
  1. 桂花、七里香,连酷热的中午也是香的。

    Murraya paniculata , will be fragrant , even at hot noon .

  2. 榴莲糕,外脆里香,回味绵长。现在还在想着!

    Durian cake , crisp layers outside , rich durian inside , dream match !

  3. 对不起,还未找到他的妹妹里香子。

    We didn 't find his sister yet .

  4. 如果一个人白天的心也很沉静,就会发现夜来香、桂花、七里香,在酷热的中午也是香的。

    If a performer during heart also very personal silent , will find cordate telosma , osmanthus , church , in the heat of the noon is sweet .

  5. ‘里香’为晚实核桃新品种,果实较大,壳薄,光滑,仁饱满。

    ' Lixiang'is a new late fruiting walnut variety , showing excellent characters with moderate size fruit , thin shell , plump kernel , high yield and good quality .

  6. 很多中国人家里点香,香的烟中已经发现有多环芳香族碳氢化合物。

    Incense is burnt in many Chinese homes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been recovered from incense smoke .

  7. 其次,如果一个个地单独品尝加在美食里的各种香草料,你会发现那与它们混在一起的味道截然不同。

    Secondly , if you were to eat the herbs or spices that have gone into a great meal one by one , they would taste very different to the way they do once they 've all been blended together .

  8. 那时,我正在我的茅舍里睡得很香。

    I was fast asleep in my Butch at that time .

  9. 另外一位的推车里则摆着香糯的米饭和包在莲叶中的鸡肉。

    Another has sticky rice and chicken wrapped in fragrant lotus leaves .

  10. 国共分裂时他正好在那里。那时,我正在我的茅舍里睡得很香。

    He was there when the split occurred in the Kuomintang-Communist alliance . I was fast asleep in my butch at that time .

  11. 大男子气概,跟他的家庭沟通,他最后怎么样?你知道,在这个新城镇里吃的很香。

    with his masculinity , with his family , how he 's going to , you know , make it work in this new town .

  12. 愿你像蜜蜂一般,从生活的百花园里吸出不同的香汁来,酿成独特的甜蜜。

    I hope you can absorb different honey from the garden of life , and to make your own unique sweetness , just as a honey bee .

  13. 不时地有一段幽愁来袭击我。我从梦中惊起,觉得南风里有一阵奇香的芳踪。

    Only now and again a sadness fell upon me , and I started up from my dream and felt a sweet trace of a strange fragrance in the south wind .

  14. 作家被评论界称为新写实代表作家之一。虹影作为中国当代女性文学的代表作家之一,素来是墙里开花墙外香,她的创作理应受到国内文坛的重视。

    She is regarded as one of the representative writers of the neo-realist group . As one of the representative writers of contemporary Chinese feminist literature , Hong Ying is much more famous abroad than at home , and her works should be valued greatly in Chinese literary circles .