
  • 网络Rifaximin;Rifaximine;Xifaxan;Rifax-imin
  1. 方法用随机对照前瞻性试验方法,共入选病例70例,利福昔明胶囊(试验组33例)每次200mg,每6h1次;

    Methods It was a randomized , comparative , prospective clinical trial . The dosage of rifaximin ( 35 cases , trial ) was 200 mg , q 6 h.

  2. 利福昔明胶囊治疗急性细菌感染性腹泻的临床疗效观察

    Efficacy and safety of rifaximin in treatment of acute bacterial diarrhea

  3. 方法采用肉汤倍比稀释法测定利福昔明和环丙沙星对177株肠道病原菌的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)。

    Methods Drug sensitivity test used broth double dilution method to detect 177 enteropathogens ' minimum inhibiting concentration .

  4. 急性细菌性肠道感染患者211例,随机分为两组,治疗组107例,每次给予利福昔明0.2g,po,q6h,同时给予环丙沙星模拟安慰药片1片,bid,疗程5d;

    211 patients with acute bacterial infection of the intestine were randomly divided into the treatment group and control group . 107 cases in the treatment group were given each 0.2 g of rifaximin , PO , q. 6 h.

  5. 利福昔明片治疗急性细菌性肠道感染疗效和不良反应评价

    Efficacy and safety of rifaximin in treatment of acute bacterial enteropathy

  6. 国内利福昔明不良反应的回顾性分析

    Retrospective analysis of adverse drug reactions of rifaximin reported in literature in China

  7. 利福昔明胶囊组未观察到不良反应和严重不良事件发生。

    No adverse reaction was found in rifaximin group .

  8. 利福昔明治疗急性细菌性肠道感染107例

    Treatment of 107 Cases of Acute Bacterial Infection of the Intestine with Rifaximin

  9. 利福昔明治疗成人急性感染性腹泻的临床研究

    Rifaximin versus Ciprofloxacin for Treatment of Acute Infectious Diarrhea

  10. 利福昔明预防旅行者腹泻:一项随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验

    A randomized , double-blind , placebo-controlled trial of rifaximin to prevent travelers ' diarrhea

  11. 利福昔明治疗急性感染性腹泻111例临床疗效及安全性

    Evaluation of clinical effect and safety of rifaximin in treating 111 patients with acute infectious diarrhea

  12. 利福昔明片多中心、随机、单盲对照治疗急性细菌感染性腹泻的临床疗效观察

    Rifaximin in treatment of acute bacterial diarrhea : a randomized , single-blind and multicenter clinical trial

  13. 利福昔明治疗感染性腹泻50例的随机双盲对照试验

    Rifaximin in treating infectious bacterial diarrhea of 50 patients : a randomized , double-blind , controlled trial

  14. 利福昔明胶囊对急性感染性腹泻的疗效和安全性及其血药浓度测定

    Effectiveness and safety of rifaximin capsule in the treatment of acute infectious diarrhea and determination its plasma concentration

  15. 目的比较利福昔明与环丙沙星治疗成人感染性腹泻的疗效及安全性。

    OBJECTIVE To compare the efficacy and safety of rifaximin with ciprofloxacin in patients with acute infectious diarrhea .

  16. 目的:观察利福昔明片治疗急性感染性腹泻的临床疗效和安全性。

    Objective : To observe the efficacy and safety of rifaximin tablets in treatment of a-cute infectious diarrhea .

  17. 利福昔明治疗急性细菌感染性腹泻94例的随机双盲多中心临床试验

    Multicenter randomized , double-blind , clinical trial on rifaximin in treatment of acute bacterial infectious diarrhea in 94 patients

  18. 结论:国产利福昔明胶囊治疗急性细菌感染性腹泻安全、有效,与环丙沙星胶囊相似。

    CONCLUSION : Domestic rifaximin is an effective and safe new drug in treatment of acute bacterial infectious diarrhea .

  19. 结论:对治疗急性细菌感染性腹泻利福昔明胶囊具有与环丙沙星胶囊同等的疗效和安全性。

    Conclusion : Compared with ciprofloxacin , rifaximin has the same efficacy and safety in treatment of acute bacterial diarrhea .

  20. 目的:评价国产新药利福昔明胶囊治疗细菌感染性腹泻的有效性与安全性。

    AIM : To evaluate the safety and efficacy of domestic rifaximin in the treatment of acute bacterial infectious diarrhea .

  21. 利福昔明和环丙沙星的细菌清除率分别是96.2%和963%,不良反应发生率为2.8%和2.9%。

    The bacteria elimination rates were 96.2 % and 96.3 % , respectively , and the incidences of adverse reactions were 2.8 % and 2.9 % , respectively .

  22. 利福昔明是第一个非氨基糖甙类胃肠道抗生素,本品作用强、抗菌谱广,与其他胃肠道抗生素相比,对多种革兰氏阳性(G+)、革兰氏阴性(G-)需氧菌和厌氧菌均有高度抗菌活性。

    Rifaximin is the first gastrointestinal tract antibiotic not belong to aminogiycosides , which have strong action and wide antimicrobial spectrum , include G + 、 G - 、 aerobe and anaerobe .