
  1. 且英国是这些新的巨人公司所需要的技能的世界中心,例如法律,会计学和品牌术。

    AndBritainis a world-class centre for the skills these new giant companies need , such as law , accountancy and branding .

  2. 但是如果我们每个人都聘用比我们大的人,那么奥美广告公司就会变成一家巨人公司。

    But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are , Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants .

  3. 中国,北京(178)-今晨有消息称,巨人公司将很快启用新的晋升系统。在新方案中,技术员工将拥有特殊提升渠道。

    Beijing , China ( 178 ) - According to news from this morning , Giant is going to adopt a new promotion system in the near future , in which they will make a special promotion channel for technicians .

  4. 基于同样的原因,出版业的巨人Hearst公司也正在寻求开发一种适用与自己产品的电子阅读器。

    Publishing giant Hearst has been looking to develop a reader of its own for similar reasons .

  5. 2010年,她领导公司兼并了英国糖果巨人吉百利公司(Cadbury)。同年,公司营业收入达到480亿美元。

    She led the company in acquiring British candy giant Cadbury in2010 , and the company generated $ 48 billion in revenues that same year .

  6. 但是,就在同一天,急需现金的存储类芯片巨人Hynix公司的董事会断然拒绝了美国的一家竞争对手美国美光科技公司的收购建议,此举令市场大为震惊。

    But on the same day , the board of Hynix , a cash-strapped memory-chip giant , shocked the markets by rejecting a proposed takeover by Micron Technology , an American competitor .

  7. 巨人网络公司,是一个系列的公司收购。

    The giant networking company , is a serial acquirer of companies .

  8. 食品巨人雀巢公司如何转向健康加值产业?

    How does nestle , the food giant , turn to the health add value industry ?

  9. 在全美超级碗橄榄球赛期间,体育用品巨人耐克公司准备发起一轮新的广告宣传攻势。

    Sportswear giants Nike prepare to launch a new advertising campaign during the NFL Super bowl .

  10. 或成为第二个四通电子,将来出巨资买下史玉柱的巨人投资公司?

    Or into a seconde-Stone , a huge investment in the future to buy Shi Yuzhu of the giant investment company ?

  11. 动画片巨人迪斯尼公司在生产动画片的过程中,广泛地从世界各地不同文化中汲取创作灵感,产生了大量的混血动画片。

    As the animation giant , Disney Studio hunts for creating inspiration worldwide and employs foreign stories from various cultures to reproduce its own hybrid animated features .

  12. 上个月,这个计算机行业的巨人与SONY公司达成协议将WINDOWS操作系统集成到将来的数字电视置顶盒中。

    Last month , the computer giant struck a deal with Sony to integrate the Windows operating system into future DTV set-top boxes .

  13. 最后根据目标市场及4P基本理论提出了巨人通力电梯公司湖北区域应该采取的营销战略调整建议。

    Based on target market and 4Ps theory , some useful suggestions are provided for Hubei Branch to adjust its marketing strategy in the final chapter .

  14. 根据协议,通力在巨人通力电梯公司(GiantKoneElevators)的持股比例将从40%提高至80%,并拥有在未来买下剩余20%股份的选择权。

    The deal will see Kone raise its shareholding in Giant Kone Elevators from 40 per cent to 80 per cent , with an option to buy the remaining 20 per cent in future .

  15. 我们正在安装从巨人建筑机械公司进口的新装配线。

    We 're installing the new assembly line from Giant Building Machinery Inc.

  16. 这位是巨人建筑机械公司的巴里?罗斯金。

    This is Barry Ruskin from Giant Building Machinery Inc.

  17. 作为世界经济活动中的巨人,跨国公司面对的是全球多变的环境,不仅要考虑母国的市场情况,还要考虑东道国政府的政策、法规以及国际,汇率因素等等。

    As an important role in the global economic activities , transnational corporations face on a worldwide changefully market environment where they have to consider not only the market circumstances of their homeland but also local policies and international exchange rate .

  18. 啊,我叫罗斯金,巨人建筑机械有限公司的巴里?罗斯金。

    Yeah , the name is uh Ruskin , Barry Ruskin of the Giant Building Machinery Inc.

  19. 巨人通力电梯有限公司系2005年初通力集团和浙江巨人电梯有限公司联合组建的合资公司,是国内唯一从事合资品牌电扶梯产品生产销售、安装维保的企业。

    Giant KONE Elevator Co. Ltd. is a joint venture which is invested by Finland KONE Corporation and Zhejiang Giant Elevator Co. Ltd. in China in early 2005 .