
jù é jiāo yì
  • Huge transaction;extensive transaction
  1. 即使是在完成了那笔巨额交易、以及如今又收购KingDigital后,他仍然没有停下脚步。

    Even after that huge transaction and now the King deal , he is not standing still .

  2. 去年,伦敦股票交易所(LSE)的交易系统在巨额交易订单的压力下崩溃,导致交易中断3小时。

    Last year , the London Stock Exchange suffered a three-hour outage after its trading system collapsed under the strain of a huge volume of orders .

  3. 亨氏(Heinz)将收购卡夫食品(KraftFoods),缔造北美最大食品公司之一。这一最新出炉的巨额交易是在沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)和巴西3G资本(3GCapital)的强大合作下促成的。

    Heinz is to take over Kraft Foods to create one of North America 's biggest food companies in the latest blockbuster deal engineered by the formidable tandem of Warren Buffett and Brazil 's 3G Capital .

  4. 然而,政府本可以鼓励其它接受tarp资金的机构向小企业放贷,而不是继续坐视接受纾困的机构赚取巨额交易利润。

    However , the government could have encouraged other Tarp-funded institutions to lend to small businesses rather than continuing to allow bailed-out institutions to make outsized trading profits .

  5. 辉瑞发言人JoanCampion说公司应该承诺保持信息公开以及并不认为惠氏是一个传统的“巨额交易”案,因为它的潜在风险不会太大。

    Pfizer spokeswoman Joan Campion says the company always said it would remain open and doesn 't consider Wyeth a traditional " megadeal " because it 's not all about one blockbuster .

  6. 然而这些巨额交易的实际影响并不太大。

    Yet there is less than meets the eye to these mega deals .

  7. 出现巨额交易亏损后,该行已实施了一系列管理层调整措施。

    The bank has made a number of management changes in the wake of the trading loss .

  8. 摩根大通的一位发言人称,这一轮人事调整已经筹划了好几个月,比巨额交易损失早很久。

    And a JPMorgan spokesperson said the moves have been in the works for months , long before the trading losses emerged .

  9. 自经济危机发生以来高盛获取了巨额交易收益,高盛也因此被冠以新绰号“吸血乌贼”。

    Goldman gained the nickname vampire squid , in part , because it generated huge trading gains in the wake of the financial crisis .

  10. 在2007年的这宗380亿美元巨额交易之前,力拓一直是保守的资产看护者,而非企业的交易或收购者。

    Until the $ 38bn blockbuster deal in 2007 , Rio had been a conservative custodian of assets rather than a trader or acquirer of companies .

  11. 一位专门从事并购业务的投资银行家说,即使法律生效了,也可能无力阻止像这样巨额交易的达成。

    Even at that , 'the new laws may not be forceful enough to block a deal this big , 'says one investment banker specializing in mergers and acquisitions .

  12. 作为全球主要的石油出口国,伊朗存在大量以美元结算的巨额交易,需要一种途径使这些现金能够通过国际银行系统进行循环。

    As a major oil exporter , Iran engaged in a number of big dollar-denominated transactions and needed a way to recycle that cash through the international banking system .

  13. 随着这些收入超过传统的咨询业务费,那些必须付出更大努力才能分得一杯羹的老派银行家,变得日益关注巨额交易了。

    As those revenues overpowered fees generated by traditional advisory work , old-school bankers who had to compete harder for their share of the pie grew increasingly focused on mega-deals .

  14. 从摩根大通用来抵销巨额交易亏损的办法可以看出:银行利润的来历有多么复杂,而它的变更又可以有多么随意,我们又能相信几分。

    How the bank appears to have offset the huge trading loss is a prime example of how complex and malleable bank profits actually are , and how much they should be believed .

  15. 2008年,希尔顿酒店(HiltonWorldwide)宣布了信贷危机和随后的金融风暴发生前最后一项巨额收购交易。

    Hilton Worldwide was the last mega-buyout to be announced before the 2008 credit crunch and ensuing financial crisis .

  16. 资产总额达2.42亿美元的amancapitalglobal对冲基金于2005年突然关闭,其原因在于巨额衍生品交易亏损和糟糕的内部风险控制。

    The sudden closure in 2005 of the $ 242m aman Capital Global Fund was linked to big derivatives trading losses and poor internal risk controls .

  17. 数月之后,在受到巨额衍生品交易亏损、内部风险控制不严的打击之后,AmanCapitalGlobal突然倒闭。这家公司是新加坡监管过松的对冲基金之一。

    Months later , Aman Capital Global , one of Singapore 's lightly regulated hedge funds , closed suddenly after being hit by big derivatives trading losses and poor internal risk controls .

  18. 全球最有价值的公司苹果(Apple)周二发起巨额债券交易,以筹集资金用于其股票回购计划。目前国际债券市场在年初遭遇挑战之后开始重新启动。

    Apple , the most valuable company in the world , launched a multibillion-dollar bond deal on Tuesday to fund its share buyback programme , as international debt markets began to reopen after a challenging start to the year .

  19. 加拿大巴里克黄金公司(BarrickGoldCorp)去年在非洲的一宗巨额铜矿交易令其背上了沉重的负担,但这却将给中国提供了一个加强在非洲大陆黄金开采业务的机会。

    The fallout from a costly copper deal in Africa last year by Canada 's Barrick Gold Corp. is giving China a chance to strengthen its gold mining footprint in the continent .

  20. 他指的是伦敦今年夏季出现的一系列巨额房产交易,包括最近StJohn'sWood的一套住宅以3800万英镑的价格合每平方英尺4000英镑左右出售给一位哈萨克商人。

    He points to a host of big-ticket transactions that have taken place in London this summer , including the recent sale of a property in St John 's Wood for 38m or about 4,000 per sq ft to a Kazakh businessman .

  21. FacebookInc.已同意以190亿美元现金加股票收购即时通讯应用提供商WhatsApp。这一巨额收购交易引起市场轰动,也令其他初创公司近期卖出的已经极高的价格相形见绌。

    Facebook Inc. agreed to buy messaging company WhatsApp for $ 19 billion in cash and stock , a blockbuster transaction that dwarfs the already sky-high prices that other startups have been able to recently command .

  22. Black-scholes的理论是在无市场摩擦的状况下得到的,如果存在交易费用,上述讨论不再有效,无论交易费用多么小,连续的头寸调整也会带来巨额的交易成本。

    In the presence of transactions costs , the arbitrage argument used by Black-Scholes to price option no longer can be used : because continuous trading would be ruinously expensive , no matter how small transactions costs might be as a percentage of turnover .

  23. 从上市公司的巨额品牌交易看无形资产确认

    Confirmation of Intangible Assets as Viewed from the Extensive " Brand " Transactions Between Listed Companies

  24. 本年度的谈判表明,随着这些企业展开巨额收购交易,它们的优先事项有所不同。

    This year 's negotiations point to the companies ' different priorities as they navigate multi-billion dollar takeover deals .

  25. 实际上,高盛保留了实力,坦然地利用低利率和危机过后的竞争减少,获得了巨额的交易利润。

    Instead , his bank has stuck to its strengths , unashamedly taken advantage of the low interest rates and diminished competition resulting from the crisis to make big trading profits .

  26. 雷曼兄弟的突然倒闭使全球市场陷入混乱,各大银行、对冲基金和其它投资者为弄清自己的地位费尽了心机。在雷曼进行巨额跨境交易的欧洲,混乱尤为严重。

    Lehman Brothers ' sudden collapse , particularly in Europe where it had massive cross-border trading operations , left global markets in disarray as leading banks , hedge funds and other investors struggled to work out their positions .