
  • 网络ripon;Gina Rippon
  1. Branson明天送Sybil小姐去里彭

    Branson , you 'll be taking Lady Sybil to Ripon tomorrow .

  2. 视频里的女孩们穿着实验室的大衣测试口红,咯咯笑个不停,里彭教授说。

    It showed girls in lab coats testing lipstick and giggling a lot , Prof Rippon said .

  3. 妄图修正女生不去进入科学界的尝试看来即将破产,里彭教授辩称。

    Ill-conceived attempts to fix the problem of girls not going into science were likely to backfire , Prof Rippon argued .

  4. 妄图“修正”女生不去进入科学界的尝试看来即将破产,里彭教授辩称。

    Ill-conceived attempts to " fix " the problem of girls not going into science were likely to backfire , Prof Rippon argued .

  5. 但里彭教授坚称这与男女生先天的大脑工作机制差异并无关系。

    But Prof Rippon insisted this was nothing to do with innate differences in the way the brains of girls and boys worked .

  6. 里彭教授也很不屑理会那些演化心理学家,他们宣称男性和女性思维大部分是自然选择的结果。

    Prof Rippon was also dismissive of evolutionary psychologists who claimed the way men and women thought was largely the result of natural selection .

  7. 来自英国阿斯顿大学的里彭教授说,由于被男人来自火星,女人来自金星的信仰所误导,科学正蒙受损失。

    Science is losing out because of the mistaken belief that men are from Mars and women from Venus , a leading neuroscientist has claimed .

  8. 里彭教授指出,去年完成了英国3级工程师学徒制的男生多达5000名,但女生只有40名。

    Last year , 5 , 000 boys in the UK completed Level 3 engineering apprenticeships , but only 40 girls , Prof Rippon pointed out .

  9. 周五,来自重庆的6人代表团,会见了里彭建筑公司的管理人员,就城市规划和公路项目方面提供帮助。

    A six-member delegation from the southwest province of Chongqing on Friday met corporation officials at Ripon Buildings , offering help in urban planning and road projects .

  10. 来自英国阿斯顿大学的里彭教授说,由于被“男人来自火星,女人来自金星”的信仰所误导,科学正蒙受损失。

    Science is losing out because of the mistaken belief that " men are from Mars and women from Venus , " a leading neuroscientist has claimed .

  11. 但里彭教授说,若女生在6岁时能接触俄罗斯方块这样的益智拼图游戏,她们的大脑架构将得到改变,她们的空间能力也会提高。

    But if girls aged six to eight are given the tile-matching puzzle game Tetris , their brain wiring changes and their spatial ability improves , Prof Rippon said .

  12. 今年的英国科技节将于下周在伯明翰大学举办,在此之前里彭教授说,“我们被19世纪‘真空包装’的大脑模式所困,即我们在出生时大脑就有相应的技能和行为。”

    Speaking ahead of this year 's British Science Festival , taking place at the University of Birmingham next week , Prof Rippon said : " We 're stuck in the 19th century model of the ' vacuum packed ' brain , the idea that we 're born with a brain that gives us certain skills and behaviours .