工

    Design and Construction of Impermeable and Anti-breath Cofferdam in Siling Hydropower Station , Wujiang , Guizhou

  15. 乌江洪家渡水电站主体工程的监理招标严格按国家招标法进行。

    Tendering for supervision engineers in main civil projects of Hongjiadu Hydropower Station was strictly followed the state tendering and bidding law .

  16. 阐述了贵州乌江洪家渡水电站厂房上部新型钢结构排架柱、吊车梁负荷试验时的变形、振动的观测方法与结果,并对结果进行了分析处理。

    This article introduces the methods and results of observing vibration and deformation of crane beams and framed columns-steel structures on the top of powerhouse when them were in load test , as well as analyzes the results .